My purpose was to attack journalistic integrity and truthfulness of the article, not really join the actual debate. I know, I have little chance of dying in a Muslim attack. That goes double for me, since I live in Poland. I simply pointed out that even according to the report they cited, the threat Muslim terrorists pose is much larger than the article says.
With that out of the way, I'm going to focus on something important for once (to keep the hysteria down). Celebrating the Majestic Gore Bag gets kind of hard when you realise that:
1. There is few Gore Bags made IRL and posted on the Internet. Even if there were, they were probably illegal (well, it's possible to make an animal Gore Bag, but without the human element, what's the point?)
2. Even if there were any, posting pictures of an open one (when it's closed, I could have a bag of laundry smeared with ketchup) here would likely piss off a lot of people and get me in trouble
3. Since murder, corpse desecration and mutilation are banned by law in Poland (imagine that), there is no chance of me making my own.
Make no mistake though, I still see the glory of the Magnificent Gore Bag. Technically we are all Gore Bags though, so I'm gonna post this:

The photo shows just the content of the Gore Bag, without the Bag itself. The Bag is exclusive
skinlike material that does a great job protecting the Gore, keeping it warm and preventing it from going dry. Comes with a special bonus: does not decompose if provided with air, food and water. Well, not forever, but nobody's perfect.
EDIT: Congrats, Hassknecht. Now go 10 posts back and see Sander's post from a page ago.