Tooth Removal

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
I know that the relation to the jaw and teeth are imperfect that being the presence of the last few teeth (molars or wisdom teeth) often don't form properly eventually falling apart and needing to be removed.

Now I'm glad to report that I have great oral health. I'm 28 years old and have never had a cavity, cracked tooth, and until today needed any removed. I felt bad about it at first thinking maybe I had been lax on my oral hygiene which since I only brush once a day and don't floss is less than optimal.

The doctor assured me it was all in the genes and nothing could have avoided it. So I had my top rightmost molar removed. The local anesthetic was so effective it didn't hurt at all even with the huge amounts of pressure needed to remove the tooth. Also not much blood.

It's been eight hours and although I'm glad to say I've felt no pain the bleeding still hasn't stopped. It's not excessive, but feels and tastes gross. Yes I'm avoiding solid foods and not using that side of my mouth.

The Vault Dweller
I can only hope your teeth look better than this dudes...

Invalid parameter, Silus.

Pixote, what are you doing, man?! Put that crap in a spoiler please, I'm having breakfast here behind the screen! :mrgreen:
Got all my 4 whisdom tooths removed. 2 a few months ago on the right side, last year the 2 on the left side. The "act" itself wasn't that painful, because of pain killers 'n stuff, but the days and weeks after had been horrible. Especially the right side was keeping me busy for at least three weeks and I needed to take a lot pain killers.

I am so happy that it's over now. All whisdom tooths gone and I will never feel the pain of the extraction ever again.

Though, I still was very lucky. The doctor could get them out very fast (left side was done in less than 10 minutes, while the right side needed ~30 minutes) and there was no infection afterwards or similar. I really feel sorry for everyone who has more problems with it, because the pain was harsh and back-breaking, but gone pretty fast (compared to other people who have pain for many more weeks).
I had all my wisdom teeth removed a few years ago. I'm a sissy, so I demanded total anasthesia. The bottom two had to be blown up and dug out of my jaw.
But I had virtually no problems afterwards.
pussies the lot of you.

monday, one on each lower wisdom teeth pulled
teusday 2 on each lower wisdom teeth pulled.

4 weeks later
monday 1 root canal
teusday 2 root canals

by wednesday i was eating solid foods just fine.

and the "strongest" pain killers dentists can prescribe is like hydrocodene and oxycodene, which dont really do anything but dull the pain a little bit.
When I was a kid, like 3-4 years old, I had plenty of problems with my teeth. Luckily, my grandfather was a dentist, so I had all problems fixed, but by the age of 10 I had about 13 fillings because of cavity.
By the age of 10, I had already pulled most of my teeth out by myself, without anesthesia, just using my tongue, other teeth and my fingers.

However, when I was 13-14 I had this problem with my molar. It had to be pulled out, so I paid a visit to my grandfather. He put anesthesia, but said it might be tricky and asked me if I'd like some extra, just to make sure (I had plenty of experience with stomatology, and dentistry as a whole thanks to my grandfather). I wanted extra, because this molar seemed like it was really 'badly rooted' to me.

I was right. Getting out was an issue, but in the end my jaw was free of it. That extra anesthesia helped, but not without a cost.

See, after the whole procedure, I went back to playing video games (as you may guess). It was a standard session, about 2 hours. All that time, I was still under anesthesia, and couldn't really feel my right cheek or tongue either.

Now, the problem was because I started, pretty unconsciously, to chew the inside of my bottom lip and the right cheek (!). I was still under anesthesia when I began chewing and hadn't noticed anything. As time passed, I started to feel the pain, and stopped chewing. Then, at dinner, when my tongue started working again properly, I felt the taste of blood.

I looked in the mirror and saw that I had practically chewed the inside of my cheek, and had (presumably) eaten some bits of my own flesh. That night, I went to bed hoping it would pass. As you may guess, it hadn't.

Tomorrow morning was a nightmare. Or I looked nightmarish, it is hard to say. Whole of my bottom lip was triple its size, and my cheek was swollen. I couldn't speak, or move my tongue properly without severe pain. Nor could I eat.

I spent almost a week in bed. It was agonizing. I couldn't eat anything except soup, and I ate that on a straw (or drank it, to be precise). Turning my head was also painful, and what was worst, there was literally no way for me to achieve any level of oral hygiene. You could imagine the odor.

Luckily, after 3-4 days it started to go away, and I was (finally) able to open my mouth wide enough to brush my teeth, and eat anything for that matter. Moreover, I was able to go to some sort of laser therapy which helped me a lot. All in all, 10 after the incident I had my normal mouth back again, and my cheek and inner lip healed after some time.

Moral: Don't use anesthesia.
I had my wisdom teeth removed with what was basically a hammer and a chisel.
They had started to grow horizontally, and were completely imbedded into my jawbones.
It took a lot of chiselin', and made a lot of noises one does not want to hear in the inside of their head.

After the threads came out, I had holes in my jawbones big enough to store unchewed Freedent chewing gum in. Which I did. It was handy.
They're all grown shut now, though.
When I got my first set on wisdom teeth I was in horrible pain for nearly a month and a half, no soda, soda irritated it the worst.

The other two weren't that bad, the next day I could eat solid foods (just had to be careful of the stitches), and (even though I probably should stop) I was smoking in a week.

But in general I hate going to the dentist, I never feel comfortable there.
My God you guys have suffered. Especially Atomkilla it's scary to think he did that to himself and wasn't even aware of it. :(

I...actually feel a little guilty at my luck then. After waking up the next day I still had no pain (without painkillers) and the bleeding was almost all gone. The only thing I noticed was a dense numbness in that area. As of now it's the day after that and I have nothing to report at all other than the self-knowledge that a tooth is missing. I know not to eat food with hard parts and to eat away from that side of the mouth, but it feels like I could normally. It's not even been two full day yet (46 hours to be exact).

:) ,
The Vault Dweller
I am terrified of dentists. I haven't been to a dentist since I was 15. I turned 26 on Friday.

I desperately need to go to the dentist. My teeth are terrible (due to several years of extreme depression where my oral hygiene was less than fantastic), my jaws click really badly when I eat, and my wisdom teeth came in at very odd angles.

But the thought of going to the dentist fills me with dread. I'll have to go eventually, and by the time I eventually go things will be a lot worse than if I went now, and things are a lot worse now than they would have been if I went every six months.

But I won't go until I absolutely have to, and it'll cost me insane amounts of money, and I know on an intellectual level that it's important and it's not that bad and the pain will be relatively brief, but on the other hand reading the posts in this thread made me feel physically ill.

And, who knows, I might die before I really, really need to get to a dentist. Which'd have the downside of me being dead, but the upside of me not having to attend the dentist :D
Hassknecht said:
I had all my wisdom teeth removed a few years ago. I'm a sissy, so I demanded total anasthesia. The bottom two had to be blown up and dug out of my jaw.
But I had virtually no problems afterwards.
No one. Seriously. No. One. Who demands anesthesia with his teeth is a sissy.

I once allowed the doc to do something without it because she assured me it would not be required (just a small thing to "do") with the result that she was breaking trough the teeth or something like that (no clue) but she had no other option then to continue and finish the job. Maybe it was only 5 or 10 min. But boy I never felt so much FUCKING pain in my whole life. And I have read once that some people never do any kind of anesthesia.
if you swish around some hot sauce in your mouth the capsicum will at as a natural clotting agent.

chalk one up for homeopathic medicine.
My bottom whisdom tooths had been both rotated 90° as well. Heh, the radiographic image looked exactly like the one from my father.

The upper whisdom teeths had been like everyone else. Getting them out was a matter of seconds and I had no real paint at all after this. The pain mostly came from the bottom ones.
eom said:
if you swish around some hot sauce in your mouth the capsicum will at as a natural clotting agent.

chalk one up for homeopathic medicine.

I don't think you know what 'homeopathic' means.
Homeopathic would be swishing around water in your mouth. Which everyone already does, so I guess dentists have been homeopaths all along!
and the "strongest" pain killers dentists can prescribe is like hydrocodene and oxycodene, which dont really do anything but dull the pain a little bit.

Ha you're complaining about that? The last time I had a wisdom tooth removed, I was told to take paracetamol and if it got really bad ibuprofen too. (Ok, I may have taken morphine daily for a week after, but that was by my own volition!)