
Are you going to be a Bethesdafag?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • No.

    Votes: 35 60.3%
  • I am a hypocrite.

    Votes: 12 20.7%
  • I like to whine a lot about things I am the reason for sucking.

    Votes: 7 12.1%

  • Total voters
Without actual numbers it's hard to qualify how "well" it really is selling compared to its 200 million dollars development price tag. If the numbers were really that high, I don't think they would be placing it on a 30% off sale that soon after release.
I played Starfield for like 2 hours and was so utterly bored by it.

With Bethesda I can usually get past the drudgery of their games, but god it was so overwhelmingly boring.

Like 90% of what you do in the game is look at fucking loading screens, and how the hell did the shooting mechanics regress from Fallout 4?

The most 4/10 game I have ever played in my life.
Starfield is a weird game in that it seems that Bethesda learnt some lessons from the past, but that just led to more problems. The writing is a bit better, but the main plot doesn't exist. There's no agency to the story, it makes sense for your Character to just explore the Universe, but the Universe is pretty bland.
You'll get snippets of a great game, I found the most exciting time in my 7 hours of playtime to be a short moment where some guys on a Party Ship wanted to hang out. It's the one time in my whole 7 hours that felt like I was livening in this World.

I think with F4 not getting the love and attention that Skyrim received, F76 having the worst launch of any game from the previous generation and now the most notable thing to come from Starfield to be pronouns guy, Bethesda should probably rethink their design philosophy.

The scale is impressive, I'm sure if this was released years ago, it would be much better received. But we've had No Man's Sky, we don't need it again.
The crafting mechanics are a step-up, but again, your carry capacity is so minor that it makes the crafting system a longer slog than it needs to be.
Recruiting companions is a lot more liberal than in previous games, but they lack the personalities that F4 managed to actually improve upon.
Ship Customisation has the same problems as crafting, but also I found it doesn't work as well on a keyboard and mouse.

It's a monkey's paw of a game, for everything it gets right, it does it so very wrong.

Honestly, I look forward to a few years down the line when all the DLC comes out, and I can pick it up for a cheap as hell price on a sale.
The game isn't terrible, but it's just kind of bland.
The problem with its blandness is that it is also spread so thin over such a massive timehog that I personally don't see how it is ever going to be worth it. A lot of fantastic games that are absolute timehogs end up growing stale after a while and those are games who's gameplay and gameplay loop are amazing fun. The kind of problems that Starfield has are core problems that would requires massive reworks to the way the game is structured from the ground up to make the general gameplay and loop amazing fun to be worth it being spread so thin over the scope of the game.

And I don't think DLC's or mods can fix that tbh.
Apparently starting from February this year the game will get new updates every six weeks to add content that most likely should have been in the game at release. Can't wait in like a year after the majority no longer cares, a very small minority will try to convince people that the game is totally good now. Same shit happened with Fallout 76.

The "release a game unfinished and then patch it later for months/years" trend is one of the worst trends in gaming and a quick way for me to not give a shit. Release a game actually finished and then maybe supplement with added content that was clearly made after the game was released, and not leftovers from a rushed development. And it's not just Bethesda and CDPR that are guilty of this, Nintendo is also guilty with a bunch of games being released clearly unfinished and then for several months they add a bunch content that should have been in the game at release.

By the time the game has gotten all the content and updates, who's playing? Whatever hype there was there is gone.
The "release a game unfinished and then patch it later for months/years" trend is one of the worst trends in gaming and a quick way for me to not give a shit. Release a game actually finished and then maybe supplement with added content that was clearly made after the game was released, and not leftovers from a rushed development. And it's not just Bethesda and CDPR that are guilty of this, Nintendo is also guilty with a bunch of games being released clearly unfinished and then for several months they add a bunch content that should have been in the game at release.
There's nothing wrong with continuously patching and improving your game. A lot of my favorite games are great because the devs stuck around and gradually added more and more mechanics and content over the years that made the experience so much richer than it would ever be if it had only been developed over a two years period and then abandoned, examples; Dwarf Fortress, Kenshi, Crusader Kings 2, etc... Not CP2077 though because that one was already great on release, unlike what the haters may say. A lot of the time you won't get everything right on your first try, but buckling down, listening to your players and putting in some effort to iterate over what you have created really goes a long way on making your game a lot better.
There's nothing wrong with continuously patching and improving your game.
There's a giant difference between releasing a game actually finished and then adding content, and releasing a game clearly unfinished because you want that holiday money and then patching the game well after people have spent money on the game.
Not CP2077 though because that one was already great on release
Totally great release, not bugged up the ass or anything. The many clips showing massive bugs, poor framerate and so on were doctored footage created by "haters".
Totally great release, not bugged up the ass or anything. The many clips showing massive bugs, poor framerate and so on were doctored footage created by "haters"
I actually played the day 1 release version of CP2077 on PC from start to finish. It was fine. I ran into some minor glitches with the NPC animations during some cutscenes, but otherwise it was a pretty smooth experience and I found 0 actually gamebreaking issues. Honestly FNV had a far worse release since that one actually stuttered and crashed a lot, but I still wouldn't hate on the game over stuff like that (bugs get fixed, shitty game design remains eternal). All of the glitchy mess videos come from the old gen consoles, which shouldn't have received an hardware heavy game like that to begin with. Don't judge that game just based on the meme vids and online hate it got from console players, play it for yourself, its an excellent game with a good narrative and actual storyline branching.
Starfield just won the most innovative gameplay award on steam. Just how the fuck does it win that, with mostly negative review on steam?
Starfield just won the most innovative gameplay award on steam. Just how the fuck does it win that, with mostly negative review on steam?
Wasn't the goal of that award given to Bethesda, a method of trolling them? Because I feel like people are taking it TOO seriously, & at face value.

There is no way that is not troll, because Starfield is about as stale, as generic and bog-standard as possible in terms of gameplay. There isn't a single original bone in its body.
Starfield just won the most innovative gameplay award on steam. Just how the fuck does it win that, with mostly negative review on steam?
"Oh look the new game plus mode is diegetically integrated to the story in a half-assed way! I haven't played Chrono Trigger before and therefore I think this is actually innovative and not something that has already been done a million times better decades ago!"

Steam users awarding the shittiest and dumbest games ever made has been the norm ever since forever. Nothing new under the sun and all that.
The fact that Starfield touts winning that award as an accolade on their social media would be especially hilarious if the vote was an ironic troll vote. Based on the latest Twitter rant by Emil, I think he has seen PatricianTV's video on Starfield and wants to moan about the criticisms. Based on this and his last Twitter moaning, he appears to be losing even more self-awareness thanks to Bethesda fanboys ballooning and feeding his giant ego.

The video in question:

I'm sticking to my guns and not even bothering to buy Starfield even when their so-called ''Ultimate' edition comes out. A ball-pit would be more fun than this crap.

Besides, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is coming out this year and aside from their New Game+ being DLC crap, it looks like a good time and more.


If you wanna know a goblin's perspective on Starfield winning.
I think he might be right.

The saddest thing about this is seeing Shadows of Doubt was nominated but didn't win. That game is genuinely innovative and incredibly interesting and 100% deserved to win, but steam users ignored it because its an indie thing and just voted on whatever game they actually heard about before because they just wanted to get the trading card for voting on steam awards and didn't really even bother thinking about what game they were voting on. Same thing happened with the "Labor of Love" category with Red Dead Redemption 2 winning even though it hasn't received any updates in years. This is so dumb.