Trump is winning

His policy kills innocent people and it left a mess in the middle east?
Implying that our policy doesn't already kill innocent people. In war innocent people die, you just hear more of it today because of the available means of propagation. Just because someone doesn't admit that they have war-mongering intentions doesn't mean that they don't.
I don't believe Trump is a racist, I think he is just a narrow minded opportunist. He'll try to make money anywhere, if allowed. People are just to be exploited for his own needs, regardless of their race.
Implying that our policy doesn't already kill innocent people. In war innocent people die, you just hear more of it today because of the available means of propagation. Just because someone doesn't admit that they have war-mongering intentions doesn't mean that they don't.
Didn't knew the US is in a war.
I think you mean 1945.

Have they really not declared war since '41? They've had so many wars since then that's really surprising.

By the way, Hillary's winning.
No it's 1941. The declaration of war against the Japanese.

Well not formally by the Congress anyway.
After WW2, and the formation of UN, war is eh... "in essence" illegal. Warfare however happens anyway, in all forms, but the number of countries that have actually declared war is almost none.

Off the top of my head I can think of Chad, fairly recently, declaring war on Sudan, because of transgressions related to the Darfur conflict (Sudanese militia crossing into Chad to massacre refugees), and Morocco declaring war on Spain (in the 90s, lol!) over a feud concerning uninhabitable cliffs in the Gibraltar strait

Neither of these ammounted to actual confrontation, and were un-declared shortly after.
Yo, Trump has the GUTS to be a hypocrite, he got the BAWLZ to change his mind spontaneously! TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!
They were still in the war in 1945.
With whom? - I am a bit confused here, because WW2 did end in 1945 after all, so yeah they have been still at war in 1945, but definetly not in 1946. I hope? :p

The only war that is technically still going, as far as I know, is the Korean war from the 1950s. And that only, because there was never a formal peace treaty or anything else that marked the defintive end of the war was signed, just a cease fire. But I would have to read again about it, to be sure.
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If you actually watched the true history of America, you would have known that the US paranormal division was still at war with the Tule society, after Hitler escaped Germany in 1945, he died somtime in the 1950s, the data are unclear, during the 'Occult War', contrary to popular belief. However, up to this day no one knows for sure what happend with the Fuhrer-Cloning project that the Nazis had going under the Arctic ice ...
You know, now that you mention it, what is really true, is that some historians believe that there could be still quite a few Nazi bases around, that no one has found yet. Nothing like a secret laboratory or some of the things mentioned in games or movies of course. But the last 12 months of WW2 saw quite a number of military projects all around Germany, underground shelters, manufacturing facilities, secret arsenals and all kinds of fascilities with the intention to defend Germany. Most of it was probably propaganda, but since there has been literaly no documentation in the last months of the war, it's impossible to say which projects might have been actually real and which one only to scare the allies. There have been some projects in the Alps planed and started but never fnished, with the intended target to manufacture rocket planes. And no one knows really, which one of the B8 Bergkristal plans are true or false.
I never vote, I don't believe in it, and I never will vote.. atleast if I remain the same person i am today.

Plus voting looks boring, I got drunk the last swedish election day, and intend to do the same next time.

But i still think i get to complain about the mess other people made by voting on people who passed stupid laws etc, and I believe Trump is smart and a master manipulator in terms of getting himself press and support, but I think Donald Trump would be a bad leader, Like insanely bad.

I'd recommend you americans to vote for anyone else but him, ofcourse I could care less too cause I don't live there.. But I think he seems like trouble.

Vote for Nixon.