The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

I just watched Gone Girl. It was a very good film, until, and spoiler alert for the ending here:
It ends on one of the most dissapointing anti-climaxes ever. I now feel the movie is essentially all buildup and no payoff. Fuck you David Fincher you hack fraud!
There exists an American remake that has virtually nothing to do with it, except it too is set in old times, and has bad people vs good people.
I'm not defending the remake (I haven't seen it but it looks pretty bad), but doesn't Ofelas have good people vs. bad people? It's been over twenty years since I've seen it, so maybe I'm misremembering.

Don't get me wrong; I appreciate a film where the Norwegians are the evil aggressors.

A few weeks ago I re-watched The Graduate from 1967. I'm not a huge Simon & Garfunkel fan, but it's still pretty good. Very funny.
There exists an American remake that has virtually nothing to do with it, except it too is set in old times, and has bad people vs good people.
I'm not defending the remake (I haven't seen it but it looks pretty bad), but doesn't Ofelas have good people vs. bad people? It's been over twenty years since I've seen it, so maybe I'm misremembering.

Don't get me wrong; I appreciate a film where the Norwegians are the evil aggressors.

A few weeks ago I re-watched The Graduate from 1967. I'm not a huge Simon & Garfunkel fan, but it's still pretty good. Very funny.

Yes, it does, that is what I said - it has nothing to do with the original except it pits good versus evil.
So, with that as the only connection between them, the remake could be anything - as long as it pits good versus evil.
The original is indeed very simple like that, so I meant it as no comment on the differences in story complexity.
Just finished watching the Grand Budapest Hotel for the second time. This time on blu-ray. Truly a brilliant film. There's nothing quite as funny, stylish and intriguing in the way this movie is. If any of you haven't seen it I would heartily recommend it. I imagine it entering many top lists of the year or decade or whatever. If the people behind the lists have any sense for such quality movie-making.
Yes, it does, that is what I said - it has nothing to do with the original except it pits good versus evil...

Right! I simply misread what you wrote. It's entirely my fault. :grin:

BTW, Troll Hunter is on my "to see" list. Also, the U.S. remake of Insomnia was pretty good. I haven't seen the original but I would also watch that if the opportunity arises.

Concerning Wes Anderson, it's curious that Hollywood has passed him over for awards for years (Moonrise Kingdom wasn't even nominated for Best Picture the same year Argo won that award - pfft), but The Grand Budapest Hotel is nominated this year. I cynically suspect it's because the main character is bisexual.

Not that I care whether or not that's actually the reason - M. Gustave is a great character, and Ralph Fiennes did a great job playing him.
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I'll assume you've all seen this:

I was honestly surprised, I was expecting gritty "Gurr look how serious and Nolan-esque I am" reboot style, but they've managed to show competence in displaying the dark humor and absolute insanity of Mad Max.

Plus the use of excellent practical effects is making me feel all funny. Seriously, it's good to see that in blockbuster filmmaking nowadays.

It's all making me pine for more Fallout though....

I might give Fallout 2 a replay....
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I am still not convinced yet. I mean yeah, I have no doubts that the visuals will be awesome. But Mad Max ... well it has always been about Mel for me. Take Mel away, and it is simply missing something. It is like Terminator without Arnold. Kinda. I also don't see why there is such huge focus on the "old" stuff, like the old heroes with sequels, prequels, reboots etc. Would it hurt so much to make a new post-apoc movie in the same style like Mad Max but without any conections?

Anyway, I hope it will be a decent action flick and I hope that it will not end as a Max-has-to-save-the-whole-wasteland thing. I think I have read somewhere that he's helping a few slaves while they try to run away or something. That would be somewhat refreshing. To many movies focus on heroes that have to save either the world or the universe or what ever.

Also do you want to see some shittyness that costed several 100m dollar?

Take it as an insult, I dont care, but if you like this trailer and think this will be a great movie than I say that you're not a terminator fan.
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Just finished watching the Grand Budapest Hotel for the second time. This time on blu-ray. Truly a brilliant film. There's nothing quite as funny, stylish and intriguing in the way this movie is. If any of you haven't seen it I would heartily recommend it. I imagine it entering many top lists of the year or decade or whatever. If the people behind the lists have any sense for such quality movie-making.

Just watched it the other day, and enjoyed it quite a bit as well. It surprised me, because Wes Anderson films usually irritate me for some reason. I want to like them, but the 'quirkiness' just gets over the top within about 20 minutes of the start. I hated 'The Royal Tenenbaums', was apathetic through 'Moonrise Kingdom', and outright bored in 'The Fantastic Mr. Fox'. The only other Wes Anderson film I've mostly enjoyed is 'The Life Aquatic'. Having said that, within minutes of the opening, I was sucked into the Grand Budapest Hotel, and enjoyed it all the way through. Probably the best movie I've seen so far this year.
Watching The Lord of the Rings Extended Bluray Set Extra's that weren't present on the dvd set.

Do you suppose they remove horse penises in post?
Saw Dead Poet's Society again, since it's been playing on Showtime lately. Good film. I was surprised to learn it was from 1989! The first time I saw it was around 2000 or so, and I didn't think it look like an aged film back then... and youthfulness of the actors notwithstanding, I still don't! It's a great film, and it's kinda hauntingly ironic that the subject of suicide comes up in a film with Robin Williams. At least it wasn't his role, but still... Anyway, great, great film. It IS scary seeing a couple of the actors so young, but everything about it was superb. The themes, the acting, the plot, the messages. Great stuff.

In the end, one could see it as ending tragically with a wonderful person suffering the political ramifications of being labeled the scapegoat, or one could see it happily inspiring, as his student rise to display how he has forever changed their lives by empowering them with the desires to pursue their own roads, thus fulfilling his role as a teacher better than he ever could. Great film.
I should rewatch Dead poets society, and I should watch Birdman.

I did a rewatch of War of the Worlds recently, and I must say, this movie grows on me every time. Sure, it has individual flaws to fill a little list, but Spielberg does that Spielberg thing, and just Spielberg all over your face with it. I love it.

*still has crusted Spielberg in my mustache*
Yeah, if they could now release a version without Cruise, it would be splendit

Cruise is Cruise, but what Cruise is the most - is intense.
I appreciate Cruise in intense roles, he fits in well. I like him in War of the Worlds, he does what he is supposed to: Look like a distracted boy-man, and be totally intense.
I think RLM said it best when they called cruise "Actor in a can." He's not a bad actor, but not a good one either. He doesn't elevate or ruin stuff.
I can't buy Cruise in an action role, even if he grows the muscle he is both too short and too nonthreatening to have any kind of action charisma.
I saw Trollhunter! Yeah, it's pretty funny. I enjoyed the way the trolls looked, especially the one at the end. I also appreciated how creative the movie was in using everyday objects and natural landscape features for it's story. I would have preferred subtitles to the english overdubbing in the version I saw, however. That's my only real complaint.

The good parts of War of the Worlds are amazingly good, actually. I think Cruise is fine in that movie. The problem is Dakota Fanning - not because she's bad or anything, but just because her character has no business existing in the story beyond the fact that Spielberg always has to have plucky kids in his movies, which is annoying. The whole fater-protecting-his-children dynamic is typical, worn-out Spielberg.

The tripods in War of the Worlds are an excellent example of good art direction: they were rendered with significant creative license without significantly contradicting the descriptions of the tripods in the H.G. Wells novel. The result is one of the most alien-looking movie monsters I can remember.
I saw Trollhunter! Yeah, it's pretty funny. I enjoyed the way the trolls looked, especially the one at the end. I also appreciated how creative the movie was in using everyday objects and natural landscape features for it's story. I would have preferred subtitles to the english overdubbing in the version I saw, however. That's my only real complaint.

The good parts of War of the Worlds are amazingly good, actually. I think Cruise is fine in that movie. The problem is Dakota Fanning - not because she's bad or anything, but just because her character has no business existing in the story beyond the fact that Spielberg always has to have plucky kids in his movies, which is annoying. The whole fater-protecting-his-children dynamic is typical, worn-out Spielberg.

The tripods in War of the Worlds are an excellent example of good art direction: they were rendered with significant creative license without significantly contradicting the descriptions of the tripods in the H.G. Wells novel. The result is one of the most alien-looking movie monsters I can remember.

The trolls in Trollhunter are all based on Theodor Kittelsen and John Bauer designs, respectively Norwegian and Swedish "masters" of troll-design, you should check them out. I am obviously biased towards Kittelsen, being a Norwegian myself.

As for Dakota Fanning, I think she played a vital point in bringing a lot of naturalism into the story. Usually I find plopped-in-kids to be a bother, in Jurassic Park the kids have no stupid business being there, but in War of the Worlds it is normal society that gets attacked. Kids consist of like a good third of normal society
Crni, you dislike Cruise? But I thought you liked Edge of Tomorrow?

Pretty much what Akratus said. Cruise is ... kinda a faceless actor. With saying that, I feel he did a really decent job in that movie where he played some assassin, Collateral. That is, yeah because his way of faceless acting really fitts the role. I think Cruise had really only one decent movie, and that was Top Gun, anything else that I have seen from Cruise was rather mediocre, as far as the acting goes. Edge of Tomorrow was a pretty good movie, but that was not becaus of Cruise. I just liked the story. And the female actor was decent. Oh, and no sex scene. That alone makes the movie awesome. I hate my action movies beeing ruined by stupid forced sex scenes. The movie where Cruise was TOTALLY wrong though, in my opinion, was as Staufenberg. But the movie for it self was not really that good to begin with, the whole Staufenberg as hero thing was neither correct nor does it really fitt the situation.
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