Prone Squanderer
A bit of a Sillius Soddus.
Gosh, leave it to this site to bitch about what we hated about Fallout 4, in a thread about what we liked about it.
Great, that means Tag will close this thread soon.
-Piper was a cutie.
Curie was cuter.

-The -Raiders weren't high-pitched little shits like in FO3.
They still breed like rabbits though.
I suppose I like that they talk to each other and what not.
-The game was very vibrant and colorful visually (although that's not good for a Fallout title)
If done well it is .
-Legendary weapons could be badass (though most were shit)
Like the Flamer of Freezing

-Some of the sarcastic options legit made me giggle, or even burst out laughing