Trump is winning

Well I just gave you the context, if you can't see where the conection is ...

- A man may well bring a horse to the water / But he cannot make him drink without he will.
Well, you tell me. How is Trump going to put some of his ideas trough? Like to register all American Muslims.
NEWTON, Iowa — Donald J. Trump, who earlier in the week said he was open to requiring Muslims in the United States to register in a database, said on Thursday night that he “would certainly implement that — absolutely.”
You see, this is what amazes me. I post an article that appears to come from a right leaning website and no one will even click on it. Yet you'll all smugly post stuff from the New York Times which as been aggressively anti-Trump since his campaign began. Anyway, the idea of a database for moslems was something suggested by a reporter from NBC, not Trump.
Or killing the families of terrorists. Which is also illegal by the way.
The quote is "we have to take out their families" which implies more than just killing. He's referring to both attacking their fanatic supporters in their home countries and removing their fanatic supporters within our own borders. Also, killing the families of terrorists isn't actually a violation of International Law. ISIS did not sign the Geneva Convention so it doesn't apply to them.
Not to mention he's already made it clear he wouldn't be doing anything to actively disobey laws.
Trump told The Wall Street Journal he would "use every legal power that I have to stop these terrorist enemies. I do, however, understand that the United States is bound by laws and treaties and I will not order our military or other officials to violate those laws and will seek their advice on such matters."

"I will not order a military officer to disobey the law. It is clear that as president I will be bound by laws just like all Americans and I will meet those responsibilities," he added.
Of course we have to draw some similarities with historic figures like Hitler or Musolini or other fascists that used racism as part of their politic agenda.
Except he's not using racism as a part of his political campaign. You keep saying he's like Hitler or Mussolini but he's yet to call for the mass expulsion of an entire race from the country, proclaim that one race is responsible for the current poor state of the country (in fact a lot of his criticism is focused on America's current leaders), nor has he advocated for some kind of mass genocide like you keep trying to imply he is. He's never called anyone subhuman either.
Using fearmongering, xenophobia, demagoguery and a very high emphasis on agressive policies.
I've already made 2 giant posts showing that radical islam and the borderline open borders policy we're running on now is a legitimate problem and is causing very real and very large problems and causes for concern. So if talking about the issues currently facing the country is "fear mongering" than I guess they should just shit around with their dicks in their hands and talk about puppies or something that will make you feel better? As for xenophobia that's very obviously not true otherwise he would be proposing a ban on everyone not of a certain race and background, demagoguery is also out since these are problems based on reality and if he wanted to appeal to people's prejudices he wouldn't be such a outspoken believer in legal immigration even on the southern border, and with aggressive politics you're comparing a man who wants to make better trade deals, focus on defeating a terrorist organization that's already declared war on America and work on immigration with men who invaded their neighboring countries and "started" a World War. Your false analogies aren't getting any better.
Or killing the families of terrorists. Which is also illegal by the way.
Well, there's already a President with a Nobel Peace Prize who's been a pioneer in this field, no?

Guys, yes, Trump is a buffoonish loudmouth asshole, many New Yorkers are. If you think Democrats aren't warmongering, push racial rhetoric and use the same tactics, it seems like you're just being cheerleaders for one football team over the other.
Sure, Obama is also a murder in my opinion.
You see, this is what amazes me. I post an article that appears to come from a right leaning website and no one will even click on it. Yet you'll all smugly post stuff from the New York Times which as been aggressively anti-Trump since his campaign began. Anyway, the idea of a database for moslems was something suggested by a reporter from NBC, not Trump.
Those evil and stealthy journalists! Sneaking all their evil and suspicious questions into their interviews! Sneaky, sneaky!
Trump also later corrected his statement, with both the Muslims and killing families of terrorists or what ever. But that's not the point anyway, I didn't say that Trump was/is a racist - how would I know? But many of his statements have only one purpose. To stir up the the masses, and pander to those that are racists or at least in support of it. You know the, we can't say it out loudly, but it is the truth! Type. And this is the most malicious form of racism, and the hardest to spot. The kind of racism that comes when you talk about black people and the number of prison inmates. Ooooh you know I have black people as friends and co-workers! Buuut they do commit a lot of crimes. It's all very ugly. That's the problem. Making simple statements about complex topics, and wondering why others call them racists ...

Like I said. Either you don't want to see the issue, or you're simply part of the problem. Those are your two choices.

The quote is "we have to take out their families" which implies more than just killing. He's referring to both attacking their fanatic supporters in their home countries and removing their fanatic supporters within our own borders. Also, killing the families of terrorists isn't actually a violation of International Law. ISIS did not sign the Geneva Convention so it doesn't apply to them.
Double standards. How convenient. But as far as I know, the Generva Convention doesn't give a fuck who signs it or not. Violations are violations. But one thing is clear. Even if the US droped an atomic bomb on ISIS. You will never see any american politicans in Den Haag facing trial.

Lovely how you don't have a problem with commiting all kinds of atrocities, as long it's ISIS. I guess torturing 14 year old Hitlerjungen would be also, ok. Children you say? Who gives a fuck. They're all Nazis. A world painted in black and white makes things easier I guess.

Except he's not using racism as a part of his political campaign. You keep saying he's like Hitler or Mussolini but he's yet to call for the mass expulsion of an entire race from the country, proclaim that one race is responsible for the current poor state of the country (in fact a lot of his criticism is focused on America's current leaders), nor has he advocated for some kind of mass genocide like you keep trying to imply he is. He's never called anyone subhuman either.
Elementary Watson elementary. The context is what counts. If he's Hitler or not doesn't matter - not that I said he is EXACTLY like Hitler, just using similar demagoguery. What counts is the kind of rhetoric he's using and the groups he's adressing.
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Those evil and stealthy journalists! Sneaking all their evil and suspicious questions into their interviews! Sneaky, sneaky!
Ah honest and pious journalists. Free from all political bias and never taking anything out of context and being 100% transparent in any views that they may have. Everyone knows you should believe everything the media tells you without question because they never lie.
I didn't say that Trump was/is a racist
Actually yes you did. You implied several times now and earlier that Trump was a racist against Mexicans/moslems(despite islam not being a race). You even brought up black people for some reason and implied that I support calling them racial expletives for some reason. Don't backdown and act like you never tried to turn this into a race issue.
SBut many of his statements have only one purpose. To stir up the the masses, and pander to those that are racists or at least in support of it. You know the, we can't say it out loudly, but it is the truth! Type. And this is the most malicious form of racism, and the hardest to spot. The kind of racism that comes when you talk about black people and the number of prison inmates. Ooooh you know I have black people as friends and co-workers! Buuut they do commit a lot of crimes. It's all very ugly. That's the problem. Making simple statements about complex topics, and wondering why others call them racists ...
Again, not a single person is talking about race neither here or Trump. So far all you've said is that now (despite what you claim earlier) Trump isn't racist but is saying secret code phrases to like, wake up all these racist sleeper agents that will vote for him basically? Like, Trump talking about illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism is somehow connected to black people and prison and racism against black people? Is there a point here?
Like I said. Either you don't want to see the issue, or you're simply part of the problem. Those are your two choices.
False dichotomy.
Double standards. How convenient.
What do you mean double standards? That's how it works.
But as far as I know, the Generva Convention doesn't give a fuck who signs it or not. Violations are violations.
And it's clear you know very little on the topic. The Geneva Convention would very much like to be an international law of war but it's not and it can't be. If a country does not sign the treaty, it doesn't have to follow it and vice versa. The Convention is really a paper thin gentlemen's agreement that if two member countries go to war with eachother they'll follow this set of rules so we don't have awkward stuff like with Japan, whose one of our best allies, being the ones we've nuked twice and they've done horrific stuff at 731. Theres also this....
Even if the US droped an atomic bomb on ISIS. You will never see any american politicans in Den Haag facing trial.
.... the United States specifically didn't accept a part of the Convention that deals with victor's justice. Not that it would matter as with ISIS being a non member and terrorist group but the United States has a very easy trap card when it comes to getting out of that kind of stuff. Like with the next "point" of yours I'm not claiming to support this but it is relevant to the discussion.
Lovely how you don't have a problem with commiting all kinds of atrocities, as long it's ISIS.
Never said that, I was merely explaining to you how you were wrong about what Trump was possibly saying being against international law. Never said I or Trump personally supported it.
I guess torturing 14 year old Hitlerjungen would be also, ok. Who gives a fuck. They're all Nazis.
The Germans were treated very unfairly and harshly. I do not support how the allies treated Germany in the aftermath of either World War, no. Stop putting words in my mouth. Likewise since you think I'm some kind of evil moslem hating "racist" who hates all brown people I do not support Israel's ongoing genocide of the Palestinians either. Again, things would go a lot better for you if you stopped making broad assumptions about my beliefs and then applying them to hyperbolic examples.
Elementary Watson elementary.
You're like a living meme right now.
The context is what counts.
Yet all you do is take Trump (and other politicians) out of context to draw up Nazi comparisons.
If he's Hitler or not doesn't matter
Than stop comparing him and everything he says and does to Hitler.
not that I said he is EXACTLY like Hitler, just using similar demagoguery.
Nope. Like I've said before Trump is talking about very real problems with factual and statistical basis. He's not just string up issues where there are none by pointing at oh so peaceful illegals and radical Islamists and saying "see, it's all of those subhumam mexicans fault! Those brown skinned towel heads are the problem!" like your stawman of Trump does.
the groups he's adressing.
You mean violent illegals and radical islamic terrorists? Man, those poor innocent souls he's disparaging.
You mean violent illegals and radical islamic terrorists? Man, those poor innocent souls he's disparaging.
You know, I have my roots in Serbia, which is a nation that has probably seen more of war than the US in the last 60-70 years. I know what fundamentalism, fascism, and all sorts of extremes can do to people.
But despite of all the shit Serbia and some serbians have seen, I hold the opinion that if you stop to see the human side in a group, even your most hated enemy, they have already won. Churchill definetly understood this after WW2. Even with the knowledge of concentration camps and the Nazis. And you can't say that had some particular love for the Germans. He just knew that going for peace, you can't start with a grudge. This is what they did with WW1, and see where it has lead them to. A bitter Germany that had no issue with attacking the one they blamed for their issues.
I am not going to argue with you about what ever if ISIS is shit or not. Because there is nothing to argue. They are shit. But they are still humans, you know. And the moment we change our laws, or see them as less than humans ... well, that is the moment they win. Because we gave up the values we think seperates us from them. The fact that we have democracies with free thinking, epressions and most importantly, criticism. Extremism always leads to more extremism. That's how this cycle goes. The question is, if you beat ISIS will you give those that change their views a chance? What happens with the teenagers and people that got tricked by propaganda, bullied into service or what ever. Is everyone fighting for them someone who chops of heads in the name of Islam? Those are not simple problems.

Ah honest and pious journalists. Free from all political bias and never taking anything out of context and being 100% transparent in any views that they may have. Everyone knows you should believe everything the media tells you without question because they never lie.
Like I said, senaky sneaky journalists! I guess the other stuff he said isn't true either. Must be Youtube faking stuff again.

Actually yes you did. You implied several times now and earlier that Trump was a racist against Mexicans/moslems(despite islam not being a race). You even brought up black people for some reason and implied that I support calling them racial expletives for some reason. Don't backdown and act like you never tried to turn this into a race issue.
If I havn't made I mistake, I think I said that his rhetoric is racist, that he is making racist comments and what he says is racist. Not that he has to actually BE a racist. For the case if I did, than sorry, I should have made this more clear and correct my self. I don't know if he is a racist or not, becuse I have no clue what he's thinking. I can't read minds. Göbbels for example, as far as I remember, wrotte in his diary, that he had no real qualms with the jews either. It's simply easy to use them for politics and to stir up the masses. Anyway, point is I believe Trumps intention is to get racist votes. And for that he is pandering to a group of people that thinks about Mexicans or Hispanics as less americans, as dangerous people and simply beeing less worth. He is using xenophobia and fearmongering to get votes. And it works like a charm. Even you sing to his tunes without realizing it. I wonder if you will think the same way if things REALLY turn ugly.
You know, I have my roots in Serbia, which is a nation that has probably seen more of war than the US in the last 60-70 years. I know what fundamentalism, fascism, and all sorts of extremes can do to people.
Anecdotal evidence isn't.
YI hold the opinion that if you stop to see the human side in a group, even your most hated enemy, they have already won.
Soooo.... now you're advocating seeing your enemies as less than human? How utterly argument destroying, I hope for your sake this was a typo.
Churchill definetly understood this after WW2. Even with the knowledge of concentration camps and the Nazis. And you can't say that had some particular love for the Germans. He just knew that going for peace, you can't start with a grudge. This is what they did with WW1, and see where it has lead them to. A bitter Germany that had no issue with attacking the one they blamed for their issues.
Yea, he didn't "see their human side". He realized that the last time they tried to ass fuck Germany after a World War it caused a movement that almost destroyed Britain. And it's not like he exactly treated them the best either, he still agree to let half of Germany be a Communist hellhole after the war.
I am not going to argue with you about what ever if ISIS is shit or not. Because there is nothing to argue. They are shit. But they are still humans, you know.
So what do you want us to do? Fight the islamic terrorists who are killing thousands of us or not? Yes they're human but at a point you have to realize that we're at war and whether you like it or not people are going to die. I'd much rather have us actually use our military and take care of the problem than continue sitting on our hands and trying hashtag ISIS to death while night clubs get shot up for Allah.
And the moment we change our laws, or see them as less than humans ... well, that is the moment they win.
Nobody thinks of them as less than human but you're not going to convince me that we should fight them after they kill our people who are humans too. How many more of us have to die before it gets to the point where being nice isn't worth it? I don't think of them as less than human, but they are a threat, I don't care if they were anthropomorphic cats, the moments the third one puts on a vest and blows up a bunch of people I'm gonna start thinking we should do something instead of posting #NotAllCats on twitter. In your opinion should the United States have no responded to Pearl Harbour because we should have remembered that the Japanese are "still human"? Are you just a pacifist or what?
And the moment we change our laws, or see them as less than humans
But nobody is suggesting we do either of those things to combat ISIS.
Because we gave up the values we think seperates us from them.
I think you'll find that fighting the people who threaten our democracy and way of life is very prevalent in our western culture.
The fact that we have democracies with free thinking, epressions and most importantly, criticism.
Who is being made free of criticism here? Certainly not Trump whose apparently this Hitler figure whose captured the hearts and minds of every American in your mind. How is fighting against someone who wants to destroy those democratic values going against those values and blocking out free thinking and criticism?
The question is, if you beat ISIS will you give those that change their views a chance?
You mean people who used to support ISIS? If they're sincere in their changed beliefs than yes. I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here, are you saying that you think we're just gonna go our and glass the entire ISIS territory and everyone in it?
What happens with the teenagers and people that got tricked by propaganda, bullied into service or what ever.
Well that's unfortunate but that's war. We can't take a pause and ask every enemy combatant for a full backstory so we can have a philosophical and moral debate on how they came to this point. It sounds harsh but that's literally how war is, we can't get a full interview with everyone we're fighting so we just have to do our job and fight our enemy and their soldiers, the same goes in reverse.
Is everyone fighting for them someone who chops of heads in the name of Islam?
There aren't a lot of pacifists fighting for the islamic state. They are soldiers fighting for the side that wants to chop off heads in the name of islam. Theres no other option but to fight them. Like I said what are we supposed to do? Interview them before firing at them? Would they do the same for us?
If I havn't made I mistake, I think I said that his rhetoric is racist, that he is making racist comments and what he says is racist.
I've already disproved this. Where has he said any racist remarks?
Göbbels for example, as far as I remember, wrotte in his diary, that he had no real qualms with the jews either. It's simply easy to use them for politics and to stir up the masses.
I almost wish I was a Nazi just so I wouldn't be bored by you constantly bringing them up.
Anyway, point is I believe Trumps intention is to get racist votes. And for that he is pandering to a group of people that thinks about Mexicans or Hispanics as less americans, as dangerous people and simply beeing less worth. He is using xenophobia
Again no he isn't. What racists are going "I hate all of them mexicans, but only if they come in illegally. They are genetically inferior or me unless them came in legally in which case they get magic White DNA"? Because Trump has never proposed stopping legal immigration of Mexicans or Hispanics.
And it works like a charm.
Ah yes, that's the reason Trump has so many votes. Not because he addresses legitimate points and has good policies, it's because of all those racists. It can't be that Trump is right, everyone else is just wrong and racist!

Even you sing to his tunes without realizing it.
You sing the tunes of the left leaning media outlets and the democats without realizing. I've already posted plenty of factual information that I've used in my decision.
I wonder if you will think the same way if things REALLY turn ugly.
Well they won't but if they do I promise I'll remember to hop on NMA and prostrate myself before you.
Trump is a racist this, Trump is a bigot that, bla bla fucking bla. We've heard it all before. I just hope the people commenting these things about Trump realize Clinton is just as racist and homophobic if not more so but tries to hide it through pandering.

Like this gem:

Or this beauty:

Wake up people. Don't try to belittle Trump while putting your precious Clinton on a pedestal like she's some crusader for justice and morals. They are both bad. There is no point trying to bash Trump or Clinton as if the other is better, they're both the worst presidential candidates we've ever had. You just look silly trying to defend one over the other.

Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come with me and vote 3rd Party!
Well, you could also all vote for someone you like instead of the one you least dislike of the two top candidates. The "danger of vote division" is only a thing because all y'all are too goddamn stupid to understand democracy.
Are you referring to some kind of fault in the American system of voting for President itself or saying vote division isn't a thing? Because Teddy Roosevelt's attempt at a third term proves that it is. Because of his retarded Moose Party shenanigans we got that cunt Wilson.
So you're saying you think Hillary is better than Trump?
I can feel you getting triggered all the way over here thousands of miles away.
Are you referring to some kind of fault in the American system of voting for President itself or saying vote division isn't a thing? Because Teddy Roosevelt's attempt at a third term proves that it is. Because of his retarded Moose Party shenanigans we got that cunt Wilson.
Roosevelt was better than that cretin Taft.
Are you referring to some kind of fault in the American system of voting for President itself or saying vote division isn't a thing? Because Teddy Roosevelt's attempt at a third term proves that it is. Because of his retarded Moose Party shenanigans we got that cunt Wilson.
But vote division is only a thing because you fucktards keep voting for the two main candidates despite not liking either of them. If all of you would realise that you'd get a more even voter distribution among the candidates, ending the choice between a rock and a hard place.
Fuck it, your rotten shithole will get exactly the president it deserves.
Trump's policies are dumb as shit.
It all begins with Trump’s tax cuts, which are so massive they would result in $9.5 trillion in revenue losses over a decade. Because Trump wants to spend more on the military and for veterans’ health care, plus protect Medicare and Social Security from cuts as well, the federal deficit would jump — and require substantial borrowing to finance.
Next, the borrowing needed to finance the deficit — by the end of 2020 the shortfall would be about $1 trillion higher than under current law — would drive up interest rates. Consumer prices would also rise once higher tariffs took effect and the Chinese retaliated with levies of their own. China and Mexico account for 35 percent of non-oil imports. Higher tariffs, the analysis says, would raise U.S. consumer prices by almost 3 percent.
The combination of higher wages, consumer prices and interest rates would send inflation soaring. The consumer price index, which was at 1 percent in May, would rise to 4.2 percent by the end of 2019, the analysis says. The Fed would move quickly to tamp down inflation expectations by raising interest rates. The result would be a recession in Trump’s second and third years in office.
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You seem to not understand the current situation of how and why American politics works the way it does but thats ok because judging from your total dismissal of the whole country you're very aggressivly European.

Gr8 b8 m8
Ur or8 the gr8 b8's free for my m8's.
Also how is being skeptical of Trumps policies b8 m8?
You had a giant Hillary Clinton ad on your post before deleting it after I made my post. If you want to argue with me just say so and don't try to use editsto make it look like I dismissed your post because of the criticism of policy and not the giant picture of Hillary Clinton saying "I'm with her". I'll happily argue with you later but its almost 7am.