TKsMantis got banned from Fallout 4 New Vegas because of his opinions on fallout the frontier

I bet there's some people out there that unironically want this, because i have seen some demented defense for Oblivion's graphics.

These conversion mods in general are worthless. Oh, i get to play a game that i have already played countless times, just with "prettier" graphics this time? What a waste of time. While graphics matter, more specifically a good aethestic, that's such a shallow reason to do these conversion mods.

if there's enough of a gulf like with Half-Life and Black Mesa, it's warranted. Hardly the case with any of the gamebyro mods or games.
And then they were saying years ago that we on NMA just wanted Fallout 1 and 2 just done over and over again.

Hell, at this point just make a FOBOS in Fallout 3. Intelligence wise it is pretty much on the same level any way.
Mix the two stories, so the BOS initiate’s father leaves the Capital Wasteland to go to Carbon to find Dr. Li for a GECK held by the mutants.

If it sounds nonsensical, good.
Going through this topic and after reading all this about people I've never heard and I've come to the conclusion it just sounds so fucking stupid. the end.
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Who got banned from what for his opinions on what? Was this thread title created with a word salad generator or something?
You can make an audience on shitting on some mod nobody has given a fuck about since like a week after it came out?
That's a prime case of not needing one. The original Half Life 1 still looks fine.

I agree the original Half Life is fine (and Black Mesa in truth doesn't really replace it because they play so different ) but I Black Mesa is different enough in both visuals, level design and gameplay that it's warranted as its own thing.
If it helps me avoid absorbing knowledge of bottom tier youtube content drama I will try it.
Youtube videos on Fallout are fine. Channels that focus entirely on Fallout tend to suck. I don't care about the lore of the Nuka-Cola bottle cap shape and how it was actually designed after a pre-war president's puckering asshole. Sorry.
Youtube videos on Fallout are fine. Channels that focus entirely on Fallout tend to suck. I don't care about the lore of the Nuka-Cola bottle cap shape and how it was actually designed after a pre-war president's puckering asshole. Sorry.
Fun Fallout Fact: Enclave President Dick Richardson’s first name is actually Richard.
Youtube videos on Fallout are fine. Channels that focus entirely on Fallout tend to suck. I don't care about the lore of the Nuka-Cola bottle cap shape and how it was actually designed after a pre-war president's puckering asshole. Sorry.

Yep this. For my money Noah Caldwell Gervais has the best videos on Fallout but that's only a fraction of his channel.

Same with RetconRaider and his Van Buren series.
The only one I know was that guy that made those machnimas that then decided to make them into self insert fanfics out of nowhere and the videos went downhill.