The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Saw American Sniper on Saturday night. Excellent film, though I think I'll leave it at that, and urge anyone who can to go see it. It's not empty-headed soldier praise, and it's pretty graphic, but NOT in a Lone Survivor "war porn" sort of way. Just go see it! =D
Watched Kynodontas yesterday. Difficult to say much about it without giving too much away. It gives a good insight into one of many categories of how a human can be raised and formed all wrong. Alll wrong :D

Absolutely not for watching with friends over a pizza and some laughs. Some viewers may find it disturbing!
Absolutely not for watching with friends over a pizza and some laughs. Some viewers may find it disturbing!
You can't tell what the fuck to do!

Obviously, it goes both ways! I can put my troll-hat on and warmly recommend this movie be watched with all of the family together! : )
Kindov like nothing beats watching a good Almodovar movie, like La Mala Educacion together with your parents

I watched it with my dad, I think that was the one.
We came out of there afterwards, and talked about Jurassic Park

Good movie tho! But awkward!

A ridley scott film about an investigation into a child murderer in the Russia of 1952.
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Nice trailer. But something that I really never understood.

Fake accents. Why. For the love of god. Why? It sounds terrible. It doesnt help the movie. It is done very often by people that don't even nail the "accent".

They should simply not do it.
Nice trailer. But something that I really never understood.

Fake accents. Why. For the love of god. Why? It sounds terrible. It doesnt help the movie. It is done very often by people that don't even nail the "accent".

They should simply not do it.

Fake language is worse.
There is an X-files episode where characters speak fake Norwegian.
I can tell. We all could :I
Well, not even attempting an accent is worse. Like Enemy at the Gates. Obviously accuracy or bust.

Did you guys know the German dub of Valkyrie is amazing?
It depends on the acting, but for me, I prefer as close to authenticity as possible. For that, speaking in the language you're supposed to BE speaking is best. It's one thing if we just suspend our disbelief and accept that "English" is the language of the future in a sci-fi, it's one thing if we suspend our disbelief and accept that every fantasy setting is "English" in nature. It's another thing entirely if a film switches from one person speaking their language to another person speaking another language and break all suspension of disbelief because their only indication of "languages" is an ACCENT. An entire film set in France, and every actor just has a nasty French accent? No... An entire story set in Russia, and every actor has really stereotypical accents? I'd rather not... But again, it all depends on the acting. They could make it work.

I just love it when films endeavor to be as authentic as possible. I loved that about Inglorious Basterds, even if I didn't like the film overall, in the end. Having people speaking French when they're speaking French, having people speaking German when they're speaking German, and so on and so on. The Passion of Christ is another fine example of both: great use of actual languages and not a great film itself. If the performances and the sets and the effects and the dialog and the premises were all the same, and the only difference was whether they tried to stay authentic or didn't, I'd opt for the authentic version every time. It's why I despise all dubs, even so-called "good ones".
Nice trailer. But something that I really never understood.

Fake accents. Why. For the love of god. Why? It sounds terrible. It doesnt help the movie. It is done very often by people that don't even nail the "accent".

They should simply not do it.

Fake language is worse.
There is an X-files episode where characters speak fake Norwegian.
I can tell. We all could :I
I get you. Bad spanish is much more common in US movies and it's so horrendously and awkwardly phrased.... it just makes you cringe.
I think you're confusing Spanglish with "bad Spanish". The U.S. has Spanish and Spanglish. They're NOT the same thing. I for one am quite fascinated by the difference between Spaniard Spanish and Mexican Spanish, let alone Spanish and Spanglish.
No dude, Spanish has very strict rules, bad Spanish and spanglish are very easy to identify. A lot of times they'll have a spanish speaking character and they will confuse the gender of words like they are putting effort into getting them wrong; words in spanish have gender, and this determines what gendered conjugation or article you use with said word, for example "This soda is delicious" Soda is female, so you would say "Esta soda es deliciosa",Bad spanish assumes all articles are male gendered so they'll go like "Este soda es delicioso" for example. They also mix up accents like a motherfucker, Mr and Mrs Smith for example had a sequence in Bogota (And not gettign into how wrong their idea of Bogota is, I mean I know we are third world, but our capital is not a dusty town in the middle of nowhere....) but all the "Colombians" there have Cuban accents, not even in the coastal region do they have such strong Cuban accents. We Latinos have so many different accents that we fight over them constantly.

And even when they more or less get the grammar and conjugations, they often construct phrases exactly how they would construct english phrases, which results in very unnatural sounding dialogue. Spanish is far more complex than english in very unnecesary ways, so direct translations never work (and that goes both ways, that's why I have a lot of typos on my messages), you always have to rework the idea you are expressing so it doesn't sound weird.
The "norwegian" used in the X-files episode was litterally a bunch of "swedish-chef"-stuff, it was pure gibberish, made to sound "norse". They hadn't even researched given-names, and characters were just called Trondheim and Bergen and stuff.
There is one scene where Mulder tells them about meteors, and they laugh (in English) "Hey Oslo! Ever heard of a flaming rock falling from the heavens? By Odin, such nonsense!"

The next time Norwegians were featured in an American tv show was years later, in the show Bones. Here an American actor at least tried his very best to speak Norwegian - resulting in something very similar to "spanglish", where I - as a Norwegian - could make out what he was at least trying to say :D
Still, no man, that's not genuine Norwegian, I can tell :D

My dad is a Spanish speaker, and therefore so am I, so yes, I recognize the cringy awkwardness in an English-speaking actor doing his best to sound authentically Spanish. The more "localized" they try to make the language, the more awkward.
I have yet not heard any American actor try to tackle Iberian Spanish :D with the lisps and the "sh"s :D That would be just priceless!
I prefer German voice over with movies for this reason. When they translate foreign movies, they usually leave out any kind of accent. At least most of the time. So even if everyone is Russian, they will talk clear German. Which is what I prefer, I mean yeah, they are all in Russia and would talk Russian, but we are supposed to understand them. Giving everyone a fucking fake accent doesn't help the movie, in my opinion. I also don't understand why it is so hard to get someone who can speak Spanish or Norwegian correctly to translate a few lines for one character. I mean they give millions to create fake languages (Avatar, Game of Thrones), but they cant be arsed to speak correct Spanish/Foreign languages? Like in Breaking Bad.
I just watched one of the, if not the most astounding documentary I've ever seen. Citizenfour, about Edward Snowden.

I can't say much more than that I give it a 5 star rating, or 9 out of 10. I would advise anyone remotely interested to watch it as soon as possible.
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I went to watch Birdman or the 2 hour long Drum Solo.... and... well..... I think.... I might need a second watch to solidify my feelings on the movie....
It was very.... different I'll say, and it had Emma Stone being a snarky little shit so that's always hot. Will watch a second time to decide if I liked it or not.