Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Welsh said:I am puzzled by this discussion of AK (reliability) vs HK (accuracy) as assault weapons.
It seems the AK was built to be cheap and simple, reliable in bad environments and capable of a spray and pray method- you shoot a lot of bullets and hope that it maims your enemy.
HK, and western emphasis on accuracy would emphasize actually hitting a target, allowing for greater discrimination between enemy and civilian combatants.
So by saying the AK is a better weapon if more inaccurate, are you basically saying that civilian causalities are not important?
Mentioning just the word "AK" is confusing. I get the impression you're talking about the AK-47, versus the entire arsenal of Heckler & Koch.
That's hardly fair. The "AK" is not simply a gun, it's a weapon platform. It's designed not to be cheap or simple, but to be modern and reliable. It didn't first appear in 2000, you know. It was pretty expensive in 1949 when it was excepted as the standard rifle of the Soviet army.
I doubt you will find an HK rifle used by a great power in those days.
To this day between 30 and 50 million copies and variations of the AK-47 have been produced world wide, making it the most widely used rifle in the world.
But the point is that the AK is a weapon platform. There are dozens of countries and big time gun producing firms that made versions of it. It was never cheap, it's just that other companies began making very expensive products, and the AK's price remained the same.
And regarding accuracy, well most HK rifles are scoped or at least that's what people use (like the 33) and other weapons like the UMP or the MP5 are CQB weapons. The AK's problem is that there are few accessories regarding sights, and that it doesn't have a big time manufacturer.
We were considering assault rifles, anyway.