
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 34 59.6%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.3%

  • Total voters
I am starting to hope it's shit and it turns into a media circus in the same vein as Fallout 76.
Responding to myself here, but shame it wasn't a media circus. It was shit but there weren't any major hilarious controversies that could have at least brought some entertainment (the closest thing was apparently Bethesda employees going to negative reviews on Steam and try to convince people that the game was good). Instead it was just a dull, boring, shitty game that will be forgotten in like a year.

Also, it's hilarious seeing people here, specially in the first handful of pages, trying to convince me to give Bethesda a chance. A blind and deaf monkey could tell that this game was going to suck.
LOL! Good ole Emil going on a rant on Twitter:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I mean, I understand where he's coming from, which the things that he mentioned is true regarding the amount of blood, sweat, & tears that are put into video game development. But the fact that it's THIS guy of all people saying this is flipping laughable! At this point, I take it as satire. :smug: :lol:
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You can put all the blood, sweat and tears into something and that thing still comes out as shit. The amount of effort you put into something doesn't exempt you from criticism.

But this is Emil "Keep it simple, stupid" Pagli-whatever , of course he's gonna get butthurt about criticism.

And last, you don't have to be a chef to know that a meal is awful. So his Twinkie analogy is fucking stupid.
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Funny how disconnected some devs are from the realities of life yet they go on living.
Emil going on a rant about how people put blood, sweat, and tears into game development is hilarious, since it's coming from the "keep it simple, stupid" guy.
It's also hilarious that this is coming from someone who works for Bethesda, and Bethesda made Morrowind, which is their game where more "blood, sweat and tears" were spent and it is still considered a masterpiece to this day.

Todd Howard's words about the making of Morrowind:
Todd Howard said:
There were six of us at the time, right? The studio had gotten that small, and I was in charge of Morrowind, but by that time, once you get to that point, there was this element of no fear. What's the worst that's gonna happen? We could go out of business. Well, let's go all in. This is the game. Let's put all our chips on the table. This is the game people want from us, this is the game we wanna do.

I doubt Starfield had more "blood, sweat and tears" put into it than Morrowind (where a studio of 6 made one of the most iconic games of all times), the game that saved Bethesda from bankruptcy and turned it into one of the most popular AAA studios for decades.

And yes, game development is a lot of work. And yes, game development is riddled with stupid decisions that are not made by the developers themselves but by the "big wigs". And yes, the players will never know why certain things were decided and why certain things are the way they are. But this doesn't mean that the player has to like a game and can't criticize it. Even Emil says that sometimes he feels like doing the same, but he doesn't because he works in the industry and doesn't want to create bad blood or something like that.

I respect the game developers, those people who work to make games, who are forced to crunch and toil to release a finished product. But that doesn't mean I respect the finished product.

If I go to a restaurant, I can respect the chef and the staff, but if they serve me food that is lacking I have the right to complain about it. As a consumer who paid for my meal, I don't need to know why the chef decided to replace the eggs with onions, why the sauce is lumpy and foggy instead of clear and smooth and why they made my meal mostly bland and tasteless, even if I can taste a "good enough" flavour in one of each ten bites I take. This is even more true if the restaurant has built up a reputation and has been serving a specific type of food for more than 20 years now, so it creates a certain expectation on the customer.

I haven't got Starfield and will never get it. Since Skyrim I said I wouldn't get another Bethesda game because they get more boring with each new one, and look and behold, even many Bethesda fans have been saying how boring they think Starfield is. It's worth mentioning that there are still plenty of people defending Starfield around, and I have no doubt that once the modding scene gets in full force it will probably "fix" a lot of problems and will bring back a lot of players. But for me, Bethesda has lost my interest since I played Skyrim.
This is also the same man that claimed in that now incredibly infamous video (you know the one) that they didn't cared about criticism because their games made a lot of money. But now several years later he's coming on social media to defend himself and seemingly huge amount of work he put into it.

It's like Bethesda lost a lot of its shield, the one they used to deflect criticism just because everyone and their mother were buying their games.
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I didn't even buy Skyrim and that was the "good" one in modern year. Just playing Red Dead Redemption 2 and wishing it had more rpg.
honestly i only logged in here to see WHY this cry-post of Emil is not on the news page yet.
I laughed my fucking balls off reading through this detached nonsense.

the game didnt fail because we dont understand the development process. it also didnt fail because we don't know how to have fun in it (member the game devs posting "how-to-fun"-guides in response to negative steam reviews)?

it failed, though probably not financially (and thats a SERIOUS problem), because it is just no fun to play for even their most loyal fans. they've lost the fallout fans of old long ago, even the TES fans may have seen some serious salt in Skyrim.

But this time around Bethesda looked at it's own formula, and did Zoidberg-levels of surgery again to cut out or change elements again to "streamline" them. Only this time it backfired as they zoidberged too well and clipped a leg clean off to cure a scratch wound, and then turning their marketing machine to overdrive to begin showing everybody a funnily and tragically dancing cripple of a game.

the reason this fails now is not that the story is horseshit or that the quests are boring, these are a given, just look at fallout 4 and tell me that wasn't the same cup of crap-tea and look how this worked out for them financially and in their fanbase.

Nope, this time it failed because they broke their primary skinnerbox of running here, shooting this, looting that, by not having a primary world to run through and finding the caves and places embedded in it, but now "connected" this via an infinite stream of loading screens.
there's no aimless wandering and shooting - i personally think THATS how they riled up their usual fan mob who have been defending them to death before.
well that, awful writing, characters, factions and terrible world building.

AND they made a space-game that contains little to no space. brilliant.
Funny that Emil wouldn't most likely come out of the woodworks to defend his shitty game if it had sold well and been praised to the high heavens by the community at large.
Funny that Emil wouldn't most likely come out of the woodworks to defend his shitty game if it had sold well and been praised to the high heavens by the community at large.
He actually did say something along the lines of "then when your game comes out, if you are lucky, you get to ignore the reviews" in his infamous talk at GDC. He's an incredibly cynical person who truly doesn't give the slightest fuck about the quality of his work. He only occasionally cares about the perception of it in so far as it appears bad enough that his position at Bethesda might actually be threatened.
People who were sitting on the fence and wondering if it was really that bad bought it because of the sale. They quickly realized that indeed it really is that bad.
The mostly negative is literally around 28% for the last 30 days, what the hell? I mean, it's hilarious, but still.

So despite the issues, complaints and bad reviews it still sells well. Makes me wonder what the chances are that anything will be learned from the mistakes.