The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

DammitBoy said:
So what is the best Tom Hardy movie, has anybody seen 'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy'?

The book was damn good, hopefully the movie held true to the novel.
Well Batman was his biggest role, so that would be the obvious answer, but my favorite was 'Bronson'.
hans omega said:
DammitBoy said:
So what is the best Tom Hardy movie, has anybody seen 'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy'?

The book was damn good, hopefully the movie held true to the novel.
Well Batman was his biggest role, so that would be the obvious answer, but my favorite was 'Bronson'.

I think his role in 'Bronson' was far superior to his role as Bane. Not even close. I'll be interested in seeing how those two roles compare to his other work.
Sub-Human said:
hans omega said:
Well Batman was his biggest role, so that would be the obvious answer

Biggest doesn't equate to best.
Specially considering that Bane didn't have that much of a personality. I guess it would show that he can make a speech with his voice dubbed over with a filter.
So I watched 'Battleship' and it wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. If they'd killed rihanna, I'd have given it a 2.5 out of five asshats...

Also watched Shutter Island. That was funky and pretty durn good. I give it 4.1 out of five asshats. Plus got to work with some of the guys who built the sets for the movie - they had some great stories about Leo, they said the director had to keep telling him not to smoke like a girl or run like a pansy with his arms flailing about... lol
I've yet to see Shutter Island, but I DID watch Battleship just the other day. I have to say, the story was decent, though I liked Battle:LA much better. I would have liked to see Rhianna have a bigger role in the movie, though.
FOvet said:
I would have liked to see Rhianna have a bigger role in the movie, though.

Rhianna is a horrible person. I'd have liked to see a larger role for her where the aliens killed her in some spectacular way... :clap:
Just saw Lawless, I heard it wasn't good but I ignored the reviews and saw it anyway, it was actually pretty good. It was some what funny when ever Tom Hardy spoke he finished with grunts and grumbles or just replied with them.

The only real criticisms I agreed with in reviews for the movie, are that for the style of movie the better the longer, and it could have been three hours but was two. Also, Gary Oldman is a well known actor with what seems like a role in this move but has roughly two minutes of screen time. Guy Pearce, the three brothers and a girl lead the movie. And Guy Pearce is a freaking creep in the movie.
Not sure if this is the right topic or not, but I'm watching season 4 of Breaking Bad, I'm up to episode 11. Wow, what the fuck? Can't he just slap in the face Skyler as hard as he can? That bitch.
Caught Going postal on tv the other night, i like it a lot. I don't know why David Suchet keeps shaving he has a perfect face for a beard.

I never heard of Terry Pratchett, i think i'm gonna read some of his work. Discworld sounds interesting.
Movie: Predator...classic, epic, great 1-liners.
Series: Community...fresh humor and ideas, overall great stuff to watch
The Whisperer in Darkness
I enjoyed the previous HPLHS film, The Call of Cthulhu, done in style of '20's films, but this one was a disappointment.
Unlike The Call, this one goes a long way to change the original plot from the short story - granted, adding a bit more complexity was in place, but the end result was a full-blown action-packed pseudo-thriller which pretty much kills all defining details of Lovecraft's works and ruins a potentially good film.
Too bad. I wish they had cut the film after the second third. After that it becomes absurd.
I don't really like when they try and bring Lovecraftian horror into other media, when some of the defining aspects of the imagery is how it is supposed to be "indescribable." It feels like the monsters lose their magic.
donperkan said:
I never heard of Terry Pratchett, i think i'm gonna read some of his work. Discworld sounds interesting.

Dooooo it!

Also try and watch the other two Discworld tv movies, The Hogfather is darn good.

Watched Dredd, no clue if non 2000ad fans will like it as much as I did.
I jus saw the fanSubbed Ace Attorney live action movie.

If I was to keep a cold head, and just evaluate this movie, I would say it was pretty terrible...

The acting was very hammy, the story was changed from the game in just the right places to make it not make any sense.

But, it was incredibly fun to watch.
I think the only Instructions Mikeh gave the actors was "HAM IT UP!!!!" with four exclamation marks on Bold.
Specially the ending of the trial. I think Ryo Ishibashi (as Von Karma, play the game) just improvised and they kept the camera rolling.
They got the Cheesy aspect of the game, and then gave it cocaine.

Takashi Mikeh may not always make good movies, but at least you won't be able to say that you were bored while watching them.