The Elder Scrolls Online


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
so it's official, Bethesda is developing a TES MMO.

thoughts? will they have what it takes to make it good? will they stick to a more or less regular mold, aka WoW-clone or will they try to do something new?

it'll certainly be interesting to see how they handle things like skills, levels and combat. it's not impossible that they will use a system similar to that in Skyrim, but will they be able to balance it well enough? judging from their previous games, balance isn't exactly their strong side.

even more interesting will be to see what part of the TES world this game will include. it would be pretty damn awesome if it would include all of Tamriel.

edit: correction, Bethesda is not behind this, Zenimax Online Studios is. might shake things up a bit.
It'll cost money every month, there will be more grinding and less rpg elements. Who wants to play this?
Their previous games have been basically offline MMOs, so I dont think the game will play out very different.
Sub-Human said:
Sounds boring to me... They've taken the roleplaying out of RPG already, a MMO will probably go a step further.

that's the thing though, maybe this will finally make the TES class/skill system fun? if they make it so that you have to actually spend a lot of time and resources to master crafting skills, for example, you can have your place in the world a master smith or something. not everybody needs to be a legendary hero. it opens up for much more interaction with the gaming world (ie other players) and might not feel as static as Oblivion and Skyrim do.

if they use the old system, they'll certainly have to make it much harder to level up your skills, of course. and they will probably need to go back to classes, unless they make it very hard to max out all your skills.
aenemic said:
Sub-Human said:
Sounds boring to me... They've taken the roleplaying out of RPG already, a MMO will probably go a step further.

that's the thing though, maybe this will finally make the TES class/skill system fun? if they make it so that you have to actually spend a lot of time and resources to master crafting skills, for example, you can have your place in the world a master smith or something. not everybody needs to be a legendary hero. it opens up for much more interaction with the gaming world (ie other players) and might not feel as static as Oblivion and Skyrim do.

if they use the old system, they'll certainly have to make it much harder to level up your skills, of course. and they will probably need to go back to classes, unless they make it very hard to max out all your skills.
I don't really agree. Interactions with the gaming world are lacking and the world is actually static in MMOs. There's no way they can shape a game where every player makes consequences. One day you're walking through a town, next time you log in, it's just a pair of ruins. Ugh, just forgot to complete that quest to get my uber armor... And who's going to sit there developing a whole new game for thousands each time one makes a decision?
No no no, instead of taking the money from the success of Fallout and TES games to make them better, or less buggy, they put that money toward a new venture of which they probably have no idea what they are doing. GL beth, ya old hag.
If they go about doing this right, it could be an incredible game. If they don't, no one will play it and it will die. I REALLY hope they know what they're doing.
Sub-Human said:
I don't really agree. Interactions with the gaming world are lacking and the world is actually static in MMOs. There's no way they can shape a game where every player makes consequences. One day you're walking through a town, next time you log in, it's just a pair of ruins. Ugh, just forgot to complete that quest to get my uber armor... And who's going to sit there developing a whole new game for thousands each time one makes a decision?

well, that's not really what I meant. I'm absolutely positive the game will be 100% static in that regard. what I mean is, if they manage to bring it close to EVE Online than say WoW when it comes to what you can accomplish as a player, then that would be a way to bring the TES world to life. I highly doubt this will be the case though, but that's one way I can see the TES model work.

it might end up an ordinary experience grinder with ordinary levels and pre-determined combat classes though.
aenemic said:
so it's official, Bethesda is developing a TES MMO.

thoughts? will they have what it takes to make it good? will they stick to a more or less regular mold, aka WoW-clone or will they try to do something new?
Well to be fair have they ever done anything else then off-line MMOs so far?

aenemic said:
it might end up an ordinary experience grinder with ordinary levels and pre-determined combat classes though.
Thats what I honestly expect. We are talking about Bethesda here.
Some more concrete info.

Looks like SWTOR coated in Elder Scrolls(It's likely confirmed to be using the same engine). The fun part is how all those good points they claim against other MMOs just seem to be ripped off GW2 arguments.

Also it's being developed by Zenimax Online, not Bethesda.
250 developers. 250!

Looks like a money-sink of tOR's scope. Hope they're smarter about it than EA was.

But yeah, it should have no impact on the offline series regardless. And I'm not into MMOs or TES, so eh.
I wonder if this will it be similar to Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning?...that game has had a slow decline in numbers and servers since day one. I think this will be an expensive flop. :mrgreen:

By the way, what's "tOR".
At least in the case of, say, tOR they could claim it was a kinda-sorta original setting for an MMO (Star Wars Galaxies wasn't played by that many people, so I heard). The world of TES is little but generic fantasy ala WOW, I really fail to see any kind of appeal except if they really refine the gameplay and deliver something special (which, this being a mass-market MMO based on an established AAA series in nowaday's industry, I doubt). I'm not into MMOs anyway, so very likely gonna pass this one up.
From what I've read so far I can already tell that it's going to be another WoW wannabe clone.
Expect stupid excuses for lack of content like "HEY, WoW had 10years to achieve what it is now!!!"
sigh. MMORPG's these days :roll:

From everything contained in the article, it sounds like "Elder Scrolls Online" is basically "Just Another MMO".
Things start going wrong on the very first page of the story, as ZeniMax Online's Paul Sage says "it needs to be comfortable for people who are coming from a typical massively multiplayer game that has the same control mechanisms, but it also has to appeal to Skyrim players".
A page later? You're playing the game in third-person, and its combat centres around hotbars activating skills. Your attacks have cooldowns. In clear terms, that means no real-time combat. It is literally explained as using "World of Warcraft mechanics".
You can't do something or go some places in the game unless you're appropriately levelled up, just like a regular MMO. ZeniMax is "keeping large areas inaccessible to save them for use as expansion content". Only "some fraction" of the caves and other landmarks in the game are waiting completely unmarked and unexplored. You can't own a house because it's "too hard to implement in an MMO". NPC characters don't run on the same schedules they do in the main games.
Oh dear.
It's not all doom and gloom. Some aspects, like the fact the game has public dungeons (ie, dungeons part of the game world and not separate "instances") and a system where the faction which controls the Imperial City gets to name an Emperor from amongst the playerbase sound kind of cool.
But overall, my heart, it is sinking. Why, exactly, is this game being made if, a few bells and whistles aside, it's just another fantasy MMO, and retains so little of what it is people play Elder Scrolls games for? It even looks like just another fantasy MMO, losing much of the refined elegance of Bethesda's games in exchange for a simpler style that looks little like the past few games in the series.
It is kinda fun watching these game series start crapping all over themselves chasing WoW and COD money. Does it ever work?
mobucks said:
It is kinda fun watching these game series start crapping all over themselves chasing WoW and COD money. Does it ever work?

It's a good way of sending your company down the toilet. Big money, big losses, big problems. That's why I support Zenimax's decision in building a Wow clone. :roll:

There is a small chance it will be a big success, but I doubt it.