@ Lavo
Myron's shirt may look better, but his head looks like a parade balloon. I see what you mean about the bald head. Both Louis Salvatore and Orville Wright have the same critter too. But, Salvatore's talking head should have him holding an oxygen mask to his face and he would look much weaker and pale. Wright would look much more confused.
@ Jotisz
It's Vic!!!
One thing his shirt might need is to have the collar come to points instead of being rounded. Take a look at Myron's shirt in Lavo's post and see what you think about the collar and texture. Keep in mind, someone will always find some little detail that could use tweaking (see, I'm still doing it). That probably includes yourself too. It's been said that a work of art is never truly finished. At some point it just has to be abandoned. Leonardo DaVinci didn't stop working on the Mona Lisa until he died! Maybe the shirt could use a touch up, but I'm sure I can speak for many, we want to see this talking head in the RP while you're still around to enjoy it!
Is the bald headed guy supposed to be Metzger? If so, he needs to look meaner and more intimidating; more robust with a few scars. He should look like he wants to, and could, kill you and serve you for dinner (like Pixote
), sell your children, and burn your dead ancesters for firewood. Metzger is a guy that could be more of a caricature style talking head. Give him a look that would make a player have second thoughts about taking him on!
Myron's shirt may look better, but his head looks like a parade balloon. I see what you mean about the bald head. Both Louis Salvatore and Orville Wright have the same critter too. But, Salvatore's talking head should have him holding an oxygen mask to his face and he would look much weaker and pale. Wright would look much more confused.
@ Jotisz
It's Vic!!!

Is the bald headed guy supposed to be Metzger? If so, he needs to look meaner and more intimidating; more robust with a few scars. He should look like he wants to, and could, kill you and serve you for dinner (like Pixote