This ghoul has seen it all

Edge of Tomorrow sucked tho....
Edge of Tomorrow sucked tho....
Edge of Tomorrow on itself was kind of dull, even the presentation was rather arid.... Then I read the original story and I on principle Despise White Washing so the movie moved up from thinking it was mediocre to hating it.
(,,,)A lot of people give Tom Cruise shit, but I still like the guy. He has starred in some of my favorite roles over the years. Yes, he is completely insane, but I think that makes me like him more. At least his isn't Nick Cage. Am I right? Eh?!
No End in Sight was made by a documentary film maker who then made Inside Job, about the economic crisis, of which I don't know whether it's more, less, or equally as chilling as No End in Sight.
Crni, you dislike Cruise? But I thought you liked Edge of Tomorrow?
Pretty much what Akratus said. Cruise is ... kinda a faceless actor. With saying that, I feel he did a really decent job in that movie where he played some assassin, Collateral. That is, yeah because his way of faceless acting really fitts the role. I think Cruise had really only one decent movie, and that was Top Gun, anything else that I have seen from Cruise was rather mediocre, as far as the acting goes. Edge of Tomorrow was a pretty good movie, but that was not becaus of Cruise. I just liked the story. And the female actor was decent. Oh, and no sex scene. That alone makes the movie awesome. I hate my action movies beeing ruined by stupid forced sex scenes. The movie where Cruise was TOTALLY wrong though, in my opinion, was as Staufenberg. But the movie for it self was not really that good to begin with, the whole Staufenberg as hero thing was neither correct nor does it really fitt the situation.
Forget that! Obviously these fellows have never seen Cocktail.You didn't like him in Rain Man or Magnolia? You must be as mad as he is.
First, I have to set the mood.
So, I'm at this girl's house because I'm snowed in at work. (This was about a week ago), and she's with her IDIOTIC friends, I just didn't want to sleep at work, so I trudged through 8 inches of snow to her fucking house, showered, put on some clean clothes, and was going to go to sleep, if not for these goddamn clucking hens 15 feet away from me. I gave up, and they decided to watch a movie. (some sterotypical chick flick, I just played on my phone), Afterwords, one on them makes the suggestion "Let's watch a scary movie", so they rented Let Me In on Amazon or some shit. Anyways, they all get tired and go to sleep, and I end up watching it. One of the best movies I've seen in a long fucking time. Of course, I overslept, missed my alarm, didn't go to work, but that damn good movie made it worth a no call, no show.
Sorry for my little sob story. Point being, I was really damn impressed with the narrative and execution. Also, Snowpiercer is worth a check out if you like Post-Apoc stuff with a spin, one of the more original ideas.