Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

Boys, see that? I fucking give up. If you dont even want to argue properly theres no point.
Because you got fucking nothing. Another person in this same thread above said what i was saying, are they wrong too? No, because you can't argue those are actual meaningful consequences.

Meaningful consequences are being locked out of quests, not being able to get certain items and so on, not losing a player house.

Also, are Megaton refugees an actual thing? How did they got out of town? Why didn't Moira got out of town too? No one outside of the Tenpenny Tower residents know you are gonna blow up Megaton. Holy shit, that is some horrid writing.
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Massive Evil Karma, a huge chunk of NPCs wiped out, change to the world, and guys out to kill you as part of the Regulators, plus a cool new apartment are not consequences.

But the almost identical thing with the sequel is.
If you just want to close your eyes, close your ears, and dont even want to argue properly theres no point.

I mean that’s pretty ironic when you take someone else’s argument and change it to “blah blah blah” in the response.

I agree that there are clear and obvious consequences for blowing up Megaton found within the game, they’re just not impactful enough for such a horrifically evil decision to leave a mark on your character. Blowing up Megaton should make you a waking pariah. Everyone should hate you, shoot you on sight, quests locked, hit squads sent sporadically from every faction including BOS and not just random chance encounter, your father should disown you, etc. Instead you take a huge karma loss that’s relatively meaningless because faction reputation isn’t a thing in FO3 and all you get is a happy ghoul vendor who still works with you and a DJ yapping about how much you suck (which again, effects nothing aside from having to hear his yapping.)
Massive Evil Karma
A dumb system that should have been dropped.

a huge chunk of NPCs wiped out
Most don't do anything or don't have quests or items. The only that matters survives and gets turned into a ghoul for the dumbest reason.

change to the world
What change? There is no change, that is the problem. You blow up a town of people and people hardly react.

and guys out to kill you as part of the Regulators
That's not a consequence specific from blowing up Megaton, that's from doing evil deeds. You can blow up Megaton, but if your evil karma is not high enough, they won't send people to kill you.

plus a cool new apartment
Yes, that thing you can get everywhere else.

But the almost identical thing with the sequel is.
Fucking yes, getting vilified by factions, getting down hunt down by hit squads because of actions you did directly to them and being locked out of quests and items are almost the same thing as losing an apartment.

Not to mention you get an apartment from blowing up Megaton, which is the one from the Tenpenny Tower. Effectively removing any possibility of this being an actual consequence.
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ebin maymay.png
I fucking give up.

Boys, see that? I fucking give up. If you just want to close your eyes, close your ears, and dont even want to argue properly theres no point.
Sounds like what you're doing champ.
Fucking yes, getting vilified by factions, getting down hunt down by hit squads because of actions you did directly to them and being locked out of quests and items are almost the same thing as losing an apartment.

Not to mention you get an apartment from blowing up Megaton, which is the one from the Tenpenny Tower. Effectively removing any possibility of this being an actual consequence.

I'm confused because you're describing exactly what happened in Fallout 3.

And it's a consequence because you get the really nice digs in Tenpenny Tower over the shitty Megaton place.
I mean the whole point is fixing the river basin of Washington DC. People have enough water to survive but they'll have an arable fertile land with an abudance of water. People can survive in Saudi Arabia but they could survive better in a temperate forest. But I point out that isn't well-explained.
It's not only poorly explained, it's also poorly shown.

On it's face the idea that the point is to fix the river basin falls flat because if that were the case than Project Purity should be up river, such that all of the river downstream would be clean, and groundwater would be re-charged with clean water. But instead, Project Purity is fairly far downriver and thus could not directly benefit the majority of the actual game world. Perhaps Rivet City and the Citadel could enjoy direct dividends of their part of the world getting cleaned up. Point Lookout and all of it's inbred tribal monsters would be better off, and so would whatever communities exist between Point Lookout and DC proper. But otherwise the people we actually meet in Fallout 3 are not better off, at least not directly.

And aside from the position of Project Purity, maybe we can fudge that, what do we actually see once the purifier is on? After all, in their profound cowardice, Bethesda added a post-end game DLC. Is nature healing, are people able to source their own clean water? No, instead all the new clean water is being shipped rom Project Purity to outlying communities by brahmin. The tidal basin acts as a giant cistern, and it doesn't seem to actually be cleaning the river. Granted it's only been on for 2 weeks, but we don't even get any indication of things going in that direction.

This game can't show or tell! Chrisavellonebros starting to feel real cocky with their loredumps all of a sudden
I'm confused because you're describing exactly what happened in Fallout 3.

And it's a consequence because you get the really nice digs in Tenpenny Tower over the shitty Megaton place.
Are there any quests other then Moira's? I can't remember any. Honestly, I would say that it was one of the main problems with Megaton - one of the four big cities and there barely anything to do.
And it's a consequence because you get the really nice digs in Tenpenny Tower over the shitty Megaton place.
It wasn't already a consequence because who gives a shit about a player house, it becomes even less of a consequence because you get a player house regardless. From both standpoints it's not a consequence because in one side it's a meanigless feature doesn't affect the player negatively if they don't have it (it's not like losing access to quests and items like special guns), and on the other side you get a player house regardless.

If it was a consequence, it's so shallow and really meanigless. Factions should hate you, you just lose access to quests and items and portions of the world, not a stupid ass player house that hardly anyone uses.

An actual tangible consequence would have been to literally do the opposite of what they did and it would be to let Moira die. But the devs were so scared of players missing out on that dumb survival guide questline that they did the nonsense that they did.
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Are there any quests other then Moira's? I can't remember any. Honestly, I would say that it was one of the main problems with Megaton - one of the four big cities and there barely anything to do.
There’s a few unmarked quests, like helping Leo with his drug addiction, repairing the water pipes, paying off Gob’s debt. There’s one woman who wants you to deliver a letter to her family in Arefu, I think that’s the only “quest” that isn’t self-contained to Megaton (other than the Wasteland Survival Guide, which is still very much completable after blowing up Megaton).
There’s one woman who wants you to deliver a letter to her family in Arefu, I think that’s the only “quest” that isn’t self-contained to Megaton (other than the Wasteland Survival Guide, which is still very much completable after blowing up Megaton).
You can still start Blood Ties without meeting Lucy West, however the letter she gives you lets you convince Ian to leave the family guaranteed. Otherwise you have to rely on Speech Check/RNG. All things considered I would class that as a "real" consequence of your actions in the wider world, and a potential consequence of the destruction of Megaton (and indeed, Blood Ties is one of the better written sidequests in the game, even if the Family leaves something to be desired as a faction).

I think anyone saying there's "NO" consequence to destroying Megaton is silly, but I think it's obvious that the direct consequences are not commensurate with the scale of the choice.
Are there any quests other then Moira's? I can't remember any. Honestly, I would say that it was one of the main problems with Megaton - one of the four big cities and there barely anything to do.
There's a bunch of unmarked quests (basically tasks) but other than that it is mostly a starting point to get you to other places. There's a quest to lead you to Arefu for example. One of the big problems with Fallout 3 is that it is a big sandbox world with a whooping 17 sidequests in it.
The tidal basin acts as a giant cistern, and it doesn't seem to actually be cleaning the river. Granted it's only been on for 2 weeks, but we don't even get any indication of things going in that direction.

A bunch of dead mirelurks starts spawning around the Jefferson Memorial.

I always assumed that Beth designers put them there to show that water is now clean, but they could also be killed by BoS guarding the purifier or they were supposed to only show up if you infect the purifier.
A bunch of dead mirelurks starts spawning around the Jefferson Memorial.

I always assumed that Beth designers put them there to show that water is now clean, but they could also be killed by BoS guarding the purifier or they were supposed to only show up if you infect the purifier.
That's the tidal basin. It's a cistern, it's not cleaning the whole river. It is showing the water is now clean, but not for the entire river, certainly not upriver.
Are there any quests other then Moira's? I can't remember any. Honestly, I would say that it was one of the main problems with Megaton - one of the four big cities and there barely anything to do.

* Help blow up Megaton or kill Mr. Burke so he can be stopped
* Disable the Megaton Bomb
* Help Moriarty shake down his fleeing prostitute Silver or pay for her freedom
* Fix the Water Purifier so it stops leaking
* Help Leo kick his chem habit
* Help find the Vampire City and see how Luc's family is