The Guns and Ammo Thread

I dunno, being female maybe. Most of my girl friends name everything. I am also probably more emotionally invested in the mechanical things I own than is healthy. Cars, guitars, guns, appliances--they're friends and I project personalities onto them.

I have acquired firearms at Bass Pro shops, gun shows, pawn shops, and through individual-to-individual sale. Hubby used to work at a gun shop so I know several FFLs who'll submit any necessary paperwork in exchange for a batch of cookies. :)

Would love to see your EDC when you get a camera going again!
I'm that way about my special belongings. Yeah I'll be sure to do that as soon as I can.
I've never really named guns. I do use nicknames based on origin, sometimes. But mostly just "the swiss one" or "the frog". Other than that, model names & numbers mostly.

I've named PCs in the past. Colin & Marvin for instance from THHGTTG. But I stopped doing that as well because some PCs flowed into eachother (partial upgrades etc) and it became hard to judge when to switch names.
This reminds me of back in the day (around 2002 or 2003) when one of the guys on my competition carbine squad got a little too super-enthusiastic about naming his guns. He was Marine infantry and a pretty strong shooter, but it was hard to take him seriously when he had "Orcrist" and "Glamdring" in Dymo label tape on both the stocks and the receivers. Gave me the impression that maybe he had a lunch table all to himself at the base galley. I am sure if he is still around and into shooting, he probably has them lasered into the receivers in a much more classy font.

In memorium of those simpler times, I give you 80s wall paper, mid 90s handgun, and an early 00s competition carbine:


And for grins, an early 00s competition me versus a later, slower version with a better job:

I've named PCs in the past. Colin & Marvin for instance from THHGTTG. But I stopped doing that as well because some PCs flowed into eachother (partial upgrades etc) and it became hard to judge when to switch names.

It's the age-old "Which is Ulysses' ship" question, yeah. It's easier for guns (always the receiver) but I wonder if my cherry 1979 Ford station wagon will still be "Gertrude" in 20 years when I've dropped in a 5.0, painted it camo, and covered it with Thundersticks.

I guess you'd get that a lot in a post-apocalyptic 'used universe.'
Hey JohnnyEgo

i really like the set up of your AR-15.
I know the gun is a Noveske but i like to know what kind of stock an features the gun has.


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Realistic graphics, but where is all the bloom? Where are the explosions and muzzle flashes?

Pffft, lame!

you put a lot of effort and I guess money into your hobby. I guess so does JohnnyEgo but he sells guns (?) so I guess it's kind of part of his job.

Is your hobby of guns and knives more a 'fun' hobby or do you do it for self defence purpose etc.?
You can actually do a lot of money with it too. Granted, it is a rather small niche market and you really have to know what you're doing. But when you look at let us say the price of a rare WW2 weapon, like the MP44 or the FG42, those kind of weapons can be also seen as an investment, which can give you higher rates than throwing money at a bank. But it is a very difficult market that requires some extensive knowledge.
Yea. I'm very critical about guns but even I can see the allure of those vintage WW 2 etc. weapons, or even earlier stuff like Maxim machine guns from WW 1 etc. Old time Winchester rifles. The Native Americans were very effective with the Winchesters, they messed up Custer and his troops big time with them. Lee Enfield - rifle, has that 'almost all wood' - thing going. If a hipster would get a gun, a Lee Enfield might be the one.

Yea. I'm very critical about guns but even I can see the allure of those vintage WW 2 etc. weapons, or even earlier stuff like Maxim machine guns from WW 1 etc. Old time Winchester rifles. The Native Americans were very effective with the Winchesters, they messed up Custer and his troops big time with them. Lee Enfield - rifle, has that 'almost all wood' - thing going. If a hipster would get a gun, a Lee Enfield might be the one.


I don't know about that, hipsters tend to be socialist's so they might want the peasent guns instead.

The Mosin Nagent

I do love the original stock on the enfields though, I unfortunately have a sporterized one.
It's kinda sad that Enfield is now associated with ... that piece of garbage ...
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Lee Enfield - rifle, has that 'almost all wood' - thing going. If a hipster would get a gun, a Lee Enfield might be the one.
My SMLE N°1 MkIII is 100 years old now. (not pictured)

But it gets even sexier with the sword bayonet. ;)



It's kinda sad that Enfield is not associated with ... that piece of garbage ...
L85A2 isn't bad. It's still junk compared to the competition, but at least it works now, unlike the S80/L85A1.
Eh, my bad that's the rifle I meant. It had so many issues even in serial production that many units continued to use their old FN rifles.

Is your hobby of guns and knives more a 'fun' hobby or do you do it for self defence purpose etc.?

Selfdefense is number 1 reason. I got attacked many times back in Europe, so I got sick of that. Fortunately, no one attacked me, since I moved to the US. But just in case, I have a few firearms at home. Targetshooting at my backyard, making videos. It is fun. Sometimes my wife targetshoots with me, so it's pretty good even for spending time with the family.

I don't really put too much money in my hobby anymore. Last time I purchased a handgun, it was over a year ago. Ammo, maybe 1.5 years ago. Or 2 years ago. I don't even remember.

The only thing I'd have to spend some money this year, I have an AK parts kit, I should go to a gun shop and ask a professional to put it together. But other than that, I don't plan to spend any money on anything firearm related, this year. :-)
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That's because the FN's were a fucking awesome rifle. "The right arm of the west".
The "Right Arm of the Free World", actually.

What conflict were they used in?
About any conflict since the cold war? It's only fairly recently that they have gone out of style in the West, but they still see heavy use across Africa and the Middle East.

My favorite war with FALs would be the Falklands War though. The Brits used the L1A1 (semi-automatic inch variant of the FAL) and the Argentinians (licensed produced fully automatic metric variant of the FAL).

The FAL's popularity is due to the fact that FN (under leadership of the FAL's designer Dieudonné Saive) pretty much "opensourced" the FAL design to any allied power in the second world war as a sign of appreciation for their aid in liberating Belgium. This made the FAL very popular in the West. And motivated the British Commonwealth to create their own personal variant (L1A1 & variants).
Neutral powers were forced to license the design (pay for the design, but they were free to produce it) and most Axis powers were only offered it as a "purchase from FN" option. They were often not allowed to domestically produce it. This ironically caused Germany (HK) to produce the G3 which turned out to be the FAL's largest competitor by far. The M14 is barely worth mentioning on global scale by comparison.
The M14 is barely worth mentioning on global scale by comparison.
The US adopting the FAL is something of a Big What if with me. Hell they are the reason it's chambered in the caliber it is. But there was a bunch of shenanigans pulled to get the M14 adopted over the FAL or AR-10 and it's just something I find interesting to think about.