The Pitt DLC released, only not

well I'm surprised to hear what sounds like a genuinely morally ambiguous plot. Though at this point I think I'm justified in being pessimistic and saying that the actual execution will probably cause it to disappear.

One thing that I wonder is [spoiler:af937fa4ef]how exactly the slaves can cut open the child, aren't they indestructible?[/spoiler:af937fa4ef]
The Bethblog post has been updated:

Update: Our team is doing some final checks late tonight and if everything looks okay, we are hopeful it will be back up and available tomorrow.
Well, thus far it seems better than Anchorage. Except for one key thing. I get told I need to wear "Slave clothes" to get inside, since apparently slaves have branded clothing and will wander up to heavily fortified raider camps saying "Sup I'm a slave what's happening here".

I decide not to do that since I'm level 20 and have power armor and enough mini-nukes to destroy the moon. I say I'm here to join them. They say sure sure, go inside, snicker snicker. I go inside, and 4 guys with some batons beat me up. I'm level 20, I've killed dozens of enclave soldiers, I'm wearing power armor, and it takes 4 dudes with batons in a cutscene to beat the shit out of me.

Apart from that, which is Bethesda's usual "We don't really think about anything" style, it seems heftier and more like Fallout 3 than OA.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
I'm level 20, I've killed dozens of enclave soldiers, I'm wearing power armor, and it takes 4 dudes with batons in a cutscene to beat the shit out of me.

What can one expect after
[spoiler:adfefa78c8]being knocked out by the Enclave in a non-avoidable event during the main quest, them only using a single pulse grenade (or something similar) while I was in ranger combat armor and running backwards way out of range of the blast before it went off[/spoiler:adfefa78c8]?
Jiggly McNerdington said:
I say I'm here to join them. They say sure sure, go inside, snicker snicker. I go inside, and 4 guys with some batons beat me up. I'm level 20, I've killed dozens of enclave soldiers, I'm wearing power armor, and it takes 4 dudes with batons in a cutscene to beat the shit out of me.
Sounds positively dumb as hell. I suggest you restart and put on some regular clothes so your character can fall in line with beths pre ordained outcomes/encounters. Good thing I'm not bothering with any further beth ware.
Huh, thats funny... I don't have any problem with the pitt i even dont have the latest path:D all i do to get it works, is to move up the esp to be second one (i use fomm), i don't have any new glithes (only those know from the vannila). And i just finished it, it much more better than the operation anchorage, but i made it in 2 hour again:P
The writing sucks. So, i wear power armor from Anchorage, a unique plasma rifle, and what do i get....
Yeah, i am a slave in a shiny power armor. Please, take me back :)

Well, yeah. I thought i'd just kill you as well.
But after that dialogue the slavers beat me to death with some steel pipes, till i loose my consciousness. Through power armor. *Facepalm*
Besides : what kind of retarded slave would ask his jailors to take him back ?

I mean it would be either a [ Intelligence : 1 ] or a [ Speech : 99% ] + [ Charisma : 10 ]

Nah forget it, Charisma does not matter in Fallout 3...

Shitty thing about this whole DLC is fact that countries in Eastern-Europe are forgotten (or forbidden ?) in distribution of this Falloutish bastard.

What is Bethesda thinking about Eastern-Europe? What are we? Kazahstanian Boratish style mudhole?
You know what would actually make some sense in this cutscene? As in, it would still be a lame unavoidable cutscene with the same result, but at least less silly than four raiders beating a power armor badass with clubs?

The Mesmetron - the thing you can use to hypnotize and enslave people. They should just use it on you.

By the way, a good article by Shamus Young about similar issues:
Beh said:
Shitty thing about this whole DLC is fact that countries in Eastern-Europe are forgotten (or forbidden ?) in distribution of this Falloutish bastard.

What is Bethesda thinking about Eastern-Europe? What are we? Kazahstanian Boratish style mudhole?

Agree, and this is quite stupid, because Easter-Europe Fallout Community is very active one. But i think it is more fault of microsoft not bethesda... But i think they should know that those country's can't buy anything from gfwl... And this isn't make any sense for me, i mean what money ms gives the b for exclusive sell of it? do they don't think about how much more money they lose because of this?

Sorry for my english but i have extreme hangover:P i hope everyone will understand this crappy post of mine:/
MrBumble said:
Besides : what kind of retarded slave would ask his jailors to take him back ?

(Cut and paste from Life of Brian on IMDB)

[a line of prisoners files past a jailer]
Coordinator: Crucifixion?
Prisoner: Yes.
Coordinator: Good. Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each.
[Next prisoner]
Coordinator: Crucifixion?
Mr. Cheeky: Er, no, freedom actually.
Coordinator: What?
Mr. Cheeky: Yeah, they said I hadn't done anything and I could go and live on an island somewhere.
Coordinator: Oh I say, that's very nice. Well, off you go then.
Mr. Cheeky: No, I'm just pulling your leg, it's crucifixion really.
Coordinator: [laughing] Oh yes, very good. Well...
Mr. Cheeky: Yes I know, out of the door, one cross each, line on the left.
Looking For A Heart Of Gold

Looking For A Heart Of Gold

BN said:
So bad slaves vs good slavers?

Twist on standard mythic character, whore with a heart of gold.

""Good slavers"' might have the same moral revisionism as the ""Good Nixon"".

""Good slavers"".
As if people surrender social hierarchies willingly...
As if 100 years and more of 'Jim Crow' social engineering can be dismissed.

As if, ""Pharaoh, let my people go"", didn't require divine intervention.

B-soft spoons out the 'dharma' : 'slavers with hearts of gold'.


Would I sooner hear more about this ""Good Nixon""?
No, perhaps that gold hearted whore still has the grandest potential to hook my affectations.

Maybe it's a grasp for 'realism' like O. Henry's "The Gift Of The Magi".

The 'win - win' out comes scarred by moral and/or material sacrifice.

If it ain't smeared, smashed, or slashed, it ain't genuine *Real*.

Life offers up the stick that's dirty on both ends ... even to Uber Level FO3 Super Heroes.


Amer said:
The writing sucks. So, i wear power armor from Anchorage, a unique plasma rifle, and what do i get....
Yeah, i am a slave in a shiny power armor. Please, take me back :)

Well, yeah. I thought i'd just kill you as well.
But after that dialogue the slavers beat me to death with some steel pipes, till i loose my consciousness. Through power armor. *Facepalm*
What is there to say anymore? It's painfully obvious to me by now what kind of game co we are dealing with. My copy of F3 has a bright future being sold and recouping most of my money back.
Beh said:
Shitty thing about this whole DLC is fact that countries in Eastern-Europe are forgotten (or forbidden ?) in distribution of this Falloutish bastard.

What is Bethesda thinking about Eastern-Europe? What are we? Kazahstanian Boratish style mudhole?
All part of Microsoft's pro-piracy policy, I imagine.
Beh said:
What is Bethesda thinking about Eastern-Europe? What are we? Kazahstanian Boratish style mudhole?

You'd be surprised. I could bet the higher-ups in Bethsoft and Microsoft think EXACTLY that.

Then again, with all honesty, the internet speed and usage of Internet in Eastern Europe is not anywhere close to what it is in the US or Western Europe, so at this point it's probably not profitable for Microsoft to support Live there, especially since EXBAWKS is not much of a popular console there either.

Sadly, localization in Eastern Europe has always been a joke. For example, the official Russian-language version of Baldur's Gate 2 was only released last year.
Ratty said:
All part of Microsoft's pro-piracy policy, I imagine.

Beth seemed to have helped as well as they made the DLC embarrassingly easy to pirate, which is not a great idea when people on the official boards still bemone the ripoff that was Operation Anchorage.

Just completed the Pitt (I buys them to laughs at them) and that was pretty damn short except for the timesink side quest.
Also the moral ambiguity was shot right out the air when they made all the characters so unlikeable.
Alphadrop said:
Also the moral ambiguity was shot right out the air when they made all the characters so unlikeable.

[spoiler:f3ee647f8a]In the end I decided to give the baby to Werhner as I found Ashur and his slavers bigger dicks, but when it comes to it Ashur and Werhner deserve each other.[/spoiler:f3ee647f8a]