Trump is winning

I've been seeing something pop up a bit here and there since the conventions ended, and it is people stating the only reason they are going to vote for Hilary is because the feel she is the lesser of two evils.

You know shit's fucked when your apparent new slogan is the lesser of two evils.
I feel like a lot of the insults towards Trump are with out warrant. He is without a doubt not an islamophobe, xenophobe, or a racist. Most of these are just slanderous rumors made up to make people offended just so that they don't vote for him. This tactic has been used very frequently in the Democratic party for example which made Bernie Sanders out to be a racist in order to pull the minority vote towards Hillary. Anyone can fabricate some story and a handful or more people will believe it. I feel like too many people are letting their emotions get to them whenever it comes to their political idea. We need to focus on the issues. Inequality is not an issue. The democratic party at this very moment relies on false narratives in order to get a large amount of uneducated voters. This includes the narrative that African Americans are being systematically targetted which is a lie. I am voting for Donald Trump this year because no third party candidate in the history of the United States has even came close to becoming the President of the United States. I also don't buy the lies about inequality, I'd prefer not to have a liar for Commander in Chief, and I agree with him on his policy decisions.

Those who claim he will bankrupt this nation have yet to provide any proof that he will do so. I see a whole lot of claims and rhetoric about him being some tyrant and yet I see no proof.
Subjective I grant you that.

Accusations of treason aren't that subjective when there are laws that clearly state what constitutes treason, people who spend their lives interpreting said laws, and probably a boatload of cases to back it all up. When so many sub-comitees (some of them headed by Republicans, apparently) say you can't be accused of treason... well, really people can believe what they want, but then again some think the planet is flat.

Yeah, they dropped the ball. Again, shit happens. When you wage war, your side is also going to take casualties from time to time. As I see it, the deaths are of course unfortunate and shouldn't have happened, but the Americans played with fire and got burned by placing a CIA outpost so close to an ''embassy''.

As for the rest, well there are your opinions and it's fine, but again that's nowhere near grounds to accuse someone of treason. You disagree with her foreign policy, fair enough, I can see why even I don't share your views. I disagreed with Stephen Harper's foreign policy when he was Prime Minister (a lot, at that) but that doesn't mean he was a traitor. Had I been an American, I would definitely had descended in the streets to protest against the stupid and pointless invasion of Irak by Bush, but it wouldn't have made him a criminal.

That's the entire deal with Hilary's past. Her opponents aren't content to vehemently disagree, no. They must wave the whole ''treason!!'' flag as if this was Warhammer 40K or some shit. And on my end, that only diminishes the arguments against her, when dislike and disagreement is taken to such nonsensically hyperbolic levels that it starts to look like mob justice. As much as Trump also gets hit with plenty of stupid accusations, at least few people seem to think he should be jailed on no legal basis.
I feel like a lot of the insults towards Trump are with out warrant. He is without a doubt not an islamophobe, xenophobe, or a racist. Most of these are just slanderous rumors made up to make people offended just so that they don't vote for him. This tactic has been used very frequently in the Democratic party for example which made Bernie Sanders out to be a racist in order to pull the minority vote towards Hillary. Anyone can fabricate some story and a handful or more people will believe it. I feel like too many people are letting their emotions get to them whenever it comes to their political idea. We need to focus on the issues. Inequality is not an issue. The democratic party at this very moment relies on false narratives in order to get a large amount of uneducated voters. This includes the narrative that African Americans are being systematically targetted which is a lie. I am voting for Donald Trump this year because no third party candidate in the history of the United States has even came close to becoming the President of the United States. I also don't buy the lies about inequality, I'd prefer not to have a liar for Commander in Chief, and I agree with him on his policy decisions.

Those who claim he will bankrupt this nation have yet to provide any proof that he will do so. I see a whole lot of claims and rhetoric about him being some tyrant and yet I see no proof.
I think it is important for Americans to think in a logical way instead of thinking with their emotions when it comes to Trump and Clinton and try to vote for the person who will do the best job as the president of the USA. Unfortunately, most Americans are just thinking with their emotions. What is going on today, makes the American people look bad while also making democracy look bad.
Exactly! There is no perfect politician and there will certainly never be no perfect President. Also I don't think that the President of the United States has to be an angel, because in reality as humans we are all prone to do ignorant things in our life. The difference between the one who openly admits that he's done ignorant things and the one who claims that they never have is that one is lying to you. People tend to also think that the President has greater power than congress, the house, and the judicial branch all together which is blatantly wrong. The United States is set up in such a way that prevents rapid change unless the majority of people are for it. This prevents a would be dictator from becoming a king-like figure.
Well, at this point I tend to believe nations get the rulers they deserve ... at least those nations where you can vote.
Both Clinton and Trump look, talk and act like complete buffoons.
I don't want Hillary to win because she's a flipflopping liar. And I don't want Trump to win because he's a rich asshole who lacks subtlety.
I'm sure, however, that the American people will get the one they deserve.
Well, at this point I tend to believe nations get the rulers they deserve ... at least those nations where you can vote.

With how pathetic the Republican's candidate pool was, and how much of a deadlock the Democrat establishment has on their party's primaries, I'm not even sure that's such a certainty anymore. Hilary was always going to be chosen by the Democrats (as the leaked emails attest), and I suspect that for many Republicans Trump was a choice because who the hell else were they going to choose anyway? Ted Cruz? Jeb Bush? lulz. Neither of them had a chance of winning. Trump has, even if he will possibly blow it if he continues to say stupid stuff. At this point it seems like both parties have exhausted their possibilities for good candidates.

Speaking of which, why oh why did Trump respond to Khan? Just give it a rest, jeez. Fallen soldiers are a sacred cow in American politics, don't fight this battle, you won't win. I also cracked up at Trump saying he also ''made sacrifices'' because he ''worked hard'' and made tons of money, that's either a monstruously sarcastic statement or one of the most hilariously out-of-touch bullshit lines I have ever heard.
Maybe he was talking about his humanity, which he had to sacrifice in order to make so much money and be so succesfull. He probably has that in common with Hillary, if she ever was a human to begin with. The Lizard people are among us.
As each day passes and another Trump speech or act goes, I can't help it but be even more and more astounded by the mental landscape of the Trump supporters.
Not that Hillary supporters are better, but I don't hear them as much.

Fantastic time to be on the interwebz.
As each day passes and another Trump speech or act goes, I can't help it but be even more and more astounded by the mental landscape of the Trump supporters.
Not that Hillary supporters are better, but I don't hear them as much.

Fantastic time to be on the interwebz.
The thing is, both are shills, but Hillary at least understands that you don't attack veterans or their relatives. I mean for fucks sake, Trump could have as well taken the US flag and simply pissed all over it while smoking the constitution like a joint. And yet, he is a presidential canditate. This is what you get, when you support and fall for someone who's coming from a reality TV show. The political elite neglected for years a large part of their population, didn't care about education and inequality. Heh this shit show would be pretty fun, if it wasn't real. The aliens observing us must have a blast.
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The thing is, both are shills, but Hillary at least understands that you don't attack veterans or their relatives. I mean for fucks sake, Trump could have as well taken the US flag and simply pissed all over it while smoking the constitution like a joing. And yet, he is a presidential canditate. This is what you get, when you support and fall for someone who's coming from a reality TV show. The political elite neglected for years a large part of their population, didn't care about education and inequality. Heh this shit show would be pretty fun, if it wasn't real. The aliens observing us must have a blast.


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An american presidential candidate endorsing Russia and Putin ... that old sick fuck Hoover must be turning in his grave.

'You sicken me!' - Edgar J. Hoover

'You Tell em Edgar!' - Mc Carthy

'Shut your man-pleaser and get back in the kitchen! Dady needs a sanwich.' - Edgar J. Hoover
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