Trump is winning


An american presidential candidate endorsing Russia and Putin ... that old sick fuck Hoover must be turning in his grave.

'You sicken me!' - Edgar J. Hoover

'You Tell em Edgar!' - Mc Carthy

'Shut your man-pleaser and get back in the kitchen! Dady needs a sanwich.' - Edgar J. Hoover
Why are all the people here assholes?
Don't tell me, you're American.

Lucky fuck, while you had US history I used to have... Aussie history.
Nah, Mexican with American father. I am studying in America, though, and it has a... unique history.

But Australia ALSO has a unique history! You're extremely lucky to be an isolated country with almost all of your population in major urban centers, as well as having low gun crime, low terrorism rate AND being a 1st-world country! The perfect America would be much closer to Australia, IMHO.
Nah, Mexican with American father. I am studying in America, though, and it has a... unique history.

But Australia ALSO has a unique history! You're extremely lucky to be an isolated country with almost all of your population in major urban centers, as well as having low gun crime, low terrorism rate AND being a 1st-world country! The perfect America would be much closer to Australia, IMHO.
Being a good country doesn't mean unique history.

Thankfully uni has a much wider range of options.
I suspect that for many Republicans Trump was a choice because who the hell else were they going to choose anyway? Ted Cruz? Jeb Bush? lulz. Neither of them had a chance of winning. Trump has, even if he will possibly blow it if he continues to say stupid stuff. At this point it seems like both parties have exhausted their possibilities for good candidates.
I miss the Republican primaries, that stuff was hilarious.

Turd Cruz and his fucking crazy dad. on a mission from God to save America. his loss has made God very anger according to Glenn Beck and the earth is fucked now. he is also a Canadian and was illegally running for presidential office. the fuckwit even picked his vice-president before he even won.

Jeb Bush. need I say more.

Marco "The Robot" Rubio. Domo Arigato Mr.Rubioto. Just kept on repeating the same programmed response over and over and even suffered a windows shut down error live on stage one time.

Then you had Dr.Sleepy Ben Carson, Doug Christie's giant fat ass who had all this thunder taken by Trump. then there was that one guy who didn't give in despite nobody voting for him and he was just there forever.

Many laughs were had.
Jeb Bush. need I say more.
Jeb Bush was one of the most pathetic candidates I've ever seen. To be honest, he was doomed from the start, but it seems like he put in so much effort for nothing. Not to say he wasn't idiotic in his own right, but damn.
I feel like I'm surrounded by liberal shills all the time. I mean Donald Trump isn't perfect, but he's a whole lot better than Hillary Clinton. I disagree with him on protectionism which as far as I know has never actually worked, I hate his lack of tact, and I find him to be a relatively easy person to bash. Attacking his character is going after the low hanging fruit. People constantly refer to him as an idiot who just got lucky, but I'd love for them to explain how they would turn a million into billions. Anyhow I'm done defending him. It's not my responsibility. I would have preferred anyone else to him, but that's out of the question. Anyone who thinks Hillary is a viable candidate for President not only is ignoring the fact that she's guilty of criminal negligence, but also is forgetting that as secretary of state she was essentially our prime diplomat. She dealt with diplomacy in the middle-east and as secretary of state she has left the middle-east in disarray. Don't ridicule me for stating facts, if you'd like evidence of this you should simply look at the email dump. Trump may very well have lack of tact, but is that really worse than Hillary?
I think Jeb Bush suffers from the reputation and 'legacy' of his father and brother.

Having said that IMO the whole GOP is a mess. Dubya, a born again cokehead and alcoholic, Trump, "nobody reads the bible more then him", etc. Value conservatives and folks like Romney, etc. McCain seemed like the most levelheaded of the conservatives, and he picked a nitwit like Palin as VP candidate.

Been nice to see the right-wing pundit folks like Glenn Beck backtracking on their vitriol. That guy is scum.
I think Jeb Bush suffers from the reputation and 'legacy' of his father and brother.

Having said that IMO the whole GOP is a mess. Dubya, a born again cokehead and alcoholic, Trump, "nobody reads the bible more then him", etc. Value conservatives and folks like Romney, etc. McCain seemed like the most levelheaded of the conservatives, and he picked a nitwit like Palin as VP candidate.

Been nice to see the right-wing pundit folks like Glenn Beck backtracking on their vitriol. That guy is scum.
The only one that seems sensible is Bernie Sanders, but oh NO, he's a fucking COMMIE.
The only one that seems sensible is Bernie Sanders, but oh NO, he's a fucking COMMIE.

Communism tends to get a bad rep because of Stalin.
What people have to realise however is that the issue is Authoritarianism and not Liberalism.
Communism tends to get a bad rep because of Stalin.
What people have to realise however is that the issue is Authoritarianism and not Liberalism.
Yeah I know... it's a growing problem in the world, where people in for social welfare, equality and other liberal beliefs are branded as communists.

It's a sign of growing ignorance.

Communism tends to get a bad reputation because communism is bad.
Funny how no country has been communist yet.