Trump is winning

What I reckon will happen is Hillary Clinton will win the Democrat nominees, then all the Bernie supporters, realising that she is closer to there ideals will panic and vote for her. Hilary's probably going to win by a mile.

It's not a great outcome, but I'd much prefer Hilary as president to the guy who wants to make an incredibly poor country even poorer by forcing them to pay for a wall that will do nothing.

You do realize Trump will never be able to build his wall right? That's the good thing about Trump. Elect him and nothing bad will happen, because nothing will happen at all. For 4 years, he'll try to pass bills and laws, and Congress + Senate will veto it. Then Congress and Senate will try to pass laws and he'll veto their proposal. Hopefully after those 4 years of nothing we'll have some competent politicians to run for 2020. Hillary will actually be able to pass her dumbass laws because for some reason Democrats like her despite the fact she's a literal criminal. I'd much prefer a do-nothing president over one that will just make the country far, far worse with her bullshit ideas.
incredibly poor country
thats a very strange thing to say, Americas incredibly rich. its poor by incredibly rich country standards, but that does not matter because its the only really incredibly rich country. no offence, but its foolish to say is incredibly poor with all the LEDCs around
realising that she is closer to there ideals will panic and vote for her. Hilary's probably going to win by a mile.
She isnt close to any ideals, she just flip flops about to impress different people at different times.
Then Congress and Senate will try to pass laws and he'll veto their proposal. Hopefully after those 4 years of nothing we'll have some competent politicians to run for 2020.
Yeah I agree with ragemage, hopefully we'll have a competent crop by 2020, someone like paul ryan.
thats a very strange thing to say, Americas incredibly rich. its poor by incredibly rich country standards, but that does not matter because its the only really incredibly rich country. no offence, but its foolish to say is incredibly poor with all the LEDCs around
Their midle class is shrinking for years though, and certain areas resemble almost Somalia. The US is not a poor country by any strech, that's not what I am saying. But you will rarely find another nation, where the extremes of super rich and super poor are so close together like in the US. Which is what always surprises me, when I am honest. It's like they build this two-class society, with private schools, hostpitals and whole areas that seem like small nations on their owns, with closed gates and suburbs protected by private companies. And on the other side, you have Detroit. And yet, no one is talking about class warefare. But it is already there. It is already happening - see Warren Buffet. And it is pretty obvious which class is wining right now. And guess which side of the Class Hillary is on ...
thats a very strange thing to say, Americas incredibly rich. its poor by incredibly rich country standards, but that does not matter because its the only really incredibly rich country. no offence, but its foolish to say is incredibly poor with all the LEDCs around
I meant Mexico, not America. Donald Trump wants Mexico to pay for his wall.
I meant Mexico, not America. Donald Trump wants Mexico to pay for his wall.
Thats a over simple view. Just because donald trump wants does not mean it'll happen. He wont manage to get the blueprints ready let alone force them to do anything. So if he does manage to pass some wall bill, that been heavily diluted by senate/house democrats and those republicans who aren't cretins, it'll be the Americans who pay.
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I'm probably going to end up voting for Hillary, because I'd rather have her than a racist, sexist, islamaphobic, narcissistic douche. Plus, she really is mainstream Democrat with her policy. I won't feel good about it though.

On the other hand, we may finally get what I've been pushing for, a system that allows viable third parties. Switching to FPTP and stomping out gerrymandering would do wonders. If the R primaries operated on FPTP, he'd never be able to have gotten this far.
I am not a Trump supporter but I am going to take issue with your statement
Definition of racist: a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
Positive Trump doesn't have any beliefs like that.
Sexism: prejudice or discrimination based on sex
Trump throws insulting shit at everyone, including men, so when he does it at a women she isnt some kind of special snow flake. He isnt deliberately discriminating against them, he does it equally to both genders, not against any particular type of person.
And most of it was only Rosie O'Donnell.
Definition of islamophoibia: dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.
Nope, hes not. All he said was he wanted a temporary ban until they can figure out how to stop the dreadful terrorist attacks. Never any prejudice, and he never said or acted like he disliked them.
Almost all people in positions of power and success tend to be narcissists, he's not unique in that respect.
mainstream Democrat with her policy
She's a mainstream liar with her policy.
As I said earlier, she isnt close to any ideals, she just flip flops about to impress different people at different times.
I'd rather have her
So you would rather have a power hungry compulsive liar, proven criminal, incompetent operator and corporate shill?
Just because of some mass media backed untrue allegations against the other candidate that can be easily debunked?
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What does that have to do with racism?
Doesn't make him racist.
That's not racist
Claiming a person lied about their citizenship because they're black and have a foreign name, you don't find anything wrong or perhaps discriminatory about that?
Also, I'm not sure if this was Trump it might've been someone else, but didn't he once say "I have black people counting my money, I hate it, I wish I had Jews to do that"?
EDIT I found the site that had that quote, though it seems like a disgruntled employee quoted him on that, so it could be bullshit.
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Claiming a person lied about their citizenship because they're black and have a foreign name, you don't find anything wrong or perhaps discriminatory about that?
Pretty sure he never claimed an of those things. Where is your evidence?
He wanted the certificate because he was not sure Obama was born in America.
I have black people counting my money, I hate it, I wish I had Jews to do that
People come up with random bullshit quotes to slander people all the time.
Do you think he'd launch those allegations if Obama was a white guy named John Smith?
Yeah why wouldn't he? Now you are just making up excuses to call him racist, and its not working.
He comes up with allegations about Hillary all the time, and she is white.
Claiming a person lied about their citizenship because they're black and have a foreign name, you don't find anything wrong or perhaps discriminatory about that?
Also, I'm not sure if this was Trump it might've been someone else, but didn't he once say "I have black people counting my money, I hate it, I wish I had Jews to do that"?
EDIT I found the site that had that quote, though it seems like a disgruntled employee quoted him on that, so it could be bullshit.
Do you think he'd launch those allegations if Obama was a white guy named John Smith?
Thinking that a guy with a foreign last (and first, and middle) name might be a foreigner is RACIST.
Yeah why wouldn't he? Now you are just making up excuses to call him racist, and its not working.
He comes up with allegations about Hillary all the time, and she is white.
He alleges that Hillary wasn't born in the United States? That she's not fit to be running for president because she's foreign?