The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

I'm not into rap or hiphop or gangster rap, listened to a tiny few tracks by NWA, but this trailer is very slick:
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I was never a big fan either, but I always appreciated the emotional sound of angry gangsta rap. The rivalry extravaganza in 2-Pac's "Hit 'em up" always cracked me up, but with NWA's "Fuck da police" there is a certain seriousness, social awareness that we easily forget long after. It wasn't about just popping people - but a reaction to something more institutionalized, that culminated into world focus with the Rodney King beating, and subsequent L.A. Riots.

I just like to stop and notice certain songs we easily take for granted, songs that came about due to special circumstances. Lots of music has this "inherent memory" in it, wether or not its of a genre I'd usually prefer, I will often find the track interesting because of its history. There will be a longer period of snickering and eyerolling to this kind of history, if it's too recent, for example gangsta-rap, or 70s rock, where it's easy to just think "lol they were so high" without considering what this means for society as a whole - back then the top #1 personalities were off their face on lsd, those were some seriously different days! :D
I just watched Taxi Driver. It was strange, in that this character was very relatable for me in some parts of the movie, in how he interacted with the world and how he misunderstands people. Of course I'm not so autistic as to attempt an assassination, or try to "save" a girl by going over and shooting up her pimp and some maffioso. Or to get a gun at all. It was minor parts of the movie that did that for me.

I also suppose this movie is another classic that would have been more impressive in it's time. I guess that anti-heroes, and the kind of ending it has, and mental and social issues explored in the movie were less explored at that time, making for a greater impact. Still a five out of five for me.

I'm looking forward to watching some other classics too that I haven't seen, like Goodfellas, the Godfather, Casablanca and others.
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I'm a big fan of both gangsta rap and the film Taxi Driver. I did a presentation in uni about it where I compared Taxi Driver with the film The Searchers, the film Scorsese based it on.

Here's a music video of the film with the song "Late for the sky" by Jackson Browne used in the film.

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I'm looking forward to watching some other classics too that I haven't seen, like Goodfellas, the Godfather, Casablanca and others.

I know, I know, I have some super-classics myself I've yet to watch, like 2001 Space Oddysey

The Godfather is one of my favorite movies. I know it's like saying "Mozart is my favorite composer" but goddamn, Mozart had a keen understanding of audience expectation. He is the forefather of pop!
I'm looking forward to watching some other classics too that I haven't seen, like Goodfellas, the Godfather, Casablanca and others.

I know, I know, I have some super-classics myself I've yet to watch, like 2001 Space Oddysey

The Godfather is one of my favorite movies. I know it's like saying "Mozart is my favorite composer" but goddamn, Mozart had a keen understanding of audience expectation. He is the forefather of pop!

Rock 'n' roll more likely. Heard his Turkish March? That's damn heavy.
I'm looking forward to watching some other classics too that I haven't seen, like Goodfellas, the Godfather, Casablanca and others.

I know, I know, I have some super-classics myself I've yet to watch, like 2001 Space Oddysey

The Godfather is one of my favorite movies. I know it's like saying "Mozart is my favorite composer" but goddamn, Mozart had a keen understanding of audience expectation. He is the forefather of pop!

Rock 'n' roll more likely. Heard his Turkish March? That's damn heavy.

I love the fact that - at the time, Turkey is the Ottoman empire - it is big, butch and manly, imperialistic and dangerous. Turks, mustaches, helmets and swords.

SO reflected by the fairy-ballet-sounds of "The Turkish March" :D
I can only understand this as open (but skillful) mockery, on Mozart's part - who was indeed not shy to make fun, and make gags.

If you want baroque metal, go for "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven, that's some hardcore guitar-soloing with the piano! Find a skillful version though, the piano is so fast and precise, a lot of performers botch it up.
the third movement, in particular. To me, this is pure metal!
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I'm looking forward to watching some other classics too that I haven't seen, like Goodfellas, the Godfather, Casablanca and others.

I know, I know, I have some super-classics myself I've yet to watch, like 2001 Space Oddysey

The Godfather is one of my favorite movies. I know it's like saying "Mozart is my favorite composer" but goddamn, Mozart had a keen understanding of audience expectation. He is the forefather of pop!

You haven't seen 2001? I can really recommend it. It's a slow burner, but what a looker! Still hasn't been completely surpassed since. Really one of the movies that holds up best. But you have to be in the right mindset to appreciate a slow movie like that.
I'm looking forward to watching some other classics too that I haven't seen, like Goodfellas, the Godfather, Casablanca and others.

I know, I know, I have some super-classics myself I've yet to watch, like 2001 Space Oddysey

The Godfather is one of my favorite movies. I know it's like saying "Mozart is my favorite composer" but goddamn, Mozart had a keen understanding of audience expectation. He is the forefather of pop!

You haven't seen 2001? I can really recommend it. It's a slow burner, but what a looker! Still hasn't been completely surpassed since. Really one of the movies that holds up best.

Oh, yes, I believe you. I just haven't gotten around to it. I think any movie buff has that curse of the ever-growing list of "must see"-films :D
In order to not inflame any dormant OCD tendencies, I'm not even going to make a list :D
I saw 2001 at a film festival from the big screen, it was a night time showing from about 1 am to 3.30 am I think. It's good to see like that, very clearly from a big screen and in one sitting, with very few if any exits to the fridge. Incidentally after watching 2001 at the same festival I saw The Searchers from about 3.30 am to 5.00 am or so. Interesting double feature, to say the least.
I saw "Plan 9 from outter space" in a special screening once - just like Seinfeld! :D

Here, we have 2 commercial cinemas, showing the blockbusters as usual - but one "alternative" cinema, showing movies according to public votes. I have often ignored it, and it's not very convenient for me to go there, but I went twice. The other movie I saw there was Das Experiment.
You can buy beer in that theatre, and bring to your seat :D
*spoilerish but it's a movie about cooking for a living so who really cares*

Just watched John Favrou's Chef. It's on Netflix. It appeals to me as a cook.

A chef, stifled as a creator, leaves and finds renewed interest in his passion by going back to humble origins in a food truck. It's pretty good but gets a little food pornish but does have a few cameos that are a pleasant surprise. The plot doesn't really take a backseat to feelings and the obligatory "sad moments" until the end and even then it's just a man who wants to cook and then learns that his son is awesome. I would give it a watch for a simple story and some food porn moments. It's pretty good.

Do give it a watch for some real genuine food porn moments if you're into that sort of thing but it does have a pretty long run time for a movie about cooking.
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Anyone got any personal favorite lesser known/indie flicks that they'd like to share?

Personally, I really liked the Norwegian film Troll Hunter.

I'd heard there were rumors of an English adaption? I can't really see the point in it, as the Norwegian bit is kinda one of the points of the film.
The man from earth. It's in my top five. Smarter than average, it relies on dialogue to support the entire story. No real action, and it takes place in one location. Damn, just even describing it makes me itch to see it again.
The man from earth. It's in my top five. Smarter than average, it relies on dialogue to support the entire story. No real action, and it takes place in one location. Damn, just even describing it makes me itch to see it again.

Just had a look at the premise, sounds very interesting.

Immortal characters always get my interest, but they're always poorly used. This looks like it could use the idea very well.
Personally, I really liked the Norwegian film Troll Hunter.

Hurray! I always like when our movies are noticed abroad, and among all our movies, Troll Hunter was perhaps one of the most true-to-self and not trying so hard to be something... else.

Another of favorite Norwegian movie of mine is "Scorched Negro" (don't be intimidated by the title, it is quite upbeat, and not racist :D), a very bizarre comedy, one could almost call it a romantic comedy, but it's really not... :D

I'd heard there were rumors of an English adaption? I can't really see the point in it, as the Norwegian bit is kinda one of the points of the film.

English or American? Americans remake everything they like, the moment they like it, so no surprise there, although I wish they really would just get used to subtitles instead... They're probably gonna Pathfinder-the hell out of it also.
Which reminds me of: Pathfinder, or Ofelas

This is perhaps my very favorite Norwegian movie (as in, from here - but it is entirely in Saami language, by and with Saami people).
There exists an American remake that has virtually nothing to do with it, except it too is set in old times, and has bad people vs good people.