Vault Fossil

I'm surprised no one mentioned this already? I mean, it's a couple of days old already. I wonder why. Maybe because they haven't been repeating it on the news all day? Or is it that we outrage when 12 frenchmen get killed but when 2.000 africans get slaughtered it's not really important? They are muslim extremist too, but if they do not operate in the first world I guess they're not worth mentioning. The insurgency in Nigeria killed at least 10.000 people last year alone, but I guess we weren't so worried with extremists as to be having this debate back then. But sure, kill 12 people in France and you'll get demonstrations and people criminalizing religions in internet forums.
Because foreigners getting killed somewhere is almost routine in international news. People go ''sucks to be them'' and move on, as sad as the reality is.
When local journalists get killed, however, you have a one-two punch of Relevant News: not only does it happen locally (and thus you have all the ''it could happen to YOU'' sentiments) but it happens that journalists were killed, and so everyonce can encase themsevles in shining white armor and proudly proclaim that they are the First Line of Defense For Freedom of Press while brandishing twitter hashtags and slogans. Hell, as corrolary, this time it's Our People being killed by Those People, as opposed to Those People killing each other (like the hundreds of thousands in Syria or the millions in Congo/Sudan). Obviously now it's important. Three strikes, out.
I also found that article to be spot-on. In the march for freedom of press, France had such esteemed guests as representatives of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and fucking Russia. Fuck's sake, might as well invite Brejvik on a march in favor of racial diversity.