The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

DammitBoy said:
On a related note: I start work on 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' on Monday morning in New Orleans at the old Six Flags amusement park.

This ought to be cool as shit and fun as hell. :mrgreen:

Go, Deebs, go. You wouldn't happen to know if this is a direct continuation of what Rise of the Planet of the Apes started, would you?
zegh8578 said:
.Pixote. said:
Django Unchained was very disappointing for me, I hate the way Tarantino seems to design a film around a soundtrack, now that might not be the case, but still I would have preferred the film had no musical soundtrack. The two main characters were fine, and most of the dialogue was fine as well, but overall Tarantino's films seem like sad clichés, he promises so much, but delivers so little. I wish he tackled his subjects without the cleverness and with more seriousness. :evil:

I am willing to have another look at the film later and make a reappraisal, but I still think Reservoir Dogs was his best film. So that's a 3 turds out of 5 for me.

I feel the same way about him. His movies are mostly "fun", but rarely go much beyond "fun". Kill Bill was hours and then continuation, of just.. "fun", anime, funky music, swords, fun dialogue, it's like when the fair comes to town. The fair is "fun".

I tend to consider Pulp Fiction the only movie he actually got right, but I admit I have yet to really give Reservoir Dogs a fair chance. I only saw it ages ago, and for some reason dubbed to a language I didn't know. Italian I think. Yeah, I know, I should give it another chance.

I really love Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill and Inglourious Basterds. But I was also dissapointed in Django Unchained, because it just didn't hit that same level. It's literally just two good guys who are so morally rightious because they are the main characters, shooting a bunch of people. (who happen to be evil wow) Then they get to where they want to go near the end, and you're thinking "how will they get out of this?" and then another shootout starts. But it's bigger this time. Whoop dee freaking doo! At least the other movies I mentioned before had a more interesting structure, interesting characters and less predictability
Tarantino's bag of tricks is getting awfully threadbare. I too like Pulp Fiction as his best movie, and I don't think he'll ever top it.

I re-watched The Maltese Falcon last night. Superb.
Yamu said:
DammitBoy said:
On a related note: I start work on 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' on Monday morning in New Orleans at the old Six Flags amusement park.

This ought to be cool as shit and fun as hell. :mrgreen:

Go, Deebs, go. You wouldn't happen to know if this is a direct continuation of what Rise of the Planet of the Apes started, would you?

Yes, it is. I'm working on the ape village. It looks like a giant wigwam/teepee made out of frikken 54' tall trees all stacked helter-skelter on top of each other. Some of the trees are all knotted up and gnarly - it's gonna be cool. Every tree is numbered by the art department and now we get to play pick up sticks. "Anybody see #2C-SS4?" Hopefully, I won't get crushed by any falling logs. I think the forklift operator might be retarded.

The old six flags is a shithole full of giant mosquitoes.
Prob don't need to say this but you are as much the eyes and ears of any operators on a jobsite.

One time I saved a guys job and perhaps the entire warehouses eardrums by screaming "STOP" right as a forklift was about to drive his load of ~ 30 25' crossbraces latteraly into a building column.
TorontRayne said:
Django Unchained was awesome people! WTF?

It IS awesome, but Tarantino's level of quality is so skewed that it still wasn't as amazing. It's a good movie, but that's less than I expected, kind of.
DammitBoy said:
The old six flags is a shithole full of giant mosquitoes.

Why does a Planet of the Apes movie have a Six Flags set and how do you breed the mosquitos?
mobucks said:
Prob don't need to say this but you are as much the eyes and ears of any operators on a jobsite.

Teamsters are idiots who listen to no one. Can't count the number of times those worthless fucks refused to follow any directions from anyone, including people screaming in unison for them to stop - right before they ran into shit.

Per said:
DammitBoy said:
The old six flags is a shithole full of giant mosquitoes.

Why does a Planet of the Apes movie have a Six Flags set and how do you breed the mosquitos?

It's not a six flags set. It's a set being built in the giant parking lot next to the crappy old broken down six flags park. The park will be green-screened out of the film.

As to mosquitoes, no breeding required - it's new orleans, which is really just a swamp. Biggest fucking bugs you ever saw. We've only had one guy carried off so far, but we expect to lose more guys to mosquitoes before it's all over.
So I just finished Citizen Kane. I think the fact that I've watched very few pre sixties movies, and mostly even more modern films, marred my experience of it. Just like knowing the twist. Very interesting to see, though. There's not enough movies focusing on characters, dialogue and performances. Kane was a real character, as it should be.
Akratus said:
So I just finished Citizen Kane. I think the fact that I've watched very few pre sixties movies, and mostly even more modern films, marred my experience of it.
Nah. It's overrated. It's an important film historically, but it's not the second coming as movie elitists love to declare over and over.

There are plenty of movies from the 30s, 40s, and 50s that are still fun to watch. Citizen Kane just isn't one of them. Don't let it taint your view of what old movies are like.
It's a not that fantastic of movie unless you're a big sperg for 'cinema' and reading way too much into things. Other than it's atleast good, but probably not too much so. For solidly old good movies look into The Maltese Falcon or Double Indemnity or any other really good noir flicks.
Citizen Kane is one of those films that I find the more I watch it, the more I appreciate it. They don't call it the Golden Age of cinema for nothing.

I liked it, but I also don't think it's the best movie ever. I'd never put it in my top 10. Somewhere else along the line though, sure.

I kept waiting for that 'wow' moment. I never once thought that I was watching the pinnacle of cinema as some claimed.

They just throw [spoiler:da50631949]the sled in a fire.[/spoiler:da50631949] That's the reveal? So it's just a movie about a man with money who isn't happy, but thought of the time when he was? Not exactly a brain wrecking plot there.

I'm happy.
I'm an orphan.
I'm raised by the bank.
I take over the inquirer.
I am the voice of the people.
I get rich.
I get married.
I retreat to my mansion.
I'm no longer the voice of the people, they just need to make me happy.
I'm not happy anymore.
I wish I had my sled.
Bleh, I'm dead.
The end.
It's also because for such a huge, important amazing person no one really understood him or what made him happy. It might seem cliche in 2013, but hits for the same reason that Shakespeare does.
Akratus said:
That's the reveal? So it's just a movie about a man with money who isn't happy, but thought of the time when he was? Not exactly a brain wrecking plot there.

I'm happy.
I'm an orphan.
I'm raised by the bank.
I take over the inquirer.
I am the voice of the people.
I get rich.
I get married.
I retreat to my mansion.
I'm no longer the voice of the people, they just need to make me happy.
I'm not happy anymore.
I wish I had my sled.
Bleh, I'm dead.
The end.

That sounds like a pretty good basis for a movie. I mean, compare:

1. I'm a big snake.
2. I attack people.

1. We're some zombies.
2. We attack people.

1. We're aliens from space.
2. We're invading.
3. Oh fuck, how do we deal with these naval units, shit shit shit fuck.
Per said:
Akratus said:
That's the reveal? So it's just a movie about a man with money who isn't happy, but thought of the time when he was? Not exactly a brain wrecking plot there.

I'm happy.
I'm an orphan.
I'm raised by the bank.
I take over the inquirer.
I am the voice of the people.
I get rich.
I get married.
I retreat to my mansion.
I'm no longer the voice of the people, they just need to make me happy.
I'm not happy anymore.
I wish I had my sled.
Bleh, I'm dead.
The end.

That sounds like a pretty good basis for a movie. I mean, compare:

1. I'm a big snake.
2. I attack people.

1. We're some zombies.
2. We attack people.

1. We're aliens from space.
2. We're invading.
3. Oh fuck, how do we deal with these naval units, shit shit shit fuck.

The Aviator tops Citizen Kane. Wave of the future. Wave of the future. Wave of the future. Wave of the future. Wave of the future.