Still Mildly Glowing

Yeah, Mr House helps Vegas but that's it. Not really, they're honourable in their own way. The Followers only worked with the Garrets because there are clear bonuses in doing so (play over the quest again and read what is said), they weren't bribed. Yeah, relying on mercenaries. That's NEVER worked out badly right?
And its pure speculation on my part that House would find a way to make a deal with the Kings and Followers. House has knowledge beyond either of them. Becoming a puppet state to further the goals of the Followers wouldn't be unreasonable to figure. The Garretts are far more destructive than House. House giving the Followers knowledge which will allow them to grow in exchange for cooperation isn't far fetched. Same for the Kings. You can get them to form an uneasy truce with the NCR. House wouldn't be any different, except the robot army that could wipe them out.