Terrorist attack on French satirical magazine

.. Also the concept that the international media doesn't by-and-large ignore loss of life in Africa because a black dude's death in the USA was covered seems like an extraordinarily messed-up view of black people.
There's not a single word about Africa in post I was referring to, so you have misunderstood my statement.

Anyway, I don't think that dead people in Africa are overlooked or ignored by our media either, quite the opposite! There are news about islamists from Boko Haram murdering people in Nigeria or black people dying from Ebola in Sierra Leone and Liberia with exact bodycount showed down our throats on weeky basis, you name it.

Besides, I could tell the same about Russian/Ukrainian conflict too. There's almost 5000 people killed, the fight still goes on and nobody in media or their audiencie gives a flying fuck about it anymore. That's how it works, you can't expect that every conflict in the world waging for months or years would be covered by media day-by-day. So most of the less important stuff is simply ignored, no matter if that's European, American, or African stuff, mind you.
Maybe we should reserve special criticism for Islam. Maybe in its current incarnation it is the silliest major religion.
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If you're white and can't get a girlfriend, black and can't play basketball, or Asian and want to make a lot of money selling heroin...

Then Islam is for you!
I knew it! I knew they were going to exploit the massacre to expand the war! Now they are sending a nuclear aricraft carrier

Seriously, I should open up business as a fortune teller.

The perpetrators (including intellectual actors) should be caught and sentenced. Outside that I wouldn't want to see this act justifying a new military intervention in another part of the world.
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I knew it! I knew they were going to exploit the massacre to expand the war! Now they are sending a nuclear aricraft carrier

Seriously, I should open up business as a fortune teller.

The perpetrators (including intellectual actors) should be caught and sentenced. Outside that I wouldn't want to see this act justifying a new military intervention in another part of the world.

That's why older people are smarter, whether young people like it or not.
I knew it! I knew they were going to exploit the massacre to expand the war! Now they are sending a nuclear aricraft carrier

Seriously, I should open up business as a fortune teller.

The perpetrators (including intellectual actors) should be caught and sentenced. Outside that I wouldn't want to see this act justifying a new military intervention in another part of the world.

That's why older people are smarter, whether young people like it or not.
I prefer how Louis C.K. puts it. It doesn't make them right. It's that even if they're wrong, their wrongness is rooted in more information than you have! XD
Maybe we should reserve special criticism for Islam. Maybe in its current incarnation it is the silliest major religion.
Or maybe punching at Islam in a country where it's already marginalized, where Muslims are routinely discriminated against, where anti-Islam sentiment is extremely common, effectively makes you a part of the discriminatory system, rather than one fighting against it. Perhaps there's a difference between a critique of specific actions or even religions, and simply reproducing racist stereotypes.

valcik said:
Besides, I could tell the same about Russian/Ukrainian conflict too. There's almost 5000 people killed, the fight still goes on and nobody in media or their audiencie gives a flying fuck about it anymore. That's how it works, you can't expect that every conflict in the world waging for months or years would be covered by media day-by-day. So most of the less important stuff is simply ignored, no matter if that's European, American, or African stuff, mind you.
Which deaths we consider to be more and less important says something about our society. Going "yeah but that's just what happens" doesn't really change that.
So wait... On Sunday Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoglu was present at the Charlie Hebdo march in Paris, a march to support freedom of speech, and today he's saying that the new Charlie Hebdo cover is a provocation. :wtf: You know who else have said that the new Charlie Hebdo cover is a provocation? The taliban in Afghanistan. Yeah, those barbarians no one can possibly reason with. But also: the prestigious Al-Azhar University in Caïro which isn't exactly a barbaric place, is it?

Also: Turkish police already raided the buildings of the Cumhuriyet newspaper because it was going to report on the new Charlie Hebdo. And there were protests in the Filippines (Marawi) where people demanded that France said "I'm sorry" instead of "I'm Charlie". Among other uproar.

This sort of behaviour is actually well-documented in islam because it is promoted by Muhammed. It's called faking it and lying to save your skin. Then resume business as usual.

No lessons have been learned. As I predicted.
Sander, I want you to know I often write very mean things about you but don't post them.

Are you the crusader of all the persecuted people of the world?

Do you have a savior complex?

Who are you Sander?

How do I define Sander?

What are you?

Define. Need input.
While 'all terrorists are Muslims' is far from true it's not entirely fair to say that Islamic terrorist threat is so miniscule. While there aren't that many religion inspired terrorist attacks in Europe, there have been multiple arrests (number rising alarmingly over the last years - from 110 arrests in 2009 to 216 arrests in 2013) of suspects of religiously inspired terrorism and several plots have been foiled. It's rather clear in the report that Muslim terrorists do not focus on attacking Europe right now, seeing how most of the arrested have been recruiting members for radical Muslims in Syria and other Middle Eastern countries. In those countries, there has been constant threat to the safety of European citiziens, including kidnapping and murder (the former is believed to be a major source of income).

Not to mention, an article about Muslims being a smaller threat than we are told is written without a mention of the primary area, in which they are operating is about as far from solid journalism as it gets. By that logic, the IRA is hardly a problem for anyone. Look at the facts - how many attacks did they carry out in China in the last few years?
While 'all terrorists are Muslims' is far from true it's not entirely fair to say that Islamic terrorist threat is so miniscule. While there aren't that many religion inspired terrorist attacks in Europe, there have been multiple arrests (number rising alarmingly over the last years - from 110 arrests in 2009 to 216 arrests in 2013) of suspects of religiously inspired terrorism and several plots have been foiled. It's rather clear in the report that Muslim terrorists do not focus on attacking Europe right now, seeing how most of the arrested have been recruiting members for radical Muslims in Syria and other Middle Eastern countries. In those countries, there has been constant threat to the safety of European citiziens, including kidnapping and murder (the former is believed to be a major source of income).

Not to mention, an article about Muslims being a smaller threat than we are told is written without a mention of the primary area, in which they are operating is about as far from solid journalism as it gets. By that logic, the IRA is hardly a problem for anyone. Look at the facts - how many attacks did they carry out in China in the last few years?
It's a response to the generalized fear of Muslims in general in Europe, the idea that Muslims pose an inherent threat to European society as a whole. They don't, really -- or at least not in a comparative sense.
From Europol trend report:
Some salafist individuals and groups in the EU, such as the Sharia4 movement, seem to have heeded the advice of prominent jihadist ideologues to stop their controversial public appearances in Europe, for example demanding the immediate implementation of Islamic law in Europe. Instead, they have been encouraged to participate in what these ideologues describe as a ‘jihad’ against un-Islamic rule in Muslim countries. Indeed, there are more and more indications that members of Sharia4Belgium, for example, have joined armed groups in Syria adhering to an al-Qaedainspired ideology.

There is no overall official figure available regarding EU citizens travelling to take part in the conflict in Syria, but estimates suggest that, by the end of 2013, they numbered between 1 200 and 2 000. EU nationals and residents are believed to be fighting as members of a number of groups in Syria. Those fighting alongside al-Qaeda-affiliated groups, such as the ISIL and Jabhat al-Nusra, were believed to amount to a significant number and, ultimately, pose the greatest
threat to the EU.
That's estimated 1200-2000 EU citiziens brainwashed into throwing away their lives for an insane, murderous terrorist movement in the Middle East. How's that for a threat?

It's fair to say that Muslims as a religious group are of little threat, but the the Muslim terrorist groups are very much a problem.
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You should stick to glorifying the visceral properties of containers of organs, tendons, and tissues. It's a wasted effort trying to extend serious consideration in an attempt to rationalize with the irrational.

Not bad attempts, by any means. But tragically wasted. =/
well No Man, why not comparing it to the numbers of right wing nut jobs which have been arrested in the same time, killing people or causing other violent crimines in Europe. Considering their actions even Holigans in Europe are a bigger threat compard to radical Muslims. In many European nations extreme right wing groups are growing.

The numbers are there. Everyone can compare them. And yet people flip out about the Islam. I really dont get this. It is like complaining about the fire cracker in your garden while your house is burning down behind you.

So many people here claim to be inteligent and not following the mass media. Yet many here simply repeat the same stuff the Mass Media is throwing out, over and over again.
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It's a response to the generalized fear of Muslims in general in Europe, the idea that Muslims pose an inherent threat to European society as a whole. They don't, really -- or at least not in a comparative sense.

There is not enough terrorist to outright invade Europe and kill everyone, but it doesn't mean they aren't a threat, as every casual European could fear for his life.
And many many muslims are opposed to those radical islamist, in France and in many muslim countries.