Trump is winning

He alleges that Hillary wasn't born in the United States? That she's not fit to be running for president because she's foreign?
Nope, just all sorts of allegations
He did that with Rafael Cruz.
EDIT: For the record, Cruz is white.
Yep. Obama's not some kind of special snowflake, allegations are thrown around all the time with Trump
Thinking that a guy with a foreign last (and first, and middle) name might be a foreigner is RACIST.
Saying that a presidential candidate's not American is pretty fucking stupid, it ignores (what I assume must be) the very thorough check that the government does on candidates. Alleging that a person isn't of a certain culture based on their color of skin and name is racist.
He did do that to Rafael Cruz
Rafael Cruz is Cuban, I don't think he's ever been secretive of that fact.
Rafael Cruz is Cuban, I don't think he's ever been secretive of that fact.
So he made allegations duh.
Saying that a presidential candidate's not American is pretty fucking stupid, it ignores (what I assume must be) the very thorough check that the government does on candidates. Alleging that a person isn't of a certain culture based on their color of skin and name is racist.
Yeah and of course the American government always does everything right, is totally not corrupt and is transparent about information.
Also an assumption isnt enough.
Its pretty stupid to say that you dont get to know exactly where your leader comes from, and you cant enquire without being bashed down by people like you.
Claiming a person lied about their citizenship because they're black and have a foreign name, you don't find anything wrong or perhaps discriminatory about that?
Also, I'm not sure if this was Trump it might've been someone else, but didn't he once say "I have black people counting my money, I hate it, I wish I had Jews to do that"?
EDIT I found the site that had that quote, though it seems like a disgruntled employee quoted him on that, so it could be bullshit.

Thing is, it really isn't racist just because of the whole birther movement. They did the exact same thing with Mitt Romney thanks to his dad being from Mexico, and they're doing the same thing with Ted Cruz because he was born in Canada. Doesn't have a damn thing to do with racism, it has everything to do with the fact that if you aren't a person born on US soil, you can't be president.
So he made allegations duh.
Why make allegations about Rafeal not being a born American if he indeed isn't a born American?
Also an assumption isn't enough.
Alright, I'll use logic. If you're appointing a head of state then you'll probably do a background check.
It's pretty stupid to say that you don't get to know exactly where your leader comes from, and you can't enquire without being bashed down by people like you.
Well, people did inquire, I can't say I know why they did, the guy said he was from Hawaii and no one in the government seemed to disagree, but let's ignore that.
State officials confirmed that Obama was American, people said that wasn't enough; Obama presented his birth certificate, people said that wasn't enough. When you A) can't be satisfied by proof and B) base your beliefs on the fact that the guys middle name is Hussein, perhaps, you're just a prick.
Alright, I'll use logic. If you're appointing a head of state then you'll probably do a background check.
If we are discussing heads of state "probably" isnt enough.
Why make allegations about Rafeal not being a born American if he indeed isn't a born American?
What? That makes no sense. why not make allegations
State officials confirmed that Obama was American, people said that wasn't enough; Obama presented his birth certificate, people said that wasn't enough.
Well thats fine now we have confirmation, so you see its not racist to ask for a birth certificate.
When you A) can't be satisfied by proof and B) base your beliefs on the fact that the guys middle name is Hussein, perhaps, you're just a prick.
Even though his not being satisfied with proof does make him a prick, he's not a racist one, since he never said anything about Hussein. Anyway, this was never about justifying he was a prick, but not a racist which we have done.
What? That makes no sense. why not make allegations
Because there's no point in making allegations, it's like if I said "boy, I really like ice-cream." and then you turn around and say "I alledge that Izak likes ice-cream.", you're not wrong, there's just no reason to do it.
If we are discussing heads of state "probably" isn't enough.
Jeez dude, I figured you'd simply agree with me that background checks are done on potential presidents. I can't think of a reason for them not to do background checks.
Well that's fine now we have confirmation, so you see it's not racist to ask for a birth certificate.
No, Trump continued to allege that Obama was a fraud after his birth certificate was presented, he contended that his ultimate proof (that being Obama's ethnicity) trumped Obama's documentation.
The birther movement shouldn't have gone that far in the first place, utterly fucking ridiculous that it got that result in the first place.
but not a racist which we have done.
But, you haven't, not by any stretch of the imagination have you proved that.
Now racist quotes from or about Trump:
“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” he said. “It was the eighties, I was a teen-ager, but I remember it: they put us all in the back.”
Kip Brown- former Trump Castle employee
"And isn't it funny. I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it,” O’Donnell recalled Trump saying. “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day."
John O'donnell- former president of Trump Plaza and Casino
"I don't know where he was born." (this is after Obama released his birth certificate)
Donald Trump
"they don't look like Indians to me... They don't look like Indians to Indians."
Donald Trump when petitioning to open a casino that would compete with a Native American one
"Maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing."
Donald Trump when discussing the beating of a Black Lives Matter protester at one of his rallies
"You’re not going to support me, because I don’t want your money, you want to control your own politician."
Donald Trump when addressing the Republican Jewish Commision
None of this is actually racist
So an unproven allegation from a former teenage employee in Trump castle who worked there in the 80's. TBH they probably ordered all the employees off the floor.
So a disgruntled guy who was sacked by Trump is accusing him of bad things. That happens all the time. That was probably made up as revenge for Trump removing him. People said (it says this in the article) that O'Donnell's book should be ignored.
"I don't know where he was born." (this is after Obama released his birth certificate)
Donald Trump
Thats not racist, its just him saying "I dont know where he was born". He is not discriminating there, thats not racist. And dont come out with anything about his being stupid, this isnt about that its about racism, and thats not a racist statement.
"Maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing."
Donald Trump when discussing the beating of a Black Lives Matter protester at one of his rallies
What he was doing was totally reprehensible and wrong, he was provoking violence. They were dressing up in KKK clothes. The fact they are black does not give them some kind of immunity, its not as if they can do no wrong
They were Jewish. Jews arent a race, they are a religion henceforth that is not racism. Do you know what racism is?
Also, hes not actually being anti Jew, he just does not wanna be controlled by those who have money.
"they don't look like Indians to me... They don't look like Indians to Indians."
Donald Trump when petitioning to open a casino that would compete with a Native American one
Well they aren't Indians anyway so Trump wasn't being racist because they are not Indians and are not like actual Indians. They are from America, not India. They dont actually look like Indians to Indians, its like comparing an Englishman to a Frenchman.
Jeez dude, I figured you'd simply agree with me that background checks are done on potential presidents. I can't think of a reason for them not to do background checks.
Yeah sure they do background checks but my point is that they probably arent going to release all the proper information, since this is the US Government and they are not exactly honest people.
Are you saying that its unreasonable for the people to know where there leader was born?
Because there's no point in making allegations, it's like if I said "boy, I really like ice-cream." and then you turn around and say "I alledge that Izak likes ice-cream.", you're not wrong, there's just no reason to do it.
An allegation is an accusation so its not unreasonable to accuse someone of being born somewhere else.
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The birther movement shouldn't have gone that far in the first place, utterly fucking ridiculous that it got that result in the first place.
True, but this is less a function of racism and more of typical Washington partisan politics. If Obama wanted to pass a bill that said the sky was blue, republicans would gleefully fight and obstruct it ad nauseum. Not because of his ethnicity though, because of his party affiliation. Conversely if Rs tried to pass a bill that said 2+2=4 the other party would do the same. If they can gain any foothold "you got a hummer from an intern?" they will literally make a federal case about it.

I'm not so sure Trump is some kind of white supremacist either. His racially insensitive, but he's generally insensitive to everyone. He's the ultimate equal opportunity offender.
I am not a Trump supporter but I am going to take issue with your statement

Definition of racist: a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
Positive Trump doesn't have any beliefs like that.

Sexism: prejudice or discrimination based on sex
Trump throws insulting shit at everyone, including men, so when he does it at a women she isnt some kind of special snow flake. He isnt deliberately discriminating against them, he does it equally to both genders, not against any particular type of person.
And most of it was only Rosie O'Donnell.

Definition of islamophoibia: dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.
Nope, hes not. All he said was he wanted a temporary ban until they can figure out how to stop the dreadful terrorist attacks. Never any prejudice, and he never said or acted like he disliked them.

Almost all people in positions of power and success tend to be narcissists, he's not unique in that respect.

She's a mainstream liar with her policy.
As I said earlier, she isnt close to any ideals, she just flip flops about to impress different people at different times.

So you would rather have a power hungry compulsive liar, proven criminal, incompetent operator and corporate shill?
Just because of some mass media backed untrue allegations against the other candidate that can be easily debunked?
Don't take this as offense, but this is why he - and not he alone - is possible to say those things. Because people don't think that the racism and bullshit he says, is racist and bullshit.

How can you post that stuff and not see the underlying message of it? How many times does someone have to compare Trumps tactic with those of the likes like Hitler and other demagogues. It doesn't matter if Trump really believes in the bullshit he is throwing around or not.
I am not saying Trump is the worst of them all. As Chompsky said, there is not much of a difference in any of them. It's just that Trump is the loudest. But the stuff they throw around, is racist, islamphobic and bullshit propaganda to stir up the masses. And this is exactly the kind of politic that has brought us here in the first place.

Some don't like black people? Or Mexicans? Or Islam? They are racist islamophobes. The least they could be, is honest.
Some don't like whites, bible-thumpers or straights. Let's not play favorites. What you're describing is not the sole domain of one end of the political spectrum. Most of the criticism of Trumpists is a bad caricature too, it's OK to ridicule toothless, low brow, rednecks but not our delicate protected species! Again, both sides play the same tune. Convincing oneself that one side has the moral high ground is foolish.
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Never said it is. But how big is the chance that you will get a bible hating, native american who wants to send all white people back to Europe, and build a wall around Canada, and make the Canadians pay for it, as president of the United States.

That's a great idea actually! Proud and honest descendant of true native Americans would be much better choice than Trump. Both of those politicians are equally incompetent in foreign policy, native American has some decency and integrity though.

Wealth redistribution, revolution, free shit, etc.

Those words have been uttered before in history by people as well. Two come to mind, Lenin and Robespierre.

You can't compare Trump to Hitler, using specifically his words, and not compare Bernie to just another delusional socialist/communist who's un-willing to compromise any part of his far leftist platform. Even if it increases his chances of winning enormously. I mean we have extremist Trump and shady as fuck Hillary, this election should be a no contest.

TBH, he should be destroying Hillary right now but its neck and neck. And don't give me that vote rigging shtick as it only goes so far. If Bernie would stop pandering to SPECIFIC races (ispanic/latinos and blacks), and look out for everyone, actual equality instead of some folks are more equal than others, he would do much better.

Distance himself from those screaming about fascist police states and pitchforks and torches.
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I am not comparing Trump to Hitler, I am comparing his rhetoric to those of demagogues LIKE Hitler. And I think no one here has mentioned Bernie so far.
The problem obviously isn't what Trump says, the issue are the people that believe some of it, while ignoring largely any form of evidence or fact.

If a rhetorician and a doctor visited any city you like to name and they had to contend in argument before the Assembly or any other gathering as to which of the two should be chosen as doctor, the doctor would be nowhere, but the man who could speak would be chosen, if he so wished.
- Plato