The Mass' Effect on gaming or HOT ALIEN LESBOZ SEKS!

Maphusio said:
but, the storyline and character interaction is was what interested and hooked me.
You found the character interaction interesting? I thought it was hilarious, how depending on what pairing you'd chosen the characters would change opinions in order to play the angel and devil on your shoulders.

Mikael Grizzly said:
The real question is, how they survived without an immune system BEFORE the suits.
They've lived the last 300 years on a flotilla of ships, in controlled environments. If in BSG it took them 300 years to reach Earth they'd have a similar problem.

maximaz said:
BTW what was her side quest?
The Geth incursion.
I had the unpleasant surprise to notice that some supposedly different dialog options actually produce the EXACT SAME SENTENCE... :evil:
MrBumble said:
I had the unpleasant surprise to notice that some supposedly different dialog options actually produce the EXACT SAME SENTENCE... :evil:

Haven't played KOTOR have you? I pretty much expected it in ME.
generalissimofurioso said:
Maphusio said:
... However, I even find the Quarian attractive... Come on, take that suit off her, tell her to get down with the sickness and get that pleasure ride underway!

It's somewhat ironic that you said that, as her taking off her suit would most likely kill her due to various infections due to Quarian's lacking any real immune system.

Hence "Get down with the sickness." Huh? huh you like that? ...I still, find her attractive... lol
My quick lackluster review, of 2 hours into the game.

Combat is great, even for a shooter.

The graphics are beautiful, though my Low Res, Non-HDTV has problems with text, which are way to small. However, this isn't the most stable of systems. They glitch at some locations, but it's only barely noticeable, but still noticeable.

The art design is very atmospheric, and does a wonderful job at conveying the designers vision of the sleek, contemporary/futuristic landscape of the universe. Unfortunately, I hate HALO, and this takes a bit of inspiration from that series. If I can block out the part of my mind for a little while longer, and let Mass Effect stand out on it's own, then I'm pretty sure that my final opinion on the art would be that it is wonderful. I will have to wait though, to see if the game sucks me in enough for that to happen. If it doesn't, then the art design would only be about 2 notches above moderately good.

The conversation system is everything they said to would be, but not as polished as they insisted. It has glitches, and seems to be too reliant on the writers ability to make excellent dialouge, and not enough for the designers to make one that focuses on character choices. You seem stuck into the role of about 5 different premade character personalities, rather than 1 you create yourself. The bouncing back and forth effect seen in KOTOR is present here. You still have to manage out the premade choices, instead of following your own path more. Still though, the cinematic ability of the system makes up for the outcome of the conversation, but not enough of PC development. It is still a new system, and will probably be much improved in Bioware's later titles.

The RPG character elements of the game are clunky as well. They have the possibility of depth, but the lack of any ability to experiment, and the very "left-brained" in character leveling, and way to "right-brained" approach to character combat and stats, makes the system frustrating. It is very deep though, but the problem is that the depth is under the surface, instead of visible, which has me worried about the outcome of Fallout 3, since Bethesda is taking the same approach. All in all, The system is something you grow into, but I would have much prefered something close to the system of KOTOR.

I haven't been completely immersed in the story, since I'm not very far into the game yet, but so far it seems too dry, with no emphasis on motivations of characters. This, though, is only temporary, and my opinion might change later.

And thats it.
First info on the DLC released. It's 400MS points(about $5 US) for an hour and a half adventure with the unseen race the Batarians being the antagonists. March 10 release date.
I wonder...
What are the mechanics of the Hot Alien Lesboz Seks?
Is it player-controlled with a ruleset similar to that of Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge?
Hi guys,

I am not sure if it is mentioned before in this topic or somewhere else on the forum but on the Dutch gamesite I check daily (yeah the one who is also gushing about Fallout 3) there was the rumor that Mass Effect was coming to the PC.

Its probably not news but I thought to mention it just in case.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Hi guys,

I am not sure if it is mentioned before in this topic or somewhere else on the forum but on the Dutch gamesite I check daily (yeah the one who is also gushing about Fallout 3) there was the rumor that Mass Effect was coming to the PC.

Its probably not news but I thought to mention it just in case.
You hear all kind of similar rumors .for example ,I heard somewhere in the internet that Dead Rising was going to be released for the PC but i haven't seen any official announcment from capcom so far .but Mass Effect might be released on the PC .Jade Empire was also released for the pc after a while .
It's kind of a shame that the PC is becoming the dumping ground for console games.
These days is either for both PC and consoles or first consoles and then later PC when the publishers think they can make an extra buck this way.
Ehh, when it comes to the PC vs. console wars, Ill just get both.
maximaz said:
Why does that sound so familiar?

Because the Batarians were mentioned many times throughout the game, yet their only true appearance was in a Codex article about them and their hostility towards humanity.
The Dutch Ghost said:
It's kind of a shame that the PC is becoming the dumping ground for console games.
These days is either for both PC and consoles or first consoles and then later PC when the publishers think they can make an extra buck this way.

The issue with developers (Bioware included) is what makes the $... Console games make top dollar WAY more than PC games... You can put out a so so console game and be fairly sure it will sell... Its a sad truth, but a truth nonetheless.
Well it is confirmed, apparently Mass Effect will come to the PC in May.

Changes will be in the gameplay and the visuals, the inventory system will be slightly changed and there will also be an extra mini game. (Oh boy because we love minigames)

While I am a major science fiction fan I won't be getting it, to full of Sci-Fi cliches for me.

I also dare to bet that the evil robot race mentioned as the ultimate threat will probably be overrunning the galaxy at the end of the next game, with the 'exciting' conclusion of this great war in Mass Effect 3.