It's ok little one. We all secretly have a crush on @RangerBooYou guise are such jerks I'm leaving![]()
It's ok little one. We all secretly have a crush on @RangerBooYou guise are such jerks I'm leaving![]()
Now the thread has been derailed!It's ok little one. We all secretly have a crush on @RangerBoo
Seriously though I could care less.
Why does everyone give so much shit to Dark Souls 2? For me it's a Fallout 2 to Fallout 1, only if the second installment improved in amount of content, mechanics and general improvements like multiplayer. Sure it wasn't so inspired, but reading the development story, it could have turned out worse than Sonic 2006...At least it's not like VaatiVidya that outright insults his own audience and was hired to sell out DS2 as much as he can.
We aren't a sect... If we acted this way against everyone contradicting our interests without even knowing their motivation and their true feeling about it, we would be even worse than the Bethestards we sneer at.You argued with me that he wasn't a sellout saying "I don't think so." Then continued to say,
To which I replied,
I'm showing you that you were very wrong and I was very right in a meaningless, albeit childish way, expecting you to reply with,
Then we can start the nonsensical argument over again.
You could admit he is a sellout scumbag camwhore and I will stop.
Why does everyone give so much shit to Dark Souls 2? For me it's a Fallout 2 to Fallout 1, only if the second installment improved in amount of content, mechanics and general improvements like multiplayer. Sure it wasn't so inspired, but reading the development story, it could have turned out worse than Sonic 2006...
It was its own thing and a spin on the formula, not DS1 on the Bloodborne engine like Dark Souls 3.
About him insulting viewers I heard that happening but never saw it, when it happened?
That's buried deep in the archives of the web, but I may spare some time to look for it, but yes, there's actual evidence of him insulting his fanbase as well as OnlyAfro. Either way, DS2 made him an absolute asshat, to the point I actually stopped watching him and unsubbed from him. I wonder how he is on DS3.
DS2 is shat at because of how it basically ruins everything the first story built up on. There's no subtlety within it as well, and the game focuses too much on "How can we make this fight extremely fucking difficult to the point it's annoying and not a challenging fun?" instead of "How can we make this fight super memorable that people will talk on for ages to come?". You basically play it to PvP, not for the story, kind of like a borderlands game. Hardly anyone gives a shit about their storyline, and DS2 is no different.
Gameplay-wise there's been buffs and nerfs in the right direction, but also idiotic things is also placed in as well (such as buffing the estus drinking speed animation, making it harder for PvPers to punish one another).
DS2 is basically a mixed bag, and if it wasn't for the huge amount of shafting done into the storyline, it would've been an actually good Dark Souls game. Maybe not as "HOLY SHIT EPIC" as DS1, but good overall.
...oh yeah, and the locations are fucking immersive breaking. That fucking hurts.
I liked DaS2, I absolutely despise DaS3 though. It's like From took the worst of DaS1 and DaS2, added in Bloodborne combat and enemies, and then a heaping amount of fanservice and wrapped it up in a shitbow and gave it to the fans. On top of that the new dlc is barely any content and an arena that requires purchasing it.
And Vaati is just jealous cause Onlyafro looks better in a skirt than him.
Ditto on the the different builds. That's actually what was such a jarring change for me when going from 2 to 3. The changes in poise removed so many builds and weapons from being viable in pve or pvp on any level, like anything slower than a spear or faster than a rapier. It's so hard to get into it when you can't mess around and try playing a boxer and actually be viable in both pve and pvp, or just use basic staples, like the sword and board with a greatsword, or even just two handing a greatsword, when you're always flinching the instant you try a swing because you're too slow or in the case of too quick weapons, accidentally forcing them into hyperarmor and getting trashed after just two quick jabs or stabs from your quick weapon. Honestly, the big thing about Dark Souls was the ability in 1 and 2 to just switch shit up and try different character builds or make meme characters for the hell of it. 3 is very lacking when it comes to that.I too like DS2, I play it for the "let's see what kind of silly as fuck builds can do today...I KNOW! A pure-greatbow user!" aspect, basically, combat.
And I totally agree on that second statement.
Although I still enjoy it as the Souls game it is, I definitively agree.Snip
100% agree. The issue you had playing a paladin is exactly why I cant bring myself to beat it again. I did it once, barely, and any time I play it again I either get bored or angry. theres no real variety, or mechanics you can try to fuck with, no meme builds or cosplay characters you can make, like one puch man. And even the NG+ is nowhere near as good in DaS3, so there isnt even much point in trying to get to NG+10 again. I was hoping the DLC would improve on things but sadly not yet. And the worst part is from could realistically fix a lot of the issues if they'd just reimpliment old poise. It's even in the game, at least to some respect. But they wont, and i've no idea why.Although I still enjoy it as the Souls game it is, I definitively agree.
I played the first time as the knightly paladin tank type, and I must say, that only made the game harder for me.
When I made a quality character later, it out ranged (bow>Miracles) out damaged (Astora GS > Fume UGS) won more matches, beat non-"small" bosses like a breeze and had NO disadvantages but for a heavy weapon, and that was the AGS for.
This was such a load of bullshit. Fun, but it could be so much better.
Also, defenses don't do anything, spells buffs nerf it selves for PvP, split damage is hot garbage, and you need to min max to deal any damage as a miracle caster.
Dark Souls 2 is the most fun I've got out of the franchise. The others are a step before, but entering blind with a build in mind is ALWAYS an experience. Progression is much much better, rewarding know-how and Bonfire Ascetic usage. You can get a +10 weapon in 30 minutes, while in DS3 chunks are all around in the endgame and only there.
I tried again to Paladin that shit up and oh boy if I wasn't disappointed.
Imo, multiple scrolls >>>> Mana bar. It's tied to progression and encourages scrounging places and exploring like a madman for that Sunlite Blade.
Spell variety is bigger than ever, the only useless miracle are uh, Splintering Lightning, hex Climax and sorc SA Hail.
In DS3 you are set for life with your Crystal Soul Spears and magic Gatorade...
Dark Souls 2's lore wasn't that bad. Mystery was a thing in those times, new lands, stories and legends were added. You can say for the good or the bad, but DS3 "jumped right back" into DS1's bosom, Artorias, the Gwyns, Dusk, Ornstein, Izalith, Anor Londo, Logan, etcetera.
The whole story of the "Shards of Manus", Queens of Dark and the Kings was good, the focus on the Curse by Lucatiel and places like Huntsman's Copse and the Bastille.
DLC were great, each with its particular strength.
Especially with SOTFS, it was a good sequel.
And this time the PC version is the best to play, just like it should be
It had so much content and mechanics that it's hard to name all the things
I'm not telling any of this to my first or second-timer friends I'm coaching through so they can have fun though. I think it's the best for them.
You know what was respectful here? Retros. not denominatingg MrMatty as a retard and calling it a day, and that wouldn't have bothered his subs at all.Holy shit, Mr Matty is an utter idiot and still a bethetard. Just listening to this rant makes me glad that I unsubscribed from hit.
I actually had a tiny, itsy bit of hope that he would actually finally admit that Fallout 4 is just a bad game...
Guess he is a bethetard through and through, hell, I hate this. I mean most AAA are crap, but people still defend them and it just pisses me off.
Looking back at bethesda, I'd argue with that.I mean most AAA are crap