The "norwegian" used in the X-files episode was litterally a bunch of "swedish-chef"-stuff, it was pure gibberish, made to sound "norse". They hadn't even researched given-names, and characters were just called Trondheim and Bergen and stuff.
There is one scene where Mulder tells them about meteors, and they laugh (in English) "Hey Oslo! Ever heard of a flaming rock falling from the heavens? By Odin, such nonsense!"
The next time Norwegians were featured in an American tv show was years later, in the show Bones. Here an American actor at least
tried his very best to speak Norwegian - resulting in something very similar to "spanglish", where I - as a Norwegian - could make out what he was at least trying to say

Still, no man, that's not genuine Norwegian, I can tell
My dad is a Spanish speaker, and therefore so am I, so yes, I recognize the cringy awkwardness in an English-speaking actor doing his best to sound authentically Spanish. The more "localized" they try to make the language, the more awkward.
I have yet not heard any American actor try to tackle Iberian Spanish

with the lisps and the "sh"s

That would be just priceless!