Tooth Removal

TorontRayne said:
Yeah I'm a broke ass, so oral health is at the bottom of my list. I have decent teeth though, and overall my mouth is better without the extra teeth.
I've purposely avoided dental insurance for quite some time now, and even though I had some work done recently, it really wasn't that expensive. I haven't done the math yet, but at worst I'm even compared to what I would've spent on the insurance over the years. Most places give discounts for cash too. I guess if I get hit in the mouth with a brick or something I'll have to pay up, though.

Wintermind said:
I just had all four of them done on friday. It was not pleasant. except for the nitrous. and the oxy.
All four at once: nice. Don't worry, eventually you'll be glad you did it. Like when you can eat something again besides slurping gruel. :P
I just had 3 wisdom teeth removed, It went smoothly but I still have haalf my face anesteciated, and I still have some blood in my mouth.
Walpknut said:
I just had 3 wisdom teeth removed, It went smoothly but I still have haalf my face anesteciated, and I still have some blood in my mouth.
Welcome to the club!

Be sure to mumble something unintelligible to your friends while it's still funny.
That's a beautiful sentiment, and I'm glad you shared it. I think you've got a bright future here.

I'm not so eager to have bits of metal jammed anywhere in me, myself. I've got a fairly intact set of natural instincts in that regard. The main thing that intimidates me about it, though, is the price. You could buy two new computers or a crappy car for what it costs to get four wisdom teeth removed, at least here in America.
It's good i live in a semi-civilized country so i don't have to be affraid of suffering or dying because i can't buy medical help.
Yamu said:
You could buy two new computers or a crappy car for what it costs to get four wisdom teeth removed, at least here in America.

Damn, that's expensive.
I can't put the exact figures right now, I will check it later, but I'm pretty sure that it's lot less cheaper here in Serbia, and probably in other countries. Service is also okay, mostly.
I know that my late grandfather, who had several thousand patients over his career, never took that much money. Of course, different laws, regulations, policies, different country, regime etc. but still, that is really outrageous.

As for the topic himself, I just want to brag here that I've got dental cavitiy. First time in my life since I was 5. Yeah...
well here it wasn't that expensive to get my theet removed.
I had a phobia of needles eevr since I was a kid and a dog bit, and it didin't have all it's vaccines up to date so you can guess what happened.
The image of a needle going into my mouth to apply the anesteciacs was almost lovecraftian for me. I am a pussy when it comes to needles.
Walp i had the same phobia until i started donating blood and finally overcame it after some time. Before that i would probably choose to get stabbed then vaccinated. I always imagined tiny bits of flesh getting stuck on the edge at the top of the needle since it's hollow.
I never had problems with vaccines. I got them everywhere, from mouth to ass - except to my genitalia, luckily. But I completely understand the phobia of it.
I smoked cigarettes when I got all my wisdom teeth out. It helped.
One time when I was a wee lad at the dentist I said I diddn't want the long lasting Novocain so herr dentist gave me a different shot. I waited 20 mins but it did nothing to numb me up. Long story short he must have stuck 5 needles in the same side of the back of my jaw before I was numb. I couldnt open my mouth more than 1-2 cm for a day and a half. I got to watch my mom eat Sizzler afterwards.
Same thign happened to me, I am a relatively large person, I am tall and wide, so thigns like medicaments and alcohol tend to not make much to me, the Dentist had to reinforce the anestesics on my lower jaw twice because I could still feel how the teeth were being pulled, I had my mouth numb for hours, also the teeth that was the most developed and harder to pull was the one on my lower jaw, so when the anestesics wore off.... THE PAIN.
Atomkilla said:
I never had problems with vaccines. I got them everywhere, from mouth to ass - except to my genitalia, luckily. But I completely understand the phobia of it.

Sorry, just had to :lol:
Yamu said:
You could buy two new computers or a crappy car for what it costs to get four wisdom teeth removed, at least here in America.
I found the price quite reasonable. Maybe you should shop around and see what Dr. Nick Riviera is charging.
U kno why they call them wisdom teeth..cus they drive you out of your fucking mind..and after all that youre supposed to become wiser for it for what reason ive no clue..if no pain no gain is the rule then idk what you gain with the mass ammount of pain?
I've had very strong teeth my whole life. Even landed teeth-first on some stairs when I was little, and bounced off again. Chipped a tooth, but its only barely visible.

Two years ago I got my first cavity, and two years later, I got my first root canal.

Root canal... was seriously uncomfortable. Not painful. Just immensely uncomfortable. All of it, from the usual scraping and poking, to the rubber band they wrap around your tooth, to the rubber tent they strap across your face, to the little metal rods they thrust down into the gaping hole in your tooth... all in all a thoroughly unpleasant experience...