Chapter 1: Leaving the Nest, part 13 – ‘Rugby with a monster, hallucinations of death, the usual.’
Tim started to walk, his flashlight in his left hand he reached over his shoulder and pulled the popper which held the flap of material over the end of his rifle holster, pushing the flap to one side he gripped the pipe rifle butt and pulled on it firmly. Having the pipe rifle in front of him he secured his torch to the strap of his rifle holster, which ran across his chest, by means of the small clip on the back of the torch. He adjusted the angle of the head so that the light streamed in the direction he was facing, illuminating his way. With his other hand now free he moved the pipe rifle so that it sat proper in his hands, ready to be used.
“This way, lets head to the armoury.” Tim said in a lowered volume as he put one foot through the open doorway into the darkness beyond.
The next sound Tim heard was a terrifying one, it sounded like a cross between a dogs growl and, funnily enough, a rabbits chirp. This sound quickly escalated into an even worse sound, louder and more aggressive in tone. A split second after the sound had registered with Tim’s mind something hit him in the chest and threw him back; pain fired up through his ribcage but was quickly subdued by the adrenalin gushing through his veins. He hadn’t time to cry in pain or shock and now, as he flew backwards through the air, he could feel the first stages of being winded creeping in.
Tim came to an abrupt stop as gravity worked its stuff and brought him back down to earth. In this case, it dawned on Tim; earth would have been softer and more preferable to the metal walkway on which he did in fact come back down on. A sharp but mild pain shot up through Tim’s spine and from the base of his skull as bone met metal and metal won. Looking down he could see the culprit which had caused him all this pain, it was a very large hairy mutant rabbit. For some reason Tim focused on the sound of the SEID unit as it clicked and beeped on his arm. No doubt recording combat information and designating a name for the critter, along with possible weaknesses.
This creature was ugly, white foaming spit had formed around its gums slightly which were of course neighbors to those sharp yellow stained teeth. The teeth were sunk into Tim’s chest, suddenly the motivation to fight and survive kicked in. Tim had lost his pipe rifle, somewhere mid flight most likely, and as such was effectively unarmed. He began to beat the creature about the head with his open palms as it shuddered and shook, apparently trying to tear away Tim’s ribcage, its thick leathery skin saving it from any damage. Lucky for Tim his rib cage was stubborn and thus far had resisted the invitation to dinner by the creature and the battle continued.
Quickly making a fist with his hand Tim beat down on the creatures head, focusing and staring into the green eye of the beast Tim swung hard and fast for the monsters eye. Hitting the creatures left eye with all his force Tim managed to let out a snarl of anger even though the beast was biting down on his chest. The monster loosened its grip and recoiled in pain trashing its head and snarling. Tim kicked with his now free legs pushing the creature back away from him, with his elbows he pulled himself backwards trying to get into a position from which he could pull himself up onto his feet.
The cries and screams of Tim’s team mates rang out only interrupted by the echoed blasts of gunfire. The shots appeared to do little to the creatures thick leathery hide and it quickly turned on the would be marksman. Lunging forward and up on its hind legs it grabbed the first gunman it laid eyes on in its jaws and flung them through the air into two other members of the party sending the trio crashing to the floor. Tim pulled himself into a squatting position and franticly scanned the area with his eyes for his weapon, any weapon. He couldn’t see far through the strobes and spinning beams of torch light, it was too dark to make anything out.
The creature continued its seemingly unstoppable volley of attacks. To Tim’s delight a metal pipe of some sort flashed in the frantic beams of torch light. Tim grabbed the pipe and got to his feet, diving forward at the creature he swung with the metal pole and caught the creature hard right on the ear. The monster pulled its head back in pain but quickly came back, standing up on its hind legs it clawed vigorously at Tim its mouth wide open screaming at him in anger.
Tim was knocked back; he stumbled on his feet until his back hit the metal railing that ran along the walkway, the force of the blows was enough to tip him off balance. He began to pivot back over the railing in slow motion, waving his arms to try and stabilize himself he dropped the metal pipe. He looked forward as the room slowly slid downward from his view, his comrades were in a sorry state, none of them were standing, the monster snapped forward with its jaws and bit down hard on Tim’s left boot, the pain Tim was feeling doubled.
This was enough for Tim to reach forward and cry in pain, shutting his eyes, which was a stupid mistake as he was falling backwards over the railing. He realized and corrected himself half a second later, grabbing at the railing but it was too late. Tim heard the sound of air rushing past his ears like wind and then felt the presence of metal on the back side of his head very strongly. This was nearly enough to knock him out but somehow he stayed conscious.
Everything seemed to stop, except the shouts, screams and gunfire from above. After a few seconds the sounds died down and Tim could hear voices, the voices quickly faded though and he was left in the dark, unable to think, heavily concussed from his fall. Slowly pain began to run through him again and a dull green light appeared. The light slowly grew in intensity and began to turn white. Tim tilted his head in the direction of the light, it felt as if his entire body was trying to move a mountain but somehow achieving it. The glare from the light blinded him and its brightness steadily grew stronger.
‘Am I dead? Is this the light at the end of the tunnel?’ The thoughts crossed Tim’s mind. Pain, ache and a burning sensation draped over Tim’s body. ‘Am I still alive? Or… is this Hell?’ Tim though. The light dulled considerably and Tim’s eyes focused, he stared at the light for a moment before realizing what it was. ‘... Both.’ Tim thought as he gingerly laid his head back down onto the floor and reached up onto his chest, pushing the flashlight down away from his face. Slowly he was recovering his senses.
He tried to move but the pain in both his legs and his chest and head gave out strong encouragement to just lie there and die. Tim found himself unable to sit up, he was injured badly. Tim was about to cry out for help but stopped himself at the last moment, it was deadly quiet, no gun shots, not screaming, no sound of big mutant rabbits chewing on bones. No one was around; Tim would have to take care of himself, quickly he felt about his person, searching for a stimpacks or a weapon. He had nothing on him other than his ammo belt and the pipe rifle holster, which was now empty. Tim adjusted the torch on his chest so that he could see in front of him. A glint caught his eye.
It was the metal pipe he had beaten the monster about the head with; pulling it towards him with one arm he realized it was in face his pipe rifle. Although he felt somewhat angry at himself for not realizing this when it was important he was glad to have it back. He checked the chamber, it was loaded. Tim tried to stand up, the aches in his chest and head were bearable but when he tried to put weight on his one foot it was too much. He quickly fell back down onto his backside, pushing the flashlight slightly with his hand he directed the light beam onto his painful foot.
It was the foot the monster had bitten before Tim had fallen off the walkway. His boot had defiantly seen better days, and there was a fair bit of blood and tissue which he was pretty sure shouldn’t be showing. Not wasting any time and not wanting to examine his foot at this point he tried to stand again, using the pipe rifle as a crutch he favored his injured foot and managed to stand. He realized he was down with the generator below again. He made best possible speed to the ladder which lead up to the walkway above, holding the pipe rifle in his armpit he grabbed the ladder with both hands and began to pull himself up, leaning on the ladder and holding himself in place with his arms he would move his good leg up one rung and then repeat the process.
Nothing moved or made a sound, not allies, not monster, nothing. Eventually Tim awkwardly made it to the top of the ladder; he slowly sat on the edge of the walkway and then scanned the room with his flashlight. The large leathery monster lay dead just inside the doorway, a collection of bullet holes riddled its head and body, clearly the sheer amount of wounds had taken it down rather than one wound itself, though that large hole just below its eye socket looked promising. Around the creature were various spent shells and some patches of blood which didn’t look like they came out of the monster, this was confirmed by the body of a fellow vault dweller which was lying against one wall near to where the creature was. He had a blank stare on his face and his neck didn’t look right.
Tim collapsed to the floor exhausted from the battle, the climb and his wounds. The pain of the short fall more than worth the rest it brought to his muscles. Panting and sweating slightly Tim turned his head up so that it was sitting on his chin and pulled the flashlight from his chest, using it to search the room further. No other bodies could be seen, living or otherwise. The door was wide open and it was apparent that his so called ‘team mates’ had turned tail and run.
Just then something caught Tim’s eye, attached to the belt of his dead comrade was a stimpacks, no, two stimpacks. Tim’s heart began to race; this was his best chance of survival. Spurred on by the prospect of healing Tim crawled along the floor with revived will, straight past the dead monster and too his fallen party member. He placed his torch down hurriedly in a position so that he could see what he was doing and slid the two healing items from the dead mans belt. Immediately he pumped one into his leg. He didn’t have time to find a vein on his arm as he should of done and he wasn’t about to roll over and stick it in his arse so his leg was the next best option.
There was a faint hiss as the red healing chemicals flowed through the needle and his clothing and into him, at first nothing happened but after a few seconds he could feel the effects. He felt a rush of very mild euphoria and a tingling sensation as the chemicals went about his body super accelerating and boosting his bodies own healing abilities for a short moment. The feeling soon died off and was replaced with pain, though it was much less pain than before. After a moments rest on his back Tim sat up once again.
He already felt much better and the sensation of “oh fuck it, let me die, please” had worn off. He took this opportunity to examine his foot. It was in a pretty bad state but the stimpacks was getting to work on it and on closer inspection the wound didn’t appear as bad as before. He could still feel his toes, which was the main thing, though trying to move them hurt. Carefully and with effort to cause as little pain as possible Tim began to undo and remove his destroyed Vault boot. Undoing the clips he managed to get it off with relatively little pain, it was well beyond repair, he discarded it to one side.
The wound was indeed much less serious than he had first though, be that through the stimpacks or otherwise, he still wouldn’t be able to walk on it however. Tim reached around and pulled the other stimpacks into his hands. He pulled up his sleeve revealing the SEID unit and taped his inner elbow; a vein soon volunteered for the job and in went the stimpack’s sharp end. The faint hiss of the liquid being pumped directly into his blood stream was very reassuring. This second stimpacks was just as effective, if not more, as the last one. After a few moments his foot was healed along with most of his other injuries. His head still hurt slightly but that was minor enough to be ignored. Tim considered his few options.
A: Search the room further for anything of value then make for the armoury. (+ 1 intelligence)
B: Get the hell out ASAP and prey that the scent of blood doesn’t attract any more of the damn monsters. (+ 1 endurance)
As usual, the choice is yours.
Did you like that twist? It didn’t matter which way you went, you were going to get knocked straight back into the room as soon as you tried to leave, aren’t I evil?