The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Wintermind said:
For solidly old good movies look into The Maltese Falcon or Double Indemnity or any other really good noir flicks.
Good calls. Also The Big Sleep, The Manchurian Candidate, and Casablanca. All good introductions to older movies. And if you've never thought you would ever like a musical, Singin' In The Rain.
.Pixote. said:
Django Unchained was very disappointing for me, I hate the way Tarantino seems to design a film around a soundtrack, now that might not be the case, but still I would have preferred the film had no musical soundtrack. The two main characters were fine, and most of the dialogue was fine as well, but overall Tarantino's films seem like sad clichés, he promises so much, but delivers so little. I wish he tackled his subjects without the cleverness and with more seriousness. :evil:

I am willing to have another look at the film later and make a reappraisal, but I still think Reservoir Dogs was his best film. So that's a 3 turds out of 5 for me.

Well, I just watched it today and I have to say you missed the entire point of the movie. It's a melding of the blaxplotation movies of the 70's with the spaghetti westerns of the 60's.

Music was a major theme of both genres and Tarantino is the king of putting music soundtracks to his homage movies. I especially loved the Sergio Leone soundtrack at the beginning where Django and his partner enter the first western town. Instantly brought back memories of Eastwood in 'Two Mules for Sister Sara'.

The movie falters in spots and the blood splattering seemed pretty fake. Maybe that was on purpose as a nod to how horrible the 70's movies were in that regard? Not my favorite of his movies, but it was fun. All the critics seem to be bending over backwards to make this an epic about how horrifying slavery was, but that's hollywood asskissing bullshit.

My fave Tarantino flicks are 'Dusk til Dawn', 'Pulp Fiction', and 'Reservoir Dogs' in that order. 'Kill Bill 1/2' getting honorable mention. Django and Grindhouse are ok for what they are meant to be...
DammitBoy said:
Well, I just watched it today and I have to say you missed the entire point of the movie. It's a melding of the blaxplotation movies of the 70's with the spaghetti westerns of the 60's.

And this cheese homage has been recognized by the Academy Awards as one of the best films of 2012/2013! - "Excellence in cinematic achievements"... what the fuck. A 2000 cheese homage to 1960's cheese. :roll:

For the sake of my sanity I hope it doesn't win Best Picture.
.Pixote. said:
DammitBoy said:
Well, I just watched it today and I have to say you missed the entire point of the movie. It's a melding of the blaxplotation movies of the 70's with the spaghetti westerns of the 60's.

And this cheese homage has been recognized by the Academy Awards as one of the best films of 2012/2013! - "Excellence in cinematic achievements"... what the fuck. A 2000 cheese homage to 1960's cheese. :roll:

For the sake of my sanity I hope it doesn't win Best Picture.

I don't exactly keep current on movies because theaters are jokes and I buy BD's on sale, but what exactly is it competing with? I don't remember a whole lot of awesome shit I felt the need to watch besides Django.
Wintermind said:
I don't exactly keep current on movies because theaters are jokes and I buy BD's on sale, but what exactly is it competing with? I don't remember a whole lot of awesome shit I felt the need to watch besides Django.

The Grey
John Carter
Dark Knight Rises
Hunger Games
Red Tails
Les Miserables
Zero Dark Thirty
The Impossible * seriously academy award good
The Hobbit
Cloud Atlas
Killing Them Softly * seriously academy award good
The Bourne Legacy
Moonrise Kingdom
Out of all those the only ones I saw were Ted and Hunger Games. Oh and that Ben Affleck CIA movie Argo.

Red Tails looks awesome but thats only because I have a huge boner for WWII aircraft.
mobucks said:
Out of all those the only ones I saw were Ted and Hunger Games. Oh and that Ben Affleck CIA movie Argo.

Red Tails looks awesome but thats only because I have a huge boner for WWII aircraft.

Did you know that George Lucas had a lot of trouble making Red Tails?

Lot of the executives of the distribution companies told Lucas that there was no money in a movie with that kind of budget having an all black cast. It was very hard to get this movie made and Lucas worked hard to convince everyone to get it made...

And after all of that....

The Movie was blasted by the critics and did not even make its budget back....
That kinda sucks it did so poorly. I for one am glad it was made though. Not from a movie reviewer standpoint, but from a P-40s are the sexiest plane ever to fly standpoint. Something about that oversized air inlet. Sex.

For Dammit:

Your two 'seriously good' ones are the two I haven't heard of. The rest are all either meh or grossly overrated or have been so underwhelming I've heard nothing about it. The only thing on there I've actually thought about seeing are Skyfall and Zero Dark Thirty. Moonrise Kingdom maybe, but I've seen plenty of Wes Anderson already.
Do they have an equivalent of the Academy Awards for porn movies. Best film, best actor, best actress, biggest dick, etc... Where's Alec when you need him. :look:
DammitBoy said:
The Grey
John Carter
Red Tails
Les Miserables
Zero Dark Thirty

Are you fucking serious? These are terrible.

Verd1234 said:
mobucks said:

Did you know that George Lucas had a lot of trouble making Red Tails?

Lot of the executives of the distribution companies told Lucas that there was no money in a movie with that kind of budget having an all black cast. It was very hard to get this movie made and Lucas worked hard to convince everyone to get it made...

And after all of that....

The Movie was blasted by the critics and did not even make its budget back....

Yeah, that's what he said. But I find that hard to believe:

It was more like a marketing stunt. Snoop dog promoted the movie because of this, and Lucas even mentioned this to Oprah. There was a movement on Facebook to get black people to go watch it.
No love for Argo from you guys?

Of the best picture nominees I've seen Les Mis, Argo and Silver Lining Playbook.

Probably would put them Argo > Les Mis > Silver Lining

Did you not see/like Seven Psychopaths Dammit Boy? Didn't see it on your list and it was pretty solid in the past year.

Never saw Killing Them Softly/The Impossible. The Impossible looked boring.
Wintermind said:
Your two 'seriously good' ones are the two I haven't heard of. The rest are all either meh or grossly overrated or have been so underwhelming I've heard nothing about it. The only thing on there I've actually thought about seeing are Skyfall and Zero Dark Thirty. Moonrise Kingdom maybe, but I've seen plenty of Wes Anderson already.

I merely listed the movies released during 2012 that could be considered by the Academy. Except for the two I asterisked, I was not making any commentary on how good/bad they were.

@ simpleminded - I did see Seven Psychopaths and it was ok, kinda odd out there like a lot of Christoper Walken's stuff. Quirky and fun.

Akratus said:
DammitBoy said:
The Grey
John Carter

Are you fucking serious? These are terrible.

Are you fucking serious? Those were great.
DammitBoy said:
Wintermind said:
Akratus said:
DammitBoy said:
The Grey
John Carter

Are you fucking serious? These are terrible.

Are you fucking serious? Those were great.

The grey.
Emotional heartstringpulling because they're regular joes man, just like you! And they're stuck in the snow, with the wolves after them. Watching them try to not die for 2 hours is enough, sure.

Have you ever seen Family guy? How would you like to see it with just Mark Wahlberg and Peter Griffin? For 2 hours? It's an instant classic!

For years hollywood has had a problem with a lack of ideas. Only brown haired 30 year old white men would star in movies. Now the next innovative and amazing movie is here. John Carter. Now even the name of the film is a brown haired 30 year old white man.

And Skyfall! Because at skyfall, which is apparantly a place, we can hear adele mess up the pronounciation of English words, and the structure of english sentences. Also, Bond drowns at the beginning. But then is immediately fine again. Because we can't let the theater overflow with tears. That's bad for business. We have to save some emotional scarring for the villain. He hacks everything. he hacks a bomb into m16 with a computer that is in there, which takes m16 a minute to figure out because it needs to triangulapoisition it, and hacks traffic so M won't get there on time. And hacks the personel and security out of the building. And then his goons too, after they set up the bomb. How about THAT character development?
SimpleMinded said:
No love for Argo from you guys?
The most over-rated movie of the year in my book. The first 2/3 was pretty good, but the last 1/3 stuck a knife in all human dignity. I knew things were headed in the wrong direction when Affleck had to choose between following orders or doing the right thing. Also, the more I read about the true story the more I disliked this movie.

I saw John Carter on HBO a couple of months ago, and I was surprised to find I didn't hate it. Yes, it's a silly, over-CGI-ed actionfest -- but why exactly is it worse than all the other over-CGI-ed actionfests coming out these days? I say it's a little better. It has a good ending, anyway, probably thanks to good source material (which I've never read). It didn't deserve to bomb the way it did.

For years hollywood has had a problem with a lack of ideas. Only brown haired 30 year old white men would star in movies. Now the next innovative and amazing movie is here. John Carter. Now even the name of the film is a brown haired 30 year old white man.
I guess because it's based on a popular series of books and the main character of the books is a brown-haired 30-year-old white man. Which is better than a bald, stubbly-chined, musclebound, 35-year-old white guy with sunglasses, I'd say. If they'd replaced him with a 60-year-old black lesbian dwarf you would have liked it?

Anyway, casting too many white guys in action movies is the least of Hollywood's profound "lack of ideas" problem.