Just completed it, and while I don't think I'll be doing an immediate repeat playthrough, I know I will be playing it again at some point just to try different paths and see what effect they have on the ending.
There's a LOT of choice here with a LOT of consequences.
Overall, poor load & save speeds, some shoddy voice-work (merely "adequate") with a lack of variety and misogynistic attitudes towards women make up the negative points, but the good points far outweigh the bad.
Excellent graphics and performance, few to no crashes, a distinct lack of bugs and a solid story and RPG system made this worthwhile.
Sure, it's not a "True" RPG in the sense that the combat very much depends on player skill, but it's a fuck-sight better than Oblivion in this respect. Combat feels fresh and exciting and above all has some "thump" to it. It's really satisfying to finish a pirouette in the group style and have an enemy's head fly off with the very last blow.
Well worth the money in my eyes, and I hope this studio go on to be very successful.
And you know what's really funny?
This is based on a Bioware engine, and yet is sooooo much better than any of the dross that Bioware have pumped out recently.
It even performs leaps and bounds better than NWN2, the flagship title for this engine.
Oh, and I think it's highly likely there will be a sequel givven the ending I got and the fact that several key characters' stories haven't been completely resolved.