mobucks said:
I was just thinking... what about the state of how graphics are represented. I've had to put down a few recent "hits" due to... EYE BLEEDING BLOOM SHININESS.
Why is every character wearing patent leather? Why are the walls and floors all painted/stained in high gloss?
High Dynamic Range pisses me off too. It's the same thing. I think it's all mostly overdone and poorly implemented.
On some games these effects are done well I guess. But everyish game has these effects nowadays.
Well there are many games with good effects, or those who use a lot but don't overdo it. The way you feel about this in that post is the kind of feelings I have about the general industry, our opinions always bear over our ways to compartmentalize or critically think I suppose. But it's quite hard to see the big picture because this is such a large industry, with so many branches and with really no central core to it. It would be impossible for us to really get a complete view of gaming as a whole I suppose.
So I can only say that I FEEL that gaming overal needs to become more mature.
But I can also say, that there are
some facts we do know. For example: Half Life 2. It was released in 2004, and I think most people can agree that it is a model fps. So why have so few other good shooters come out since? There's this perfect model for an fps available to all for already 9 years by now, and no developer seems to want to learn from it.
I feel that this is why our industry
needs to look back, and look inward more before the aforementioned growing up can take place.
It is great to see small developers take a smart approach but they are along the sidelines and their type of thinking doesn't seem to spread at all.
It is a silly idea to think that the industry can make large changes in any quick fashion, though. I don't even know for a
fact whether the games industry is less mature than movies or books overal because of the incompetence of the people behind it. Perhaps the young age of the medium is what holds it back, and it is simply natural.