Because people liking shit propogates more shit.
And there is nothing you can do about it, so why bother?
The no mutant allowed community general hope is that the Fallout franchise regain his identity, but that post reminded me of the thread about the state of videogames in which i didn't have chances to answer.
The problem with Fallout 3 is the same problem as the elder scroll and other series, the dumbing down process (shown in a video in the skyrim thread) of video games franchise to appeal a larger audience.
I recently read a news from Deep Silver, the new publisher of the Metro franchise, since THQ was closed.
They announced that they wanted to make new Metro games, but are thinking about some changes that would appeal a broader audience.
In my opinion, Metro Last Light has already made many changes to appeal a larger audience compared to Metro 2033. As a result, the game feels far less unique that Metro 2033 was.
They notably tried to appeal many people that complained about metro 2033. Fortunatly for the Metro franchise, the author of the book is still involved in the franchise. Also, i think that Last Light is quite good on its own, and there is nothing bad in considering some improvements.
But in the end, as good as Metro Last Light could be, it doesn't feel unique anymore. They lost what made me stop at Metro 2033 and say "Shit, there is no chance i would see that in any other games". It made me consider, if Last Light was the only game that was released, withouth much advertizing, would have enjoyed that game as much as 2033 ? Would have it kept me interested in playing other games of the series ? Basically, even if i enjoy Last Light, the main reason i go for it is in the hope of finding moments that were so unique in Metro 2033. They are quite rare, but still exist.
The way i see it, the Franchise's publishers are intending to broader the audience by making the game closer to other games, while, what made people love the first games was precisally that those games were differents that any others.
If those AAA games are made to be as much close as each other and as much dumb as possible, what could possibly allow to differentiate those games for the audience ? What would make me fond of the TES franchise, if everything is the same of that TES-like franchise ? Why bother buying clones while there could be unique games made by independant devellopers, that cost less than 60$ ?
Considering that now, some develloppers can make games without publishers and sell it directly on the digital market, does it seem likely that the path some big publishers will make them sink someday ?
I mean, why high quality devellopers like Inxile, for instance, would bother coming back in the old business model, if they know for sure, that the publisher will start dumbing down their games as soon as they will have some success, take all royalties instead of them or make other develloppers work on the franchises they started ? Basically, i feel that develloppers are royally screwed by publishers without the crowfunding.
I mean, if we accept the loss of great franchises like Fallout or Metro, does it seems likely that futures high quality franchises will be spared from those big publishers ? (considering that good develloppers are smart)
PS: I should replace my signature by "i want to believe"