Trump is winning

Trump isn't winning, but neither is Hillary. It's so damn weird! Is this the state of mainstream US politics? This is the best the party establishment wants to throw on the table? Fuck 'em both. I wasn't voting Red or Blue anyway, Bernie was nice, but I'm back to Green as was the plan anyway. Going to play the long game - board isn't going to change whoever wins.
I support Trump because...

A: I don't want a murderer for President
B: We need to fix our immigration problems
C: We need to do something about ISIS
That seems like his central focus. Im not saying he's perfect or anything. I just agree with what the dude says, that's why i like him.

His central focus is himself. He's a joke, a man who runs for president only because he can and because it will garner him more fame and money, and boost his ego. He says what people want to hear, rallying them around slogans that have no real substance, and diverting attention from other bigger problems to these "us vs them" problems. There is no better way to rally people behind you than to pick an enemy and blame every little problem in peoples lives on said enemy.
His central focus is himself. He's a joke, a man who runs for president only because he can and because it will garner him more fame and money, and boost his ego. He says what people want to hear, rallying them around slogans that have no real substance, and diverting attention from other bigger problems to these "us vs them" problems. There is no better way to rally people behind you than to pick an enemy and blame every little problem in peoples lives on said enemy.

You do raise a good point, and I do agree. Trump is very egotistical and an asshole... But i'd rather have him over Hillary.
That seems like his central focus. Im not saying he's perfect or anything. I just agree with what the dude says, that's why i like him.
Yes, I am not attacking you for your opinion or that you agree with him. I am just curious why Trump is the guy to fix anything. So far he is just SAYING that he will fix it, he hasn't fixed shit yet. That's the point. Trump is making PROMISES, and you BELIEVE in those, probably? But if we know one thing about politicans, any politicans ... then how they deal with promises. I hate Trump. Because I see him as someone who's using racism to get votes. But, if he becomes President, I am willing to see what he will accomplish. And, in the unlikely event that he keeps on ALL of his promises and really manage to make the US great again, well then I will be the first one to gratulate him. But untill then? It's all just empty promises, just like ALL the other candidates. Why do you think he is that man,
B: We need to fix our immigration problems
C: We need to do something about ISIS
Oooh, ok. I had no idea he likes mexican food. That changes everything.


Can you give an explicit example of his racism? If not, you just sound like the idiots on youtube that are targeting him because "muh mexucunz", despite taking that whole thing out of context...that or they ARE illegal immigrants who are just butthurt.
Can you give an explicit example of his racism? If not, you just sound like the idiots on youtube that are targeting him because "muh mexucunz", despite taking that whole thing out of context...that or they ARE illegal immigrants who are just butthurt.

How naive are you actively trying to be?
You know perfectly well a politician - going for president - *cannot* be OPENLY racist. There is no possibility for it, so you are deliberately fishing - manipulatively at that - for a response you know cannot happen.

Trump is as much of a racist as a politician *can* be - in the open - without being Hitler. Yes, I said Hitler, sue me.
How naive are you actively trying to be?
You know perfectly well a politician - going for president - *cannot* be OPENLY racist. There is no possibility for it, so you are deliberately fishing - manipulatively at that - for a response you know cannot happen.

Trump is as much of a racist as a politician *can* be - in the open - without being Hitler. Yes, I said Hitler, sue me.

I was being honest, considering the media is just as well was against Trump early in the election, AND was calling him racist, with some even going towards to "da new Hitler". So you can blame the media for the whole shitstain of people that claim he is racist. So basically, I'm honestly curious as where the example of him being a third-wave racist is. So far, I didn't find much on that.
Yeah, if you really need to ask if some of Trumps comments are racist, then you made up your mind already and it is unlikely that showing his racism will convince you.
Yeah, if you really need to ask if some of Trumps comments are racist, then you made up your mind already and it is unlikely that showing his racism will convince you.
"I-I don't have to show any proof he's racist! H-He just is! You're racist for even asking that question!"
Do I need to quote my giant monolithic post again because it seems you've forgotten.
Yeah, if you really need to ask if some of Trumps comments are racist, then you made up your mind already and it is unlikely that showing his racism will convince you.

No, I would actually like some solid evidence, thank you please. Will it change my vote? Probably not, because it just comes down to Hillary and the loudmouth, which Hillary is honestly the worst choice out of the two.
Like I said, if you don't find this racist, than I don't know what ...


If you don't get the racism of his speeches, than I don't know what else I could tell you to convince you ...
Wow, you actually absorbed zero information from my post. That's quite hurtful, I put a lot of time into that thing you know.
Like I said, if you don't find this racist, than I don't know what ...

He stated a very simple fact. The Illegals crossing the border are a large majority unsavory criminals who take part in the drug trade. He never said all Mexicans were rapist drug dealers nor did he even say that all illegals were all rapist drug dealers either. He said "and some I assume, are good people". It's quite convenient that, that's always left out. I already posted the crime statistics for illegals in my last post which you've seemed to have completely forgotten due to selective amnesia and I don't feel like doing it again.

If you don't get the racism of his speeches, than I don't know what else I could tell you to convince you ...

aaaaand you go right back to posting "comedic" quotes and youtube videos. Sorry I don't get convinced politically by a stand up comedian, a couple of washed up skit writers from CollegeHumor or The Daily Show taking speeches out of context to make some jokes at Trump's expense. Instead of using facts should I just start linking you to videos of Gavin Mcinnes and other right leaning comedians from now on?
He stated a very simple fact. The Illegals crossing the border are a large majority unsavory criminals who take part in the drug trade. He never said all Mexicans were rapist drug dealers nor did he even say that all illegals were all rapist drug dealers either. He said "and some I assume, are good people". It's quite convenient that, that's always left out.
No, no of course not, no he didn't call ALL mexicans criminals, rapists and he didn't call them subhumans and filth that should be concentrated in camps and exterminated. No. He's not Hitler, if that's what we're looking for. But is it so hard to see who Trump is trying to adress here with his speeches?

Let me put it like that:


When jews populate an area, they're not doing their best. They're are people with lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us.
They're bringing drugs.
They're bringing crime.
They're rapists.

And some, I assume, are good people.

When black people populate an city, they're not doing their best. They're are people with lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us.
They're bringing drugs.
They're bringing crime.
They're rapists.

And some, I assume, are good people.

When Xenomopsh infest an area, they're not doing their best. They're are aliens with lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us.
They're bringing facehuggers.
They're bringing chestburters.
They're killers.

And some, I assume, are good Xenomorphs.

You also say, he is only talking about immigrants, illegal ones even. Okies. But does that make it really better? Would it sound better if he called those blacka people that end up in prison niggers? No no! That's not racist! The good ones aren't niggers! Only those that are criminals! They have problems!

You know, I am curious how he wants to actually stop all that stuff he's talking about anyway. Like seriously. How do you want to stop millions of people migrating or doing something, without violating the constution? It all sounds harmless. But words come before actions. It was always like that. The truth is, you can believe in what Trump says or that he's not a racist. But the honest truth is, he can't do anything of what he says without dismantling the constution that protects the right of ALL of its citizens, what ever if they are hispanics, muslims or white christians.
No, no of course not, no he didn't call ALL mexicans criminals, rapists and he didn't call them subhumans and filth that should be concentrated in camps and exterminated.
When jews populate an area, they're not doing their best. They're are people with lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us.
They're bringing drugs.
They're bringing crime.
They're rapists.
Oh for fucks sake. Are you really playing the "omg he's just like Hitler u guise" card again? Are the only things you can come up with long drawn out false analogies?
You also say, he is only talking about immigrants, illegal ones even. Okies. But does that make it really better? Would it sound better if he called those blacka people that end up in prison niggers? No no! That's not racist! The good ones aren't niggers! Only those that are criminals! They have problems!
What the hell are you even talking about? I didn't say a thing about black people nor did Trump. Quit trying to weasel your way out of this by trying to drag the discussion into something entirly different with your exhausting false analogies. So far the only one talking about locking up black people and referring to them as racial slurs is you and it's starting to feel an awful lot like you're projecting.

How do you want to stop millions of people migrating or doing something, without violating the constution?
Building a wall, closing the borders like America has time time and time again during it's lifetime (hell, Carter even had a temporary ban from moslem countries like Trump is proposing), and actually enforcing control of our border (the border patrol is immensely underfunded and practically kept from doing it's job). There was no Constitutional dilemma back then and there won't be one now.

Please don't even bother responding if you're just going to put more words in my mouth and then insinuate that everyone is Hitler. It get's really old.
Oh for fucks sake. Are you really playing the "omg he's just like Hitler u guise" card again? Are the only things you can come up with long drawn out false analogies?
Well, you tell me. How is Trump going to put some of his ideas trough? Like to register all American Muslims.
NEWTON, Iowa — Donald J. Trump, who earlier in the week said he was open to requiring Muslims in the United States to register in a database, said on Thursday night that he “would certainly implement that — absolutely.”

Or killing the families of terrorists. Which is also illegal by the way.

Of course we have to draw some similarities with historic figures like Hitler or Musolini or other fascists that used racism as part of their politic agenda. We can't look in to the future. No one knows what will happen after the ellection. And even if it is very unlikely that the US will become the next dictatorship with Trump as Fuhrer, the resemblance between his politics and those that are very common on dictatorships, is well there. Using fearmongering, xenophobia, demagoguery and a very high emphasis on agressive policies.

I will never compare anyone to Hitler, Mussolini, or any such dictator, such is in my view overused, without meaning, without backing, even in some cases childish. Nor should 'Fascism' or 'Nazism' be thrown around either. He's an Authoritarian Reactionary, and you can just call him a demagogue, a xenophobe, a warmonger. Sounds so much better, doesn't it?