The Guns and Ammo Thread

Got the guns together to make another group foto, only to find out I have way too many to photograph them together. So here's a composite.
Sadly, had to use shitty artificial lighting since by the time I got them out, clouds got in front of the sun.

Wow that's some beautiful gun porn! Which weapon would you consider your favorite? I also have a question, I have a wooden stock and I was wanting to get a metal piece for the end of it(I don't want to wear down the wood when practicing with it and so it's easy to clean off the dirt at the bottom) do you know of any place online I could order a metal piece for it?
I think my favorites are the SAN SwissArms SG551SB & the Sig Sauer X-Five AL.
The AI AT would probably be one of my favorites too if I had easier access to longer shooting ranges.

As for your question, can you post the type of rifle you want to do this to? It's a bit hard to give a suggestion not knowing what kind of stock or weapon it is.
In general, you should be able to find a slip-on recoil pad which could protect your rifle (and your shoulder) if you wanted it to.
Something like but it comes in many styles from many brands. You could even have some made in leather if that's your thing.
Putting a metal piece on it might damage the value of the gun if it's not an original piece. Simply screwing shit on might also crack the stock if you're not careful.
I think my favorites are the SAN SwissArms SG551SB & the Sig Sauer X-Five AL.
The AI AT would probably be one of my favorites too if I had easier access to longer shooting ranges.

As for your question, can you post the type of rifle you want to do this to? It's a bit hard to give a suggestion not knowing what kind of stock or weapon it is.
In general, you should be able to find a slip-on recoil pad which could protect your rifle (and your shoulder) if you wanted it to.
Something like but it comes in many styles from many brands. You could even have some made in leather if that's your thing.
Putting a metal piece on it might damage the value of the gun if it's not an original piece. Simply screwing shit on might also crack the stock if you're not careful.
AK 74 but the it's using a homemade wooden stock my father made, I'll have to get a picture up when I get the chance.
I agree with the recoil pad suggestion, you will be able to shoot that 74 all day without feeling anything. You can get them pretty cheap from Amazon or Walmart. Im getting one for my Mosin Nagant, that god damn thing kills me after 5 shots.
I agree with the recoil pad suggestion, you will be able to shoot that 74 all day without feeling anything. You can get them pretty cheap from Amazon or Walmart. Im getting one for my Mosin Nagant, that god damn thing kills me after 5 shots.
My stock was killing me after firing 50 shots. The next day it felt like a bus hit me in the shoulder area.
If an AK74 beats you up, you're doing it wrong... 5.45x39mm is an absolute pussycat. Try pulling the rifle further into your shoulder. This prevents the rifle from recoiling into your shoulder that badly and will as a result not beat you up that much.
If an AK74 beats you up, you're doing it wrong... 5.45x39mm is an absolute pussycat. Try pulling the rifle further into your shoulder. This prevents the rifle from recoiling into your shoulder that badly and will as a result not beat you up that much.
I think that it might of been because I pushed it into my shoulder too much, I actually shot almost 200 rounds that day before I felt that way, should of edited my post.
If an AK74 beats you up, you're doing it wrong... 5.45x39mm is an absolute pussycat. Try pulling the rifle further into your shoulder. This prevents the rifle from recoiling into your shoulder that badly and will as a result not beat you up that much.


Shooting an ak 74 is on par with a AR 15 you should be able to shoot it all day with no problem
This is new Slovak 9mm carbine STRIBOG SR9, released for civil market this month, after undergoing all the mandatory tests and pressure trials successfully:

A decade ago, the SMG formfactor was almost dead. You had PDWs with special ammo and carbines with intermediate rounds, but that was about it.
Now we're seeing a full revival of pistol caliber SMGs.

Neat. :)
Well, this place has certainly youthend up quite a bit in the last year.
Hard to believe I am about to turn 40, but one of the great advantages of age is disposable income. I haven't had much time to shoot, but I have managed to pick up a couple of new 1911s.

Colt has managed to wobble it's way from bankruptcy to some semblance of financial solvency, primarily by finally listening to it's customer base and putting out things they might want. One of their newer offerings is the Colt Competition in 9mm. It is a direct competitor to Springfield's very popular Range Officer series, which has owned the segment for about two years now. I am not a fan of the electric blue grips or the Dawson fiber optic site, but those are very easy to replace on what is otherwise a well featured and inexpensive offering from Colt.


I've had a Colt Delta reissue for a year and some change now, but I never really cared for it. The sights were too small, and I've grown accustomed to having more modern ergonomics. I priced out all the things I wanted Colt to do to it, and then called their custom shop for a tag. They told me it would be a two year wait. Fast forward a year, and they have come out with an new Delta that has nearly everything I wanted on it, with the exception of front strap checkering. High frame cut, Novak sights, modern grip safety and hammer, etc... And in addition to not having to wait, it was slightly less expensive then converting my existing Colt into a similar configuration.


Over-all, Colt has really stepped up their game of late, and I am very happy for it.
Very nice. I had a childhood crush on the Delta Elite. :)
What 10mm Auto do you shoot?

But I wouldn't bet any money on Colt being out of the woods just yet.
You are right about Colt in the sense that I wouldn't invest in them even if it was with your money. However, they do seem to have finally removed their collective heads from their rectums in terms of customer demand. My only hope is that it isn't too late.

In terms of actual autos, I've never had the opportunity to shoot a 10mm f/a. There are not a lot of them domestically, and the agencies we served never requested one. I've handled an MP10 at trade shows, but I didn't get to shoot it. I've had plenty of opportunity to shoot the MP5 and the UMP .40, but even they weren't that popular in our local LE crowd. Most of our LE went to the AR-15 or a derivative there-of, even for their sub-gun purposes. I loved our shop MP5, but if I were a domestic law enforcement armorer, I'd probably prefer the simplicity of maintenance and repair of the AR-15 over the (in my opinion) more accurate and better functioning MP series myself.


As to 10mm semi autos, I have a few to choose from, and I took four of them with me to the range the other day.

They each have their plusses and minuses, and taste is very subjective. That said, over-all, I like the Kimber best. It is the best combination of portability and shootability of all my 10mm guns. I've used it to win a bunch of pin matches, and I trust it enough to carry on a regular basis.

Purely in terms of shooting, I like my Sig 220 best. It is heavy, and I wouldn't want to carry it all day, but that heft is a real advantage when shooting unsupported or on the move. Next to no muzzle flip, even with some of the more stout 10mm loadings.

I like my new Delta a whole lot better than my older one, but I haven't had much trigger time with it yet. This was it's very first range visit. I shot it a lot better than I've ever shot the old Delta, but that wasn't a high bar to begin with.

Interestingly enough, my grouping with my Glock 40 at 25 yards is about as tight as my new Delta at 10 yards. Some of that is no doubt attributable to the longer barrel, but I must also begrudgingly give some of the credit to the Fast Fire. It still feels like more of a distraction than a help in use, but the results always surprise me.
Does anyone know of any good CC holsters for women? I carry a glock 26 and it's a huge pain to keep concealed, especially in the summer. I can't afford to have anyone notice my gun because a: it's illegal as hell to carry in public transportation here (which I use, because I can't afford a car) and b: cops in my city have threatened to shoot any CCers they see.
I am afraid I cannot be of much help to you with any of those issues.
Taking what you have written on it's merits, I personally would not attempt to carry under similar circumstances.
Does anyone know of any good CC holsters for women? I carry a glock 26 and it's a huge pain to keep concealed, especially in the summer. I can't afford to have anyone notice my gun because a: it's illegal as hell to carry in public transportation here (which I use, because I can't afford a car) and b: cops in my city have threatened to shoot any CCers they see.
I say stick with a inside the waistband holster, I recommend Crossbreed holsters My current inside the waistband has been with me for over half a year and it doesn't even feel like I'm carrying it, I can also conceal very well with it(of course I'm using a 9mm Sccy so that could also be a factor). Only thing you have to worry about is breaking it in which might feel uncomfortable but once you break it in after a week or so of wearing it you're good to go. My father directed me to them of course since he's a gun nut and CCs himself and had me try his Crossbreed holster for his 9mm Beretta and I concealed it without issue.
Just a recommendation from me, you do pay a premium price for it which might put you off but from the things I did with mine it's doing really well.