337. Todd howard is a dictator and has sacked anyone who had ever challenged him creatively long ago. He also is not a creative himself, but is just a person that is great at managing and unifying creatives into a single vision.
338. Being a bit of a fascist when it comes to your art is fine, and it was fine when he was, like, 20 and he had his finger on the pulse of gaming because he himself was a gamer working on Morrowind. But he's a goddamn 45 year old man now, who spends his time in Zenimax IPO appraisal meetings and Microsoft developer management seminars.
339. When you are showered with awards that tell you that you are the best Game Developer that ever lived simply because you made a lot of financial success, you start to believe in your own bullshit and fancy yourself as an auteur.
340. If you start making broad decisions based on how much of an auteur you think you are, even though you've never written a line of dialogue or picked up a WACOM pen, you are going to end up with a bad product.
341. If you build an entire company around yourself that's worth hundreds of millions, business and the art will start to meld, your measurement of success will erode from how much you have embettered yourself and your craft to how many unit sales you make, and you are will end up with a bad product.
342. It does not matter if you surround yourself with the most talented people in the industry, if you force them all to get everything approved through you and only you, and you are too blind to see that you have become the single point of failure in your company, and you are going to end up with a bad product.
343. The best lesson to learn in life is when to let go of the pride, man.