The Pitt DLC released, only not

MrBumble said:
Did they even try the build before allowing people to download it ?
My thoughts exactly. My opinion of Bethesda has never been exactly "high" but when they omit the stage of "beta testing" in program development there is something seriously wrong.

Wonderfully good ammunition for us though, isn't it?
Ausir said:
By the way, surprisinly, there actually is some moral ambiguity in The Pitt, not just good slaves vs. evil slavers.
Too little too late, I think. Like in Oblivion...
This thread is full of lolz.

Asking if Beth can make something unbugged is like asking "what can change the nature of a man". :lol:

I wonder if the Broken Steel will manage to not be, ahem, "broken" upon release.
Slaughter Manslaught said:

Attack of the giant white-on-red evil exclamation points of darkness!

Talk about a living world, it must be mutated terrain :mrgreen:

Seriously, though, I find it more likely the wrong file was sent or some other screw-up like that. A corrupt file should have been detected somewhere along the line (I think).
UncannyGarlic said:
Guess this shows that they didn't need the extra time to add polish and fix bugs.
Do they ever? They have to do what they do best. Release broken software.

Ausir said:
By the way, surprisinly, there actually is some moral ambiguity in The Pitt, not just good slaves vs. evil slavers.
Is it something like bad slaves vs good slavers?
Lichbane said:
I love this place. Whenever I'm feeling down and angry, I visit this place; it reminds me that there are people in the world who are more bitter and twisted than me.

Thanks guys! :)
I am not bitter. I am glad. I am glad that people can see here directly what happens when a company doesnt care either about a worked out design or well thought out concept and does not spend enough time to polish their products cause it has to be released since money is the most important value and not the satisfaction of the costumer.

To say it that way, I dont feel joy about others missfortune if they bought Bethesdas product and now still cant play (yet) the DLC even if they should. But many had the chance to see it with the Horse armor a long time back, many have seen it with Oblivion that was full with bugs, and now Fallout 3 which was based on the same engine and even shares a few EXACTLY SAME Bugs like Oblivion AND people have seen the debacle around Operation [shoot a lot in a senseless way] Anchorage. What ever if that now is or was a error from Microsoft is pointless since BOTH companies want to look like and act like PROFESSIONALS. Not only Microcrap but also Beheslop. The chain about really serious errors Bethesda has done over the past years is geting longer and longer. I really ask my self how they manage to still survive ...

So yeah, I am glad cause it shows me that marketing is one thing, but product quality a totally different thing.
Crni Vuk said:
I am not bitter. I am glad. I am glad that people can see here directly what happens when a company doesnt care either about a worked out design or well thought out concept and does not spend enough time to polish their products cause it has to be released since money is the most important value and not the satisfaction of the costumer.

Really? So, uh, what happens?
Nothing actualy. Its more a personal thing. You know its like the feeling I had when they stoped to boradcast the Terminator SCC eshow here in Germany after the first 3-4 episodes. Why? Cause it shows me that not EVERYTHING is loost, that people do not want to watch EVERY stupid shit and garbage that was only made and released for money (and seriously now the TSCC was definetly SHIT compared to the movies or story in general).

Obvously, everything, even when it as a very high artistical value has the target to ... what surprise, get money. Hands down, everyone wants when the day is finished a full belly and pay his rent. But that doesnt mean that everything has to become a how to say, soap opera for example cause it sells "at the moment", or that everything really everything has to sound like a clone from "britney from the spears" cause it ... sells now. Or every Bethesda game to look like a mod for Oblivion full with bugs now only cause they managed a single time to sell more then 2 Million copies (or even more?).

The DLC has a low quality (talking about its programming and distribution, cant say anything about the story or gameplay). Has it any effect? I dont know it. I have no clue how many people downloaded it. But if they just continue with this kind of work, at least I have the oppinion that at one point they have to take stock of it. The one way or another.

cause I could not say it better:
UncannyGarlic said:
... That sends us back to the design and planning stage, the stage that they rush through and thus loose boatloads of time later making mistakes and changing stuff that could have been worked out in a fraction of the time during the design phase.
Bethesda burned its customers pretty down low bro.
Fuck yall got torched.

Auto-Ax I must wait for you still.
Wow! I must be a genius of some kind. Either that or TSCC is REALLY awful.

I watched like TEN SECONDS of a random part of one of the first episodes, and I've been dissing the series and everyone I know who sees it since then, because I saw, right there and then, that it was utter shit. I never saw it again, and I never heard or read anybody talk about it, since.

And now I see somebody with the same opinion! It's like the first time I played Dead Space and I said to me "this is Doom 3 II" and then I went online and saw that I was not alone.

It felt so good compared to what happens with Bethesda and their shit :lol:

Thanks Crni Vuk! :D

Also, I hope this little offtopic is alright. I always try to keep it to a minimum :|
Ausir said:
By the way, surprisinly, there actually is some moral ambiguity in The Pitt, not just good slaves vs. evil slavers.
Is it like in main F3 where you are given opportunities to side with asshole/dummy A or asshole/dummy B and their assorted stuptitude/ineptitude/belief system and any others flaws they might have in their plan? I tend to categorize that kind of thing as not so much "morally ambiguous" but more selecting which flawed group (and their mentality) you can stand more. It's really not impressive to me. The best quest that I did in F3 (maybe I missed one that did this better) was the oasis one. THAT was the correct way to do a quest. Each "camp" had their own reasons which were very reasonable and not idiotic and artificially inflated to cartoon levels where you want to tell everybody to fuck off as was the case for most quests in F3 for me. Thus in the Oasis quest the decision was yours to make about how YOU felt about the situation and whos notions YOU were more in line with. Not choosing between dipshit A or dipshit B.
I haven't played it, only read some stuff about it, but this is the basic gist I got:
[spoiler:5f83dec89e]Side with slaves: They'll probably cut the child immune to the mutation open to see what's inside, desperate for an immediate cure.

Side with slavers: Kid will survive and Ashur intends to free the slaves once he's found a working cure (if he ever will).[/spoiler:5f83dec89e]
Ausir said:
I haven't played it, only read some stuff about it, but this is the basic gist I got:
[spoiler:5c9698fb98]Side with slaves: They'll probably cut the child immune to the mutation open to see what's inside, desperate for an immediate cure.

Side with slavers: Kid will survive and Ashur intends to free the slaves once he's found a working cure (if he ever will).[/spoiler:5c9698fb98]
Looks like more standard beth "choices" IMO. Forcing you to choose between 2 stupid options which are set up with unnecessary conflict to create an artificial conundrum. It's like saying which would you prefer "good" guys behaving like idiots or side with the "bad" guys? How bout neither? That would be my "choice".
Lol, this reminds me of those crappy telenovels that are so bad that they actually end up having some pretty heavy moral dilemmas, but since they are never directly approached by the characters, you're left wondering if it really was their intention in the first place :P

Well, we kinda all know.
Isn't releasing buggy/broken content in keeping with the Fallout tradition? And you guys say that Bethesda doesn't "get it".
terebikun said:
Isn't releasing buggy/broken content in keeping with the Fallout tradition? And you guys say that Bethesda doesn't "get it".

Huh? How many Fallout titles were released in an inordinately buggy or broken state, exactly? I'm counting one. Hardly makes for a "tradition", does it?
So bad slaves vs good slavers?

Pretty much, but given that slavery itself is "bad" (especially in vanilla FO3), it's more morally grey than I expected from Bethesda.