Supposed Spoilers from /v/

I think the biggest question is why did they leave you alive to begin with? From the footage it seems they killed absolutely everyone in that Vault as all that remains are skeletons, yet they left you alive, despite not only you being right in front of that pod where they kidnapped the baby but also despite the guy who did it aparently looking at you as he did it.... IBOLS?
Yeah ... that kinda makes me think as well. I might be wrong here, but isn't the killer even looking directly at you before you freeze again? I am not sure.

It makes you almost wish that this is the truth ... I mean com on, this simply has to be seen as a stupid plot by any normal human beeing. Anyway, I doubt that it's true.

I imagine it's more along the lines of him/her still being in shock from seeing their spouse shot in front of them along with being frozen immediately after.

Which makes me curious about something, why was your character woken up and frozen again exactly in the right moment where his wife got killed and that brat kidnapped? Is there some explanation for it ... or do we have to take it as coinsidence?

Maybe automated response to someone entering the vault? Maybe due to some hardware limitations all pods have to be "defrosted" simultaneously?
But Bethesda is most certainly not going to address it. It was obviously only done for drama, but they could make the effort and at least give some justification.

And freezing them all again? Doesn't make really sense to me, not from what I have seen in the leaked videos. But who knows ... there might be some explanation. Or none ... we have to wait and see I guess. But I do share your sentiment. There will most probably be no explanation and you just have to take this coinsidence as granted.

Something that would make sense is if they actually WANTED you to follow them. But this would require some really good explanation and reason. If done well, it could lead to an interesting plot, I like such set ups. But as said, it isn't easy to pull that one off in a way that's also believable.
That is such a shitty ending. To think that a generation of kids will grow up thinking it is some emotional rollercoaster or a masterpiece...
That has to be the most cliche sounding Narration ever... And ten he throws the War never Changes line out of nowhere...

It's not Fallout if war ever changed...
Actually, I'd find it hilarious if Obsidian ever got another shot at Fallout and just subverts that whole trope.
"War... War actually does change. Who knew?"

I guess we can hope that's just the final narration after all the slides about what happened? Akin to "And so the Courier's road came to an end... for now. In the new world of the Mojave Wasteland, fighting continued, blood was spilled, and many lived and died - just as they had in the Old World..."

Since is that's the entirety of the ending, man...

I guess we can hope that's just the final narration after all the slides about what happened? Akin to "And so the Courier's road came to an end... for now. In the new world of the Mojave Wasteland, fighting continued, blood was spilled, and many lived and died - just as they had in the Old World..."

Since is that's the entirety of the ending, man...
I don't think that's the final narration after the slides. Based on the exasperated way the narrator speaks in the second ending, I think it takes place just after the climax of the game.

I guess we can hope that's just the final narration after all the slides about what happened? Akin to "And so the Courier's road came to an end... for now. In the new world of the Mojave Wasteland, fighting continued, blood was spilled, and many lived and died - just as they had in the Old World..."

Since is that's the entirety of the ending, man...
I don't think that's the final narration after the slides. Based on the exasperated way the narrator speaks in the second ending, I think it takes place just after the climax of the game.

But the whole "I know war... And War Never Changes" thing, that has to be right at the end. It's exactly the kind of super-epic-pseudo-smart line Bethesda would put there.
Holy shit, and people will still think this is the greatest game ever made. Reviewers who should not be reviewing shit are going to praise is to the damned heavens. Sickening.
OMG! That was bad. Nothing, absolutely nothing on the factions or people you meet and their fates. Nope! Just about you and how you are the center of the world and blah, blah, blah! I am really getting sick and tried of this forced emotional bullshit! This is going to get GOTY and heaps of praises? Fuck me!
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I honestly cannot believe how bad this end narration is. No talk about the player character's choices and effect on the wasteland. What were they thinking?
Well, it just like with Fo3, but because they removed Karma they can't fall back on it to artificially create an extra ending from a single meter.
True. Now that I think about it FO3's endings where pretty much just as bad, but at least they had Ron Perlmen in them!
No one knows if that is even the whole ending yet. I'm not going to watch/listen to it but talk about jumping the gun due to bias.

Admittedly I do have a bias, because I cannot say that Bethesda has made a good Fallout game to date. Ron Perlman is a staple of fallout, and in my opinion no one else but him should be narrating the ending sequence/slideshow.