The Vault previews Fallout: New Vegas, #2

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
Ausir has written his second part of his play of the public demo from gamescom. It says quite a lot and gives an overall opinion.<blockquote>There are many references to places and characters from Van Buren throughout the game, and some even appear in the flesh, like Alice McLafferty or Arcade Gannon. However, calling it a remake of Van Buren to any extent is a mistake, says Sawyer. They did reuse things that they liked and didn’t want to go to waste, and generally things that by now, after years of working on Van Buren and of running their personal PnP campaigns set in the Fallout world, they simply personally consider to be a part of the Fallout setting no more than the returning characters and factions from Fallout 1 and 2, and included them where their appearance would make sense. However, the main story itself was never based on Van Buren in any way – probably because it would require a much larger scope than one city and its surroundings.

While I personally look forward to playing the full game, and will likely enjoy it (or am I writing this only because I got a t-shirt?), I still predict that some people will be (and in many cases already are) disappointed by it – some because it’s still too much like Fallout 3, some because it changed too many of the things they loved about Fallout 3. While I doubt it will be very attractive to people who aren't already fans of the series, especially due to its dated graphics, it will most likely appeal to most fans of Fallout 3 and to at least some of the fans of the original games who were not that fond of Fallout 3, especially those for whom the weak story and dialogues were the main turnoff in Bethesda’s game, as they seem to be among the strongest points of the new game. </blockquote>You can read it all at The Vault.
Gosh, Bethesda does not like Ausir's wild and crazy ideas. Who would of thought that a person would read other people's previews of the same demo and then not do the same thing they did? Conform Ausir. CONFORM
things that by now, after years of working on Van Buren and of running their personal PnP campaigns set in the Fallout world, they simply personally consider to be a part of the Fallout setting no more than the returning characters and factions from Fallout 1 and 2

Should be "no less" maybe? Get a grip Ausir
Per said:
things that by now, after years of working on Van Buren and of running their personal PnP campaigns set in the Fallout world, they simply personally consider to be a part of the Fallout setting no more than the returning characters and factions from Fallout 1 and 2

Should be "no less" maybe? Get a grip Ausir
Guess that means that Fallout 1, and 2 aren't canon anymore :crazy:
a Bethesda employee approached me and told me not to leave Freeside, so I won’t have any details on other interesting locations in the second part of the preview.
They could've made that with scripting, and I don't think it would've took much time. This means sloppiness.
DR is actually gone entirely from the game in its current build and DT is the only damage-reducing armor stat now.
Can't say whether I like this or not. I can't blame them for not using DT/DR variations to make different strategies, because Fallout and Fallout 2 weren't too good at equipment choosing strategy either. Though that would've been cool. Anyway, the good side is that you can't possibly get imbalanced with the highest possible DR (not that 85% was too imbalanced); but the bad side is that this way they should scale every critter, so at a certain phase you are nearly immune to all weaker critters. Besides, fast-firing weapons would be very vulnerable to this, while slow-firing weapons would be nearly immune. I think I prefer a game where there are several considerable armors, and every weapon can be considered. Oh, well.
my Courier’s inventory
Wait, since when F:NV is officially considered as "Courier"? Or it's just until we get an official "name" for him? And who decided to call F1's PC Vault Dweller, F2's Chosen One, and F3's Lone Wanderer?
Of course me going through the game’s menus instead of just walking around Freeside and doing the quest for the King alarmed the Bethesda people again, so they approached me, but saw that I wasn’t breaking any of their rules this time.
lol, when reading this I imagine some NPCs approach Ausir and confront him about this :D
New Vegas itself, with all its casinos, singing, dancing, gangs and Elvises, feels very much like a new New Reno, even if this time it’s grounded more in the 1950s and not in prohibition-era mob and contemporary pop-culture, like in Fallout 2.
I never imagined that they'll make the same things many fans hate in Fallout 2 the same in F:NV.

Nice read. After I've read this, I think I know all I could know from F:NV reviews.
They could've made that with scripting, and I don't think it would've took much time. This means sloppiness.

I like them to waste more time on fixing bugs in the game instead of adjusting a demo for conventions. Even if it's simple to do, it takes time that could be spend more useful.
Well, I don't think that they can fix anything for 30-60 minutes.

But maybe they had something else in mind, or it takes much more that I think (they can't just place barriers around an area?). I'm not quite sure of that last statement of mine.
Blackened said:
Of course me going through the game’s menus instead of just walking around Freeside and doing the quest for the King alarmed the Bethesda people again, so they approached me, but saw that I wasn’t breaking any of their rules this time.
lol, when reading this I imagine some NPCs approach Ausir and confront him about this :D

Stop right there, criminal scum!
OakTable said:
Nobody leaves the starter area on my watch!

*All the other people around Ausir start running in circles and screaming "Help!", "Guards!"*

I don't know whether to be happy or not of the return of a "New Reno" city in F:NV, but if it has a great RPG quality like in F2, then I'll gladly welcome it.
haha.. if it was the same build they had at Quakecon.. I think it crashes when you try to leave.
Funny that Bethesda cracked down on him. I think they figured that everyone who plays the demo would just shoot at random NPCs around Freeside instead of hunting for info.
So what stopped you from getting in on the behind-closed-doors demo? Didn't you make an appointment for one?
Brother None said:
So what stopped you from getting in on the behind-closed-doors demo? Didn't you make an appointment for one?

I think Beth's policy is no "No Mutants Allowed" allowed.
Ixyroth said:
I think Beth's policy is no "No Mutants Allowed" allowed.

Ausir's not NMA staff. But if you mean Beth doesn't like have fansites in on press junkets, then yes, you're right. They've stated as much publicly. Don't know how Ausir registered tho, under what company.