There is something rotten in Fallout New Vegas

This thread seems like another attempt to throw New Vegas under the bus to justify the shittiness of Fallout 3 and 4. I don't think anybody's buying it.
My biggest issue with the placed explosives in the game is that they somehow distinguish between living and dead, robot and object (although I've never tried using the grab function to throw something at a mine, they aren't set off the debris sent flying by other explosives), and even friend from foe. Though I don't recall if faction disguises make any difference, either way it brings up some strange problems. Either there's a machine (sensor modules?) that can determine your reputation with the faction of the person who placed it, or landmines do a better job of seeing through disguises than people.

The biggest problem with the Vigor Tester is that you don't have to stand between anything. If it's scanning your body in any significant way you need both a signal and a receiver. Then again luck is a thing that exists for real in Fallout, so...
As for the whole blinking beeping button part...there are explosives which require a skill check. Such as the slave collars in Cottonwood Cove, as per Fo3 which also had baby carriage bombs. I think they both had rigged terminals but I can't remember. Overall the fact that there are such things really begs the question of why placed explosives don't have a skill check, aside from how annoying that could get since they set it up as a game pausing popup.

One's explosive skill does determine how long the timer is, which makes it even weirder. Obviously the length of time it takes to disarm it is entirely dependent on how fast you close the distance, and press a button, so what exactly is that supposed to indicate? Does it have something to do with why none of your companions ever try to disarm them, despite the fact that they have an explosives skill and also you could just tell them? I mean we never see anyone disarming mines, but it seems implied that people do it. Obviously the fact that it has such a mechanism, indicates it was designed to be disarmed.

I don't see why being able to make your own bombs would be required to realize this much, but the weirdest part is that everyone seems to agree that landmines should A) have a timer B) activate by proximity C) and be armed/disarmed/rearmed by pressing a blinking button that beeps upon activation (if arming it the first time was different then the animation for placing them be different for previously layed mines). Yet it's totally okay to rig up a baby carriage or a computer with a tricky mechanism. I mean, they've completely solved the fact that such explosives are indiscriminate (the biggest issue), but never thought to build a more difficult to game mechanism (aka an anti-handling device, I think) into the bomb itself--except for when they made them into collars.
So Brycen is the new Greed/Someguy? The MO is somewhat similar. Throwing New Vegas under a bus with cherry nitpicks though the conspiracy theories of some points indicates otherwise.

EDIT: Been a while since we've gotten a new NV basher.

And there are numerous discussions on the internet about it and why the faction's concept is complete nonsense.
So? That does not justify your point. It only indicates others may share your view. It does not mean it is right. In theory, I could google "The Legion makes perfect sense in the real world" and expect to find hits too. I don't bother since it does not prove my point at all and makes me look insecure like a frightened child afraid of what others think.

Saying others agree with your point does not make it right, it just means you have poor citing skills since you're clearly presenting cherry-picked points from those sites.
Oh boy, another Someguy/Battlecross. Good, things around here have been a little dull. Its always fun to see Bethtards try to make excuses for why their favorite pop-a-mole isn't shit.
Yeah, the Securitron design is hilarious. I mean, self-balancing unicycles exist, but making a robot like that? I don't really see the point.
I just noticed that the Securitrons might be reference to Gizmoduck. Please don't be triggered by another innocent comic figure being referenced as soulless war machines.
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Back to the original topic.

There is only one water tower in Goodsprings, and, since the town has water supply, it must be in use. That means the water has to pass somewhere underneath the graves.

Here is a video about the Goodsprings Cemetery mentioning that it's "kind of a bad idea to put a water tower next to decomposing bodies."

Like I said, there is something rotten in Fallout: New Vegas.
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That love testing machine is so dumb and makes Fallout: New Vegas basically unplayable. The position of a defunct water tower also makes the game rotten, despite the tutorial showing fresh springs. The lack of super mutant behemoths also shows how bad of a game Fallout: New Vegas is, it's like saying super mutants don't age. Wearing baseball outfits rather than advanced tactical gear that could conflict with your faction's principles and technophobia is also immersion breaking for reasons. Factions that model themselves on existing ideas are also dumb, despite what the main message of Fallout: New Vegas tries to say.

All in all, there is something rotten in Fallout: New Vegas and you should all play Fallout 4 instead where it's a-ok to have a portable brewery inside of a protectron and also use a currency backed by absolutely nothing. Yeah!
The "love tester" is not just dumb, it's downright creepy, in the context it's presented in: you've just suffered a major trauma, gone through a brain surgery and are mostly undressed.

Either the water tower is in use, which means potable water is being delivered underneath the decomposing (a.k.a. rotting) bodies, or someone decided to make a cemetery in one of the worst possible places in town, considering how much open area there is. Yea, that doesn't sound moronic and creepy at all. Even the game's début trailer did not have the water tower in the cemetery.

Ringo was clearly a reference to Johnny Ringo, a known Wild West outlaw and a murderer. Crimson Caravan Company was clearly a reference to Cochise County Cowboys, which Johnny Ringo was part of. Joe Cobb and his gang were clearly a reference to Joe Franklin Cobb and "Our Gang" television show. Considering how the characters they've "inspired" have been presented, yea, it is rotten.

In a quest called "One for My Baby", there is no way to know if the bill of sale in Jeannie May Crawford's safe is genuine or fake. It could have been planted there by one of the "shadowy folk" at night that No-bark reports seeing enter the lobby. Yet, they expect you, like a creep, to convince Jeannie, in the middle of the night, to go in front of the dinosaur tower to get executed by Boone like in some kind of bloody ritual.

Ironically, the way Caesar's Legion has been presented conflicts with history and with how serious of a threat they are supposed to be to the NCR, a relatively modern army with firearms, radios and access to Vertibirds. It is nonsensical writing, which cannot be explained by the faction's principles.

What is the main message of Fallout: New Vegas? The game's main menu image has an NCR ranger with a gun, and most, if not all, of the Obsidian staff during the game's E3 presentation had t-shirts with the NCR flag on. Is that the main message?

This isn't about Fallout 4 or any other Fallout. There is something rotten in Fallout: New Vegas all on its own.
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The Vigor Tester may be dumb, but it's only creepy to you and a very small minority at best.
The water tower is stupidly placed, yes. Although I guess water pipes underneath the graves would help.
Your problem with Johnny Ringo is nothing but your own sensibility. Again, nobody but you (and maybe a handful of others) has a problem with it.
The NCR is spread thin. It's said time and time again that they don't really have the manpower to really beat Caesar's Legion in the Mojave, no matter how terribly equipped they are.
NV has a lot of messages. But it's kinda traditional that the menus of Fallout featured the most iconic armor of the game. Is the Enclave the "main message" of Fallout 2? No. It's what looks good. Dunno about the developers' shirts, though. It's clear that they put more work into the NCR than into the Legion, but that's because NCR is older and more established in lore. The flag of the NCR is well known and more iconic than the new Legion's flag/symbol.
With regards to the water tower in Goodsprings cemetery, you cannot actually drink from it. There's no water valve that you can use, suggesting that it is not in use. Also, the people of Goodsprings get their water from Goodsprings source, and the latter part of the tutorial quest involves clearing that area of geckos. I think it is a bit weird to put a graveyard on top of a hill, though.