Paladin Solo
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

How hard can it be to at least critically evaluate simple circumstantial evidence before a priori denouncing and to a great degree failing to grasp what this thread is about?
When did I fail to grasp what this thread is about? It's a thread about a conspiracy right? Hence the conspiracy... Ok, so I came about this thread initially a bit saracastically...
Sudden Onset of Collapse
Were you expecting the building to yell out to everyone watching that it couldn't hold itself up anymore?
Collapsing straight Down
Some buildings fail to collapse at all even when demolition charges are used, and some don't collapse the way they should. But since we've obviously seen these types of attacks happen ALL THE TIME, the WTC is the first reported case in which buildings collapsed the way they did... (God, I hope you recognize the sarcasm in that last sentence)
Almost Free-Fall Speed
Did it happen too fast? Should it have stopped and told you what it was doing? You hold tons of weight above your head, and see if you can hold it up without collapsing at free-fall speed. The building just simply wasn't strong enough to hold back the tons of steel coming down on it.
Total Collapse of the buildings
Like I said, sometimes demolition charges fail to collapse buildings as well. The airplane's cockpit went clear through (or some flaming ball of fire) the other side of the building when it crashed into it. This created a huge gap in the building which made holding up the weight much less stable.
Evidence of Sliced Steel
Thats what happens when metal comes crashing down on metal from really high above.
Pulverization of Concrete and Other Materials
A tree root can break concrete, but a collapsing building can't?
Observed Dust Clouds
Not pretty enough carnage for you eh? There was other things in the building other than people and desks...plenty of things with chemcials, especially since there was an airliner in both buildings, not the mention the fact that a huge building crashing down to Earth is bound to push out a breath of smoke, at the very least.
Horizontal Ejections of gases
There were plent of things to emit gasses, and were you there to see if a pipe or two weren't physically bent and bleeding out gasses in a horizontal direction? There was plenty of debris to force gasses to maneuver in a horizontal method. For example, take your hand, and hold it to an angle next to your mouth, and blow so that your breath can be felt at different angles. Or, just maneuver your lips to project your breath to shoot at different angles. Not everything to life is so complicated.
Sounds Produced by Explosions
For the umpteenth time, a building crashing down, will make a thump, electronics on fire, with water and liquid fuel spraying at it, will explode, gasses will mix with other gasses and fire. It's chaos. Plus, did you not see the planes crashing into the buildings?
Molten Steel
Did you not see the fires or explosions? Do you not know that hot metal touching hot metal will create more hot metal? A strong concentration of explosive force with fuel to burn it for some time will make metal hot... So we found this molten metal in the debris...well, it had to be there, since it did come crashing down. And how would you know that the metal did not stay hot under that debris for some time? So let's say you're right...and demolitions were used. This makes the molten metal discovery more valid? Explain please, other than the fact that thermite can do the same to metal what an exploding airplane can. As the article, and fact says, metal can stay hot for a long time if not directly cooled, and heated by something really hot...Like an explosive force of a huge airliner full of flamables crashes into a building.
The temperature of the fire at the WTC was not unusual, and it was most definitely not capable of melting steel.
The article keeps refering to this case. Well, here is my question...if the tempeartures could be, and were apparently recorded, then even if explosives were used, since the temperture recorded was "not capable" enough to melt metal...then how did the metal melt?
Now, the only part I'll agree with you on is the WTC 7 mystery, and the only thing I'm agreeing with you on that is that it's a mystery, yet to be solved. The molten metal from the Twin Towers could've scattered on collapse into 7's site.
7. Multiple loud explosions in rapid sequence were heard and reported by numerous observers in and near the WTC Towers, consistent with explosive demolition. Firemen and others described flashes and explosions in upper floors near where the plane entered, and in lower floors of WTC 2 just prior to its collapse, far below the region where the plane had struck the tower (Dwyer, 2005). For instance, at the start of the collapse of the South Tower a Fox News anchor reported:
That could just be random explosions from the building and/or the plane at a coincidencial time, or the explosions could've just be thumps of the building's upper damaged floors giving way. Or, it could've been demolition charges somehow randomly were placed near the location of where the plane coincidentially hit. The steel frames on the lower floors were also said to give away with the huge shift of weight diverted onto them, so when the break, explosions are heard, and dust is seen.
“If I were to bring the towers down, I would put explosives in the basement to get the weight of the building to help collapse the structure.”
Plus, the weight of the building did help collapse the structure.
Now, while this conspiracy (at the time being) does present some very good points, perhaps the conspiracy is just a conspiracy of a conspiracy? Perhaps it is missing some other very good points? My point is this...when will it stop? Never... Someone is always going to argue it happened some other way than is widely believed. And though I respect your right and ability to bring to question those beliefs, in this particular case, I don't fully agree with your views on this subject matter.
Now, with all that aside... Let's say hypothetically that explosives were used... Why so quick to think it wasn't some other third party? I hear plenty of dirty references to Israel, but I'm not so quick to believe it. You see what I'm getting at? When it comes to conspiracy theories, no matter how deep you dig the hole, there is always one that is deeper.
Anyways... Like I said, this kind of thing doesn't happen every day for scientists and investigators to study, research, and investigate. There are similiar situations in the topic of buildings collapsing, but they are also, at the same time, two very different situations.
Even the Japanese kamikaze pilots aimed for the water line.
Try to stay on topic, that's ships in water, not buildings on land.
phenomena that the architects and the NY civil engineering approval committees never dreamed of.
When you're interested in making a quick buc, in the middle of a busy day planning on buildings for millions of citizens, and sometimes, corrupt, you tend to skip a few things. I won't even mention the politically zealous.
The WTC was not even a strategic military target.
You must be joking? Do you know who Osama is, and what his group wants to do with Americans?