Today in Romania


It's true, I still can't get over the trauma after watching your "Dirty Dream Christmas" vacation pictures.
allright allright i'll get in on this .. no penises (srry) but still heres how our dear old sailor president handed out truth to mr gates ...

In the good old days even Bill Gates used to say that piracy helped MS by getting people addicted to its software, but then Gates jumped on the anti-piracy bandwagon. Yesterday Romanian President Traian Basescu told Gates, “Piracy helped the young generation discover computers. It set off the development of the IT industry in Romania.” Gates was less than thrilled.
quote from wired
The body language seems very moment he's fine the next he's like "SPARTAAAAAAA!!!!!!". Seems fake, but since they are Romanian it's probably real.

Still kinda sad since no one's balls got severed.

The Vault Dweller

The subtitles, maybe. But dude. One guy got a pretty straight haymaker, then fell off the platform; the other one got a straight kick in the stomach which didn't look fake, either.
And now they're part of the EU... aren't you guys proud :)

In regards to that talk show, its important to remember that THIS IS ROMANIAAAA!!!!, and shit does happen there quite often, so meh.

Four-legged chicken

A Romanian farmer is hoping to make a fortune after a chicken was born with four working legs.


Doru Grigoras said: "Think of all the extra chicken drumsticks you can get off a chicken with four legs instead of two."

He is planning to keep the black feathered chick until it grows up at his smallholding in Dambau and then breed it to produce more four-legged birds.

If the breeding is successful he will sell the chickens to a fast food chain, and if not he says the chick could still make him a fortune through advertising.

Grigoras added: "Everyone from around the region wants to come to see my chicken. Apart from its extra legs it looks perfectly healthy, although it eats a lot for such a small bird," the daily newspaper 7 Plus reported.
Wooz said:

The subtitles, maybe. But dude. One guy got a pretty straight haymaker, then fell off the platform; the other one got a straight kick in the stomach which didn't look fake, either.

The camera work is way too anticipative. It's fake.
cant be real, can it?
He is our Rambo! If the murricans don't cut the self-righteous BS we will put him on a plane headed to Washington to set Bush straight... :roll:


The subtitles, maybe. But dude. One guy got a pretty straight haymaker, then fell off the platform; the other one got a straight kick in the stomach which didn't look fake, either.
The subtitles are good, except for the part where he says he feels left out, he actually says he feels like he is in a Kafka novel. The two guys on the other hand are both stunt men. And yes, the camera is way too on target for something spontaneous. That guy, Andrei Gheorghe, like to build a rebel bad-ass nonconformist blah blah image.

THIS IS ROMANIAAAA!!!!, and shit does happen there quite often, so meh.

Actually it's all a show put on by half of the population so that the other half can rob you blind while you're gawking at our little freak show. Quite productive, really 8-)

I vote that this thread is stickied, updated regularly an made a mandatory read for all members!

That whole I just got owned by daffy fucking duck made me laugh for a whole hour an made me cry.

But what the hell is up with Romania? the amount of injuries to testicals is totally retarded.
That was for real. The guy is a politician and his family name is Boc. He recovered nicely after that little stunt. The funny part is that his in romanian one of the interjections for something that fell is "poc". So Boc went poc... :roll: