Trump is winning

Trump lost every poll in every single swing state as of yesterday. The election would have been a landslide victory for Hillary if it had taken place yesterday or today.

The debates are upcoming, and he's most likely going to be out-debated by Hillary, considering his former debate performances were visibly weak and hurt his pollings shortly after, and he will have to deal with formal questions by commentators, where it will be clearer how much candidates know what they're talking of and where Hillary is more skilled.

I'm sure his recent inflammatory comments contributed significantly to his poll losses, and after today's verbal attack of his on Obama, calling him the founder of ISIS, which I expect will hurt his support even more, among both Democrats and Republicans, it's a fact Trump's campaign is suffering more than ever before.
Trump lost every poll in every single swing state as of yesterday. The election would have been a landslide victory for Hillary if it had taken place yesterday or today.

The debates are upcoming, and he's most likely going to be out-debated by Hillary, considering his former debate performances were visibly weak and hurt his pollings shortly after, and he will have to deal with formal questions by commentators, where it will be clearer how much candidates know what they're talking of and where Hillary is more skilled.

I'm sure his recent inflammatory comments contributed significantly to his poll losses, and after today's verbal attack of his on Obama, calling him the founder of ISIS, which I expect will hurt his support even more, among both Democrats and Republicans, it's a fact Trump's campaign is suffering more than ever before.
Damn it, I wanted America to fuck up.
Yeah, we're still 2 months from D-Day so I wouldn't count Trump out by any means, but if he keeps running his mouth I honestly doubt he's going to win, and that's against a Democrat candidate that is widely hated too.

It's like he doesn't even realize that he's not speaking solely to disfranchised Republicans anymore. That the primaries are over and it's now time to adjust your discourse and draw in people who didn't vote Republican last election. Sure, his groupies in the rooms where he gives speeches are going to cheer at him even if he starts murdering babies on stage, but that's not the people he needs to convince or please if he wants to win. At this point the Dems barely have to do anything. Just sit back and let Trump prove how much of a blowhard he is every so often.

At this point I'd seriously consider a clean slate in Trump's campaign leadership or something. Well, save perhaps for the fact I heard much of said leadership consists of his family, which is perhaps why course correction seems so slow for Trump's campaign.
Hmmm no I wouldn't want that.

I don't want to get rid of myself...
You could get rid of everyone else and then be the last person on earth and live out the rest of your life...

Anyways, Trump is getting trounced on polls and someone scaled his tower! It seems like he's compensating with that thing. :wiggle:
You could get rid of everyone else and then be the last person on earth and live out the rest of your life...

Anyways, Trump is getting trounced on polls and someone scaled his tower! It seems like he's compensating with that thing. :wiggle:
Nah I want to boss others around. Lots of others.
He's smart because he knows the US won't do catshit. Look at all the fucking presidential candidates and Obama! What's he got to worry?
Hillary, who already has said that she won't negotiate with Putin? Or Trump, who doesn't even know why we don't actually use nukes? Anti-Russia tension is very strong here, and it holds with it the connotation of freedom vs. tyranny. Some good ol' propaganda would stir all those angry little feelings the general public already has. And you're ignoring the fact that we are burning for a war, a clear black-and-white war, a war that fits our agenda. No "Hearts and Minds" of Vietnam. No proxy wars like the Cold War. Certainly no resource war like Iraq or stuck-in-it war like Afghanistan. Russia is the perfect place, and Putin is the "clear villain" over here. When I say he's not playing smart I'm not being facetious. The idiots that run my country are currently sprinting to World War 3 at a breakneck pace, and Putin's actions could very well be the catalyst for it, if Putin keeps toeing the line. Tensions won't lead to Cuba or Vietnam now, they'll lead us right into the gutter.
Hillary, who already has said that she won't negotiate with Putin? Or Trump, who doesn't even know why we don't actually use nukes? Anti-Russia tension is very strong here, and it holds with it the connotation of freedom vs. tyranny. Some good ol' propaganda would stir all those angry little feelings the general public already has. And you're ignoring the fact that we are burning for a war, a clear black-and-white war, a war that fits our agenda. No "Hearts and Minds" of Vietnam. No proxy wars like the Cold War. Certainly no resource war like Iraq or stuck-in-it war like Afghanistan. Russia is the perfect place, and Putin is the "clear villain" over here. When I say he's not playing smart I'm not being facetious. The idiots that run my country are currently sprinting to World War 3 at a breakneck pace, and Putin's actions could very well be the catalyst for it, if Putin keeps toeing the line. Tensions won't lead to Cuba or Vietnam now, they'll lead us right into the gutter.
Trump admires Putin and has mentioned that he aims for better relations.
And yet we see him flip-flop on everything, including the wall. Not to say Shillary isn't familiar with the chancla either, though. However, their actions, coupled with the public's opinion, lead towards warmonger escalation. But you never know, Trump or Hillary could both be cuddly little teddies in office, like Obama.

I believe we should become isolationist. We don't focus on agriculture enough, we are lenient on foreign labor of all kinds, and our domestic policy is terrible. Education is low, unemployment is still unacceptable, and we aren't resolving race relations like we should be. I say we should focus on ourselves before we project ourselves into another Afghanistan. Screw protecting ocean trading, and NATO, and being a watchdog or whatever. Compose, collect and just chill for a second. If we're split 9 different ways (and we are) then we're going to collapse.
And yet we see him flip-flop on everything, including the wall. Not to say Shillary isn't familiar with the chancla either, though. However, their actions, coupled with the public's opinion, lead towards warmonger escalation. But you never know, Trump or Hillary could both be cuddly little teddies in office, like Obama.

I believe we should become isolationist. We don't focus on agriculture enough, we are lenient on foreign labor of all kinds, and our domestic policy is terrible. Education is low, unemployment is still unacceptable, and we aren't resolving race relations like we should be. I say we should focus on ourselves before we project ourselves into another Afghanistan. Screw protecting ocean trading, and NATO, and being a watchdog or whatever. Compose, collect and just chill for a second. If we're split 9 different ways (and we are) then we're going to collapse.
Yes... YES!!!

The less of a shitbag America is, the more of a shitbag Russia can be. MY DREAM WILL BE REALIZED!!!
Yes... YES!!!

The less of a shitbag America is, the more of a shitbag Russia can be. MY DREAM WILL BE REALIZED!!!
While America is gone, Russia can run the world. Let'em have it. See how stupid it is to try and run the world instead of focusing on your own country. Not to say the US is selfless, just that the US is prioritizing resources over a functioning country.