when you're assuming the role of a character and have some input on how they react to events.
This perfectly describes Call of Duty, even Angry Birds, where you controll a whole party.
Is Angry Birds a role playing game?
There is this 'idea' that a role playing game, would be about freedom and just interaction. While many great role playing games definetly give you choices and interactions, they also imposse a lot of limitations on the character, some can be violated while others not. In CoD for example, a soldier can use any weapon he can pick up and only the player decides - for the most part - how effective it is. In a game like Fallout you can not use every item and those that you can use can be used with varying efficiency depending on the 'skills' of your character. An NPC with 0% in repair, can never ever hope to repair anything, where as a character with 200% in repair, can be considered a genius in engineering, crafting a doomsday weapon out of a toaster, some ducktape and plutonium. In games like Baldurs Gate, many classes can not never use certain items or abilities even, mages have no use most weapons, paladins are restricted to specific types of weapons and so on. And as far as the narrative goes a good RPG will have some huge restrictions here as well. A Paladin that is not keeping up a certain reputation might lose his status and abilities as Paladin becoming a fallen Paladin, a Druid or Cleric have to follow a certain aligment, and some deity and so on, which means that all of those characters will react different to the same situation and tackling issues in a different way. A village that is attacked by animals for example, might be solved in different ways depending on what ever if the player is a neutral Druid, an lawful good Paladin or a Thief with an chaotic evil aligment, who might actually see the burning down of the village while the animals are inside as a sufficent solution to the problem.
What you describe here, without any offese, is your 'preference' in Fallout games - and RPGs, not what an actuall Fallout sequel should bring to the table to be an 'appropiate' sequel.
Again, we continoulsy talk past each other because I am talking about that a good chicken sandwhich should contain chicken, where you tell me that it doesn't matter for you, because you like bacon, so when you get a chicken sandwhich without chicken but with bacon, eveything is fine for you.