Terrorist attack on French satirical magazine

I'm surprised no one mentioned this already? I mean, it's a couple of days old already. I wonder why. Maybe because they haven't been repeating it on the news all day? Or is it that we outrage when 12 frenchmen get killed but when 2.000 africans get slaughtered it's not really important? They are muslim extremist too, but if they do not operate in the first world I guess they're not worth mentioning. The insurgency in Nigeria killed at least 10.000 people last year alone, but I guess we weren't so worried with extremists as to be having this debate back then. But sure, kill 12 people in France and you'll get demonstrations and people criminalizing religions in internet forums.

Because foreigners getting killed somewhere is almost routine in international news. People go ''sucks to be them'' and move on, as sad as the reality is.

When local journalists get killed, however, you have a one-two punch of Relevant News: not only does it happen locally (and thus you have all the ''it could happen to YOU'' sentiments) but it happens that journalists were killed, and so everyonce can encase themsevles in shining white armor and proudly proclaim that they are the First Line of Defense For Freedom of Press while brandishing twitter hashtags and slogans. Hell, as corrolary, this time it's Our People being killed by Those People, as opposed to Those People killing each other (like the hundreds of thousands in Syria or the millions in Congo/Sudan). Obviously now it's important. Three strikes, out.

I also found that article to be spot-on. In the march for freedom of press, France had such esteemed guests as representatives of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and fucking Russia. Fuck's sake, might as well invite Brejvik on a march in favor of racial diversity.
Alec; have you ever looked into the works of "Christoph Luxenberg" (a pseudonym) on the translation of Quran by any chance?
Well, guess what guys, I live in a country thousands of miles away from france, and sincerely, what I think about the 12 frenchmen that got killed? Sucks to be them.
Oh joy, somebody on my FB posted a "BBC ADMITS ITS ALL FAKE!!!!!!" youtube clib, where BBC reports on the existence of people claiming that the police shooting cought on cam was a set-up. Why BBC would care what lunatics think is beyond me. "Next! A man thinks he is Napoleon!"

So, these were the arguments for it being fake:

# There is no blood splatter!

I might have missed others, but they were probably in the same sharply observant vein. This irks me to no end, there's no blood splatter, but somehow a cop's not showing up to work ever again, poof. It's like holocaust denial, nobody killed the Jews, they just Dwemer'd *poof*

If you try to contradict them, they get offended "SHEEPLE! >:O", but here's the thing!
Let's say its a huge Zionist conspiracy. Hell, it might very well be! Humans are horrible! Horrible, horrible, horrible, we have that well and truly established. No ammount of ordinary good people will change that, we know this!
Who would conspire things, in general? Disregarding Zionist or not Zionist.
Russia likes to conspire stuff. USA does a bit of conspiracy now and then! Do these countries strike us all as powers that would do their utmost to protect innocent lives while propagating a huge global scam what will result in awesome epic wars of mayhem?

I will rather believe that mr. Bush himself ordered the complete destruction of the WTC, for then to shrug off the casualty numbers, and pour himself a brandy - than believe that such a quantity of people have been just plopped away and secretly relocated, without anybody actually being able to confirm it "yup, alive and well, lives in Machu Picchu"
OMGOMGOMGOMG someone in Europe died,

They are so much more important than the rest of the world.

I have an idea, let's give our governments more power to help save us from the boogieman. That won't bite us in the ass in the future. We are the chosen people.
Damned Muslims. Putting gore into boxes. Savages! That kind of stuff is apparently considered 'normal' in the West. Today it's accepting Gore Boxes instead of Gore Bags. Tomorrow? I have no idea, I couldn't think of anything. And I'm not the only one thinking this:
A concerned citizien said:
Stop bugging me, you weirdo! Okay, 'it's bad'. There, I said it. Go away now.
Another concerned citizien said:
Society has to understand that when it comes to storing mutilated human remains, we just can't accept substitutes.

On a less batshit insane note, could you translate?
Well, guess what guys, I live in a country thousands of miles away from france, and sincerely, what I think about the 12 frenchmen that got killed? Sucks to be them.

But you don't understand. Those were Europeans getting killed. Everyone on the planet must care and feel sorry for them, or they obviously are against freedom and democracy and freedom of press and freedom of speech and Christianty and France and Europe and chocolate chip cookies.

Hell, I saw people on Facebook showing the most blatant hypocrisy, whining that X foreign journal didn't make the shooting their headlines and whatnot. Because Western papers always make it headline news when people get shot in another country, right?
Damned Muslims. Putting gore into boxes. Savages! That kind of stuff is apparently considered 'normal' in the West. Today it's accepting Gore Boxes instead of Gore Bags. Tomorrow? I have no idea, I couldn't think of anything. And I'm not the only one thinking this:
A concerned citizien said:
Stop bugging me, you weirdo! Okay, 'it's bad'. There, I said it. Go away now.
Another concerned citizien said:
Society has to understand that when it comes to storing mutilated human remains, we just can't accept substitutes.

On a less batshit insane note, could you translate?

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A tragedy really, I'll get to mourn them when the thousands of people that die in my country every year because of the internal conflict, the numerous abuses by the colombian army with the ever popular fake positives to cover up massacres and the leak on my bathroom get solved.
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A tragedy really, I'll get to mourn them when the thousands of people that die in my country every year because of the internal conflict, the numerous abuses by the colombian army with the ever popular fake positives to cover up massacres and the leak on my bathroom get solved.

I'vé seen this though. Interesting? Already seen maybe?

ubelievable. You guys mean it is possible to see even some of the most radical people and groups as people?


With feelings and shit?

Truly a revolutionary thought.
OMGOMGOMGOMG someone in Europe died ..
Nah. When one black duder got shot in Ferguson, the mass media across the globe have covered it as well. Anyway, I think that this medial hystery is pretty stupid and counterproductive, because this public attention is what terrorists wanted the most. Now any person on fucking mother Earth knows that when you make a propeth's caricature, you'd be shot. Thank you, mass medial vultures, for spreading this terrorist propaganda of fear for free!
A lot of people start to get sentenced to one year of prison for saying things that support terrorism...
I can't think of any worst timing right after millions of people walked to defend the freedom of speech.
I don't defend those terrorists supporters, not at all. And i consider the things they said as pretty awfull.
But freedom of speech is the right to talk about anything, including things people dislike/hate/things shouldn't be allowed beyond words.
And to make things worse, they sentence those guys to prisons, while there already many ways to intervene, like forced work, tax, temporary removal of civil right etc... Prison seems the worse things to do to someone, and it is used for mere words.

OMGOMGOMGOMG someone in Europe died ..
Nah. When one black duder got shot in Ferguson, the mass media across the globe have covered it as well. Anyway, I think that this medial hystery is pretty stupid and counterproductive, because this public attention is what terrorists wanted the most. Now any person on fucking mother Earth knows that when you make a propeth's caricature, you'd be shot. Thank you, mass medial vultures, for spreading this terrorist propaganda of fear for free!

But he was American.

A black american, while not so much worth like a white american, particularly a rich white american the unobtainium of the world by the way, is still at least worth 10 000 black africans. 1 American is still at least equall to 10 Europeans, US citzen with Mexican herriage are 0,5 white Britans, you can't get them for British people with Indian herritage though. Things get more complicated if we get the French and Germans in because they never agreed with Bush and Iraq. But they are more worth now.

Western logic.
Yeah, it seems many many people have totally mischaracterized Charlie Hebdo. Congratulations western outage brigade.
Whoooo /celebrates

Yeah, it seems accusations of crude racism are overblown.

On the other hand, the common "it's French tradition," "they offend everyone," and "they're far-left" defenses miss a few (a lot of) points too. I don't agree with everything in this article arguing that CH isn't racist, but I thought it made an interesting point, even in its defense of Charlie Hebdo as not-racist.
Charlie, like many organizations, is a jumble of good and bad politics. In the wake of the attacks on the Twin Towers, like Christopher Hitchens, the editor at the time, Philippe Val, took a “clash of civilizations” turn that infused the paper. If the mockery of imams was just in keeping with the anti-clerical tradition, and obscene cartoons also targeted the Catholic hierarchy, there now seemed to be an undue emphasis on Islam. [..] As a result of Philippe Val’s post-9/11 Hitchensian tubthumping, as we in English might describe his stance, a number of journalists felt they could not in conscience continue to work for the newspaper and quit, publicly criticizing the paper. Many people who claim to “criticize everything” actually don’t criticize everything equally, and in fact do single out certain racialized minority groups for unique opprobrium and so genuinely are prejudiced in some way. Many of the current wave of New Atheists such as Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and Bill Maher are examples of this: they claim to be criticizing all religions, but in fact reserve special criticism for Islam.​

Whether or not it was racist, it was certainly marginalizing. And it was that while using racist imagery. I'm sympathetic to the idea that they were, by and large, critiquing crude racism. But I also think it's telling that whenever I've seen French Muslims speak about CH it was in terms of it being a racist, discriminatory journal.

Nah. When one black duder got shot in Ferguson, the mass media across the globe have covered it as well.
What they mostly covered was the resulting outrage in the USA -- a decidedly "western" country.

Also the concept that the international media doesn't by-and-large ignore loss of life in Africa because a black dude's death in the USA was covered seems like an extraordinarily messed-up view of black people.