Trump is winning

You had a giant Hillary Clinton ad on your post before deleting it after I made my post. If you want to argue with me just say so and don't try to use editsto make it look like I dismissed your post because of the criticism of policy and not the giant picture of Hillary Clinton saying "I'm with her". I'll happily argue with you later but its almost 7am.
Oh, that was the b8.
They come in different colours.



You seem to not understand the current situation of how and why American politics works the way it does but thats ok because judging from your total dismissal of the whole country you're very aggressivly European.
Your de-facto two party system is a self-fullfilling prophecy. It exists because you refuse to vote for third party candidates because you believe that your two party system is set in stone.
Your de-facto two party system is a self-fullfilling prophecy. It exists because you refuse to vote for third party candidates because you believe that your two party system is set in stone.

This has decayed over the last 20 years. Green and Libs are the 'set' third parties, and the way Trump and Clinton are scaring off their relative 'leftist' and 'rightie' elements has given those parties a boost. The Dems and Reps will scream 'spoiler', but it's already a cliche.
Ah yes, that's the reason Trump has so many votes. Not because he addresses legitimate points and has good policies, it's because of all those racists. It can't be that Trump is right, everyone else is just wrong and racist!
Eh, well when it comes to talking about SOLUTIONS to all of those legitimate points ... Trump has been pretty vague about it, to say the least.

There is no way to tell if his way of making-america-great again, will be better then other ways. But I guess, quite a lot of americans think it can't be worse than what they have now. In that sense, you could say that Trump is as much a product of Obamas politic, which has done to little and to late. Many expected Obama to be this huge big game changer. Turns out. He wasn't. And I guess many people think the same about Trump. He will make America win again. I tend to believe, he won't achieve his goals either.
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Eh, well when it comes to talking about SOLUTIONS to all of those legitimate points ... Trump has been pretty vague about it, to say the least.

There is no way to tell if his way of making-america-great again, will be better then other ways. But I guess, quite a lot of americans think it can't be worse than what they have now. In that sense, you could say that Trump is as much a product of Obamas politic, which has done to little and to late. Many expected Obama to be this huge big game changer. Turns out. He wasn't. And I guess many people think the same about Trump. He will make America win again. I tend to believe, he won't achieve his goals either.

They're all Charlatans. Bernie spouted off 'Democratic Socialism' when no 1st world country uses that system (they use SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, big academic and real difference). Hillary bashes him for his 1st world views, then picks them up a bit to grab his voters to drop them later, and to more extreme segments of either side; she's a hermit crab, picking whatever suits her as she can do since she's a centrist in the end. And Trump? No political experience. Running a business does not equate to political savvy, despite their outwardly equal aims. A business has to leech on government and society, politics already is the leech who shares space with business when they come, if it ever gives them room; and Trump won't be numero uno unopposed if he's elected - he'll be fought at, heels bit at, and undermined far more than any Atlantic City Casino set up. Stein waivers into anti-science at times with the vaccines thing, and Johnson seems to think Chile is a better way to go than Belgium - sure, it's okay, but it's not great.

I thus agree - if Trump gets in, he'll get jackshit done. He'll probably throw the USM at the ME and Africa and eventually Central Asia and South East Asia, but in the end, nothing probably would had changed. Obama faced too much opposition he tried to appeal to via 'compromise', and look what that got him: even at the best, bare minimum change. Trump will be the same, but with the added burden of internal factions in his party which are already screaming against him. These 12-16 years might as well be recorded as the lost generation of America.
Well I don't know about ALL of them, but as Hass nicely said. If they always go with the "best to vote the smallest evil" then it will always end up with this two party system, where you chose between two pretty much identical candidates (same shit, different colours), who are just representing the richest of the americans and not the population as whole. Or even the common man. Heh, as like Hilary would understand the normal people better than Trump.
The two-party vote system is a massive mistake. No room for third parties means that the two natural governing parties just keep rotating, going after the same voter base each time, always has the same targets on the opposing sides, so the whole things turns into the same shitfest every time, fueled by gallons upon gallons of money used to trae for favors once the chosen candidates enter the White House.

In the end, it creates the political climate you see in the US: you barely vote FOR a candidate anymore, you vote AGAINST the other one, because any trust in the system has gone sown the toilet some time ago for much of the voter base so people basically go ''lesser of two evils'' and think it's gonna fix anything. This is, of course, helped along by the absurd amount of negative political ads Americans have to suffer through.

I watched a bit of the Republican convention, you know, the part where they're supposed to elect and unite being their chosen candidate? And lo and behold, they still spent much of their time complaining about Clinton. It's like the default automatic reaction. ''Something something JAIL CLINTON''. For democrats it's probably going to be ''Something something TRUMP RACIST'' or some shit. Wouldn't be surprised if this election ends up having the lowest voter turnout in US history, with how viscerally hated both candidates are.

Having said all that, I'd possibly still prefer Hillary, if only becasue I think the whole accusations about her being a traitor that should have been jailed sound like biased, hyperbolic nonsense. From what I've seen, she was careless with her private messagings, but then again many politicians in Washington are, they're politicians and ex-lawyers, not tech junkies. And to get jail, you need to have maliciously betrayed State secrets, which about a half dozen special commissions said she didn't do. Plus, as warped as the American left tends to be about its own self-importance, they're still closer to my views than the Republicans are when all's said and done. And it's not like her husband was a terrible president, aside from cuddling Wall Street way too much.

Not that I think Trump is a racist idiot as some people believe. But he simply doesn't have the attitude I look for in a leader. Plus, I don't think his skill in building a business means he can effectively run a nation, he will probably be stonewalled by Congress in a way that makes Obama's presidency look like a scenic ride in Venice, and let's be frank some of his ideas are just stupid. ''Hurr durr make mexico pay for mah wall'' sure, the nation that has a grave crime problem that verges on fucking civil war because North Americans keep buyingt their drugs, is just going to fork over billions no strings attached, there's not going to be a hint of resentment because of that, and none of the US's international rivals are going to use this opportunity to have Mexico closer to their sphere of influence. That shit never happens, no sir, 'Murica always gets its way no matter the odds.
I thus agree - if Trump gets in, he'll get jackshit done. He'll probably throw the USM at the ME and Africa and eventually Central Asia and South East Asia, but in the end, nothing probably would had changed.
I thought Trump was a non-interventionalist that wanted other countries to step in & do their part instead of the USA always having to play world police? He talked of scrapping NATO (which is ironic) if the member states didn't start spending more on their defense.
So while I can see him make a move on ISIS, I don't see him doing much in Africa or Asia.
Trump is interventionist in matters of economic warfare.

As for MILITARY matters, he is as isolationist as it gets.

He is ready to sellout our allies by screwing with NATO. If it weren't for tough China talk, he would probably abandon Japan, Taiwan and S. Korea as well.

As shitty as the situation is, Trump is LEAGUES better than Clinton or Sanders.

One is a traitor and the other is a naive hippie who believes everything will be golden if the U.S. prostrates itself before the international community and enacts economic policies that would cripple our government and add even more debt than we have now.

Free college, free healthcare, free whatever the fuck.

Sanders honestly believes that this can be paid for by a majority population whom the liberals already have stated time and time again, are too fucking poor to afford ither. Without even MENTIONING reasons on why tuition is so high (bullshit like rock climbing walls, olympic size pools, new dorms, new rec rooms, new etc, all used to attract more students who somehow feel entitled to and NEED these things, massive pay increases for top college brass), he gleefully panders to the populist vote that it should all be free for you. Alas in actuality, it wouldn't be free as his retarded 1 percent tax speculation on wallstreet would barely be enough to fund the staggering bureaucratic cost of implementing such a program. Actually funding it without any MASSIVE tax hikes acrss the board, I don't think so. People who barely get by and cannot afford health insurance now or college tuition can all of a sudden afford to get huge chunks of money taken out of their paychecks? The same people who have now lost a huge chunk of wages are going to have an EASIER time buying food and paying rent? Such a system for such an enormous population is insane.

Progressives literally are not happy until they get their utopia where all energy is clean energy. Some dream world where corporations won't outsource jobs to foreign countries even though their counterparts in other nations gleefully do the same. The U.S. is somehow going to remain competitive while allowing other nations to literally fuck us over. Some lala land where we can feed over a billion plus people with organically grown produce only. It is crazy.

Would it help the already sick? Sure. But it will absolutely fuck over every single American who currently isn't sick and who will be sick i the future as such a system is doomed to fail. The amount of dumbasses making dumbass choices right now will empty any possible coffers for future generations. Keep in mind we are talking about free shit for 280-320 MILLION people.

And if someone brings up China, yea, Chinas healthcare system isn't exactly what I call great. It is riddled with problems and corruption, lack of resources, etc. And this system only treats folks from the city. If you are poor or someone from some village, your SOL.

And China also doesn't provide free, tax payer funded higher education because, as you guessed it, funding for something like that would be an absolute nightmare.

I am intrigued to hear from the euro folks here on how much your government subsidizes education.

FFS, our government can't even get social security right.
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But you see, just 'trimming the fat', isn't going to cut it.

You do know why Europe loves having the U.S. provide the bulk of lifting in NATO right?

It is so they can spend THEIR money on social programs. Just imagine France or Germany having to maintain a military that can slug it out with multiple nations at once while trying to fund their social programs simultaneously.

What happens when an MMA fighter stops training? He gets rusty. His reflexes slow down. He misses the cues that his opponent shows when he is about to strike.

When two martial arts 'masters' fight, who wins?? It is the person who spends the most time, energy, and focus into his style.

Oh and BTW, if you were about to say, 'stop illegal middle east wars', I have that covered too. You see, those wars also run up the debt. Stopping them means we just do not go further into debt.
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