The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Well, according to the movie (ya know, if it were to be taken SERIOUSLY), that wouldn't have worked, because the contact was EXPECTING someone to claim a 1million dollar withdrawal from that same account. But.... details detail. =)
donperkan said:
I never heard of Terry Pratchett
:crazy: I suggest starting with the death trilogy (Mort, Reaper Man, Soul Music) and go from there. Now scram and don't show your face again until you've read some Pratchett.
I liked Going Postal, too. The best Discworld movie so far, I think. I hope they'll do Making Money next, with the same cast.

I recently got Avengers on BD and currently doing a Marvel Marathon (sorta) with the girlfriend in preparation. We watched Iron Man 1+2 and Captain America already, Hulk and Thor are on the agenda today. I haven't watched these two before.
Buxbaum666 said:
I liked Going Postal, too. The best Discworld movie so far, I think.
Agreed. Even Hogfather was a pretty decent movie, but I consider Going Postal better story too.
OP:leaving drive I was extremely disappointed, not by the movie, but how it was advertised, went in expecting a more nuanced Transporter, call it anything else and I'm good. Great performances all around, has nearly nothing to do with driving.

DKR was a letdown, I am a huge comic book fan and was expecting a grand crescendo to what has been the best batman yet, but nolan leaves you wanting much for his final act. The final fight vs Bane was the most anti-climactic cop-out(pun intended) ever. Nolans blind love of the GCPD novels was painfully obvious in a movie titled TDKR that had more cop screen time than bat screen time. DK was best batman we will see. Hathaway was good, and wayy hotter than MP in any decade/ planet/ universe.Seriously some of you guys are crazy.

my pics Event Horizon- sci-fi horror
Serenity - condensed firefly / sci-fi western
Way of the Gun-must see

Superhero movie ratings:

poonisher 04: high expectations watching jane prep, bad script, bad travolta, wasted harry heck and acting ability of ben foster, huge waste of time,
set in "what if the punisher had a vagina world"
Daredevil - Ben Affleck wasn't the problem for me. It was COLON FARREL
Hulk - Long, drawn out, and dumb. Bana is too pretty for Banner.
BATMAN CLOONEY: JUNK, nothing salvageable
Ghost Rider 1 and 2 - Fool me once shame on your, fool me twice, dammit you got my money, again.
SPIDERMAN 3 :why, WHYYYYYYY!!!!??????? Forman as VENOM
Blade 3: damn you RR and GOYER !!! Should have gone with the original script.
X-men orgins: 1st 15 is watchable , the rest is soul poison

Fantastic Four 1 and 2 - 1 made Dr. Doom pretty lame, but it was passable. 2 turned Galactus into a giant cloud. Nuff said.
Incredible Hulk - tim roth was way over the top. It was good, but Avengers did Hulk better.
Xmen 3: slightly better than orgins, 2 good scenes cannot save this movie
Batman 3: val kilmer capable but a little to bitchey, FU chris odonell
horrible over the top villans
Spidey 1: solid foundation great scenes
Xmen - Still very watchable. Was one of my favorites for a long time.
Thor - SOLID, 1st half is the best
Captain America - not enough acrobatic fights, caps signature moves
Amazing spiderman: solid
Wanted: Solid/ comic book premise is cooler/ more adult
Batman TDKR: letdown, good movie , not soo good batman movie
Batman Returns: solid performances; ridiculous premises

SPIDEY 2: Great spiderman movie, new kid may end up a better parker though
Xmen First Class - Best X-men Movie wasted on 2nd stringers
Kick Ass - Now the KRYPTONITE!!!!!!!!!!!
Batman Begins - A good movie all around, welcome NOLAN & Bale
Iron Man - One of my favorites.
THE PUNISHER: 89' LUNDGREN: ACtually good movie, some campy lines, and lack of a skull on his chest keep this from a 5
BATMAN 89: Keaton , Nicholson: Grapling gun , batmobile,

BLADE 2: Best blade of the series: only downfall is crap CGI Final fight
Watchman - Closest movie adaption besides WARZONE, wished they had time for the ship interlude, bomb ending more plausable than alien one
Dark Knight - BEST BATS EVER, gave me chills
AVENGERS: old and new comic book nerds everywhere have a hard time finding fault with this movie, Great Cast/ performances / acting / Direction/ SCRIPT.
I am doing movie night for my students.
Last week was Fight Club, this week was the Lion in Winter. Undecided about next week's movie. I am leaning on Cidade de Deus.

Theme is comparative politics.
Hi Welsh!:D

I saw The Avengers yesterday and I didn't like it at all. I mean: six humans against an alien force with more advanced technology and a cunt like the Black Widow doesn't even have a scratch. Ridiculous.

Halfway through the movie I really hoped for the bad guys to win. For a change.

Also saw Contagion, which was less hyped but way better.
I just gotta say... that's some strange outlooks on TDKR.

I find myself largely in agreement with the majority of moviegoers and TDK trilogy fans when they say that the series reached its peak with TDK, with TDKR trailing not too far behind. I personally stress, however, that while I preferred TDK, TDKR let down in such small, subtle ways, that you have to nitpick just to bring them up. One of those letdowns in the absence of The Joker in the movie, and yet, I understand why they didn't include him; besides the show of respect to the late Heath Ledger, that is. I would've liked to see The Joker as the Judge rather than Crane's cameo (agaaaaaaain), but when you think about it, a character like The Joker isn't a force you just set free and expect to lie low; he'd steal the show, and then the movie wouldn't be about Batman VS Bane anymore. Also, the whole "Batman Dies" would render The Joker obsolete even if they had brought him back, because he defines himself by the existence of Batman. The real disappointments from the film were the multiple "quick fix" serendipitous moments, and a couple moments of sheer absurdity (fatal crash for the driver, but the man in the trunk with a bomb is perfectly fine), but it was paced so perfectly and really pulled at your emotional strings that, once again, you have to nitpick just to even mention them. As for Ann Hathaway... I didn't need any convincing to want to enjoy her as Selena Kyle, yet her performance did surpass my wildest expectations. She was TRULY believable as a character. That, and the way she mounted the Batpod, made her an unmatched and unforgettable Catwoman.
alec said:
Also saw Contagion, which was less hyped but way better.
I've heard some positivity about that one. I'll probably watch it some time.

Last night I re-watched the 1966 Paul Newman detective flick Harper. Damn that's a fun movie. I've got to remember to check out Newman's later Lew Harper film, The Drowning Pool.

Just saw this yesterday- it's amazing, so GO SEE IT!

Awesome old school dystopian setting and aesthetic, Karl Urban as Dredd is amazing, faithful to the comics, the list goes on. If you like post apoc stuff or FO/WL, I'd cosider it a must see!
I've heard the same. It looks like the movie may gain cult status since it didn't perform very well at the box office. Damn shame that is.
I kind of dont want to like this movie...
But I REALLY want to see it...

I guess I will have to check it out... cause everyone I know (and even dont) seems to think it is awesome!

Saw Prometheus.
I liked the film, quite a bit actually. Can't compare to Alien, but it is good.
Only thing that really bugged me is that some characters were a bit contradictory or just out of place. Also, guy who plays Holloway or whatever the name sucks.
Other than that, the music was a hit or miss. Some parts seem too militaristic, and just ill-fitted. I was hoping for more stuff like the uber-awesome trailer music, but no.

Enjoyed the film, overall.
Has anybody seen Lawless? It came up on my radar a few weeks back, and I dedicated some time to go see it... and wow. GOOD movie!

It's kinda funny that most people (or Americans, at least) have already heard "the story" of the early 20th century American Prohibition, and it's assumed to all take place between 1920 and 1930, and that these were the days of Al Capone and The Commission. Then some awesome television series like Boardwalk Empire (also really, really excellent) depict the early days when none of that was established, and characters like Capone were small-time crooks. Here, in Lawless, we see the opposite of that, the tail-end of prohibition. Not only does the film's story take place place literal months before Prohibition was ended, at the onset of the Great Depression, but it also steers clear from the glamor, big cities, and speakeasies we usually think of with "Prohibition", and dives into the rural stretches of hillbilly territory. But it's genuine, based around (somewhat embellished) actual events, the characters are really endearing, and the acting is top-notch. Funny moments elicit the proper amount of chuckles and guffaws without altering the overall mood of the film, which is very dark, and very, very violent.

So, if you have a weak stomach, or just don't like a lotta blood, best give Lawless a wide berth. But if you want to see a good damn film, I highly, HIGHLY recommend it.
I saw Frankenweenie while waiting to pick my cousin up at the airport, and I liked it...more than I expected to like it. The last 20 minutes are really fun.
SnapSlav said:
...have already heard "the story" of the early 20th century American Prohibition, and it's assumed to all take place between 1920 and 1930...
You should check out the Ken Burns documentary Prohibition.