thank god i was thinking you were going to double wield for lulz.JohnnyEgo said:The X Five Tacticals with the threaded barrel were remarkably hard to get hold of around here for a long time. I placed orders with several distributors, and after about three months, I got one. I forgot to cancel my outstanding orders, and two weeks later, I got another one.

yeah, i know. was stabbing some fun at the supposedly Tactical gun that isn't very tactical.JohnnyEgo said:"Tactical" as applied to handguns or almost anything else these days, is more of a marketing gimmick then anything else.
i'm leaning towards a Sig 550 black picatinny.JohnnyEgo said:The K31 straight bolts look like nice guns. I trend towards more modern firearms, but I wouldn't cry if a K31 found it's way under the tree.
a Vz 58 is also on my list for fun. cheap (325 euros) & very decent.
pics or it didn't happen!JohnnyEgo said:I've got two new rifles you would probably appreciate, if I can find my camera; an SPR clone built off of an LMT lower and a Larue upper, and a Knights Armament E3, which, at the moment, is fairly rare.