Trump is winning

While America is gone, Russia can run the world. Let'em have it. See how stupid it is to try and run the world instead of focusing on your own country. Not to say the US is selfless, just that the US is prioritizing resources over a functioning country.
Why not leave the country... and take over the world...
>all this anti-Americanism
>literal communism apologists
>all these people actually trusting what the media tells them
This thread is going to be a salt mine when The Don wins.
I don´t really care for presidents anymore, they seem to be the escape goat if any shit goes wrong in the country, while the congress and senate are mostly looked past for any shit they do.
It doesn't really matter anyway. Look at the Ted Cruz, which many see as reasonable. Reasonable? He is just a politically more correct version of Trump ...

Arny was right.